godotengine ,
@godotengine@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Would be interested to know! Both for the engine itself and our socials 💙

antares ,
@antares@musician.social avatar

@godotengine read bad things on Mastodon about Godot engine main developer then went looking on the fediverse for what the engine is about to see if it could be of use to me and serious sources to confirm or not the abuse of funding allegations. Haven't found anything significant about any of the two questions yet 😅

HugeGameArtGD ,
@HugeGameArtGD@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@godotengine Someone mentioned mastodon.gamedev.place in a godot forum, and godot core devs already joined the instance.

bonn2 ,
@bonn2@mas.to avatar

@godotengine Was looking into Godot and saw this account linked on the website.

aragubas ,
@aragubas@furry.engineer avatar

@godotengine I was developing my own game engine for a game and then a friend pointed out that I could use Godot for that, at first I was very confused, downloaded Godot and didn't understand a thing, so I kept trying to develop my game with my own engine, at some point I couldn't procede so I gave Godot another shot, but this time by actually reading the documentation, after that I discovered that I love the way Godot works and I should have used it way before xD

foxysen ,
@foxysen@pawb.fun avatar

@godotengine I googled "game engines foss" and yea it was foss, nice

tonch ,
@tonch@mas.to avatar

@godotengine Honestly can't remember. It was way before the Unity thing and I think before work on 4.0 really got going. Was probably before 3.5's release.

It was likely from me looking for a smaller alternative to UE4 that was unrestrictive and still free. I liked what Godot was doing and the stuff that was on the horizon, and thought it was pretty incredible for a FOSS project. I'm still dragging my feet on making much, but it'll be in Godot when I do.

nitramiuz ,
@nitramiuz@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@godotengine I found the engine from a video YT recommended in late 2019. Around 3 months later in february 2020 I gave it a try and have been using it since then.
Found the account on mastodon by searching.

nagi ,
@nagi@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@godotengine I had been learning Blender on my dad's old computer and Blender Game Engine got removed in 2.8. Godot was the only engine that would run on my ancient hardware. Naturally I had to follow it on all socials.
That was 2018. Now I have a decent powered computer but no intentions of leaving Godot.

levrault ,
@levrault@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@godotengine I was searching for an alternative to unity that could run on both Linux and windows. I ended up finding video of gdquest, it convinced me and that pretty much all

maxlundberg ,
@maxlundberg@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@godotengine for your account I looked it up after migrating to mastodon from twitter. For the engine I found out about it from the user miziziziz on youtube

stefanheinz ,
@stefanheinz@mastodon.social avatar

@godotengine Heard about the engine from this german youtuber when godot was on version 2 https://www.youtube.com/@LetsGameDev

callyral ,
@callyral@furry.engineer avatar

@godotengine I discovered Godot Engine when looking for a free way to do game development that would run on my old computer. As for socials, I discovered your Mastodon account by searching for "Godot" in Mastodon!

fractilegames ,
@fractilegames@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@godotengine I searched for this account.

As for the engine itself, I was looking for something Linux-native to make a simple mobile app in without having to learn the native tool chains and Godot (2.x back then) was recommended to me.

shaadra ,
@shaadra@mastodon.social avatar

I searched for an open source game engine years ago and found Godot. I didn't really start using it until 3.1 and the @heartbeast action RPG tutorial series.

I think I found this account from following

robin ,
@robin@uwu.social avatar

Think I saw the engine on itch.io first, as for your account here I follow the gamedev tag

coaguco ,
@coaguco@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@godotengine A heard a rumor of a rumor about it.

alfredbaudisch ,
@alfredbaudisch@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@godotengine I was interested in , watching videos from @ndee85 and then he posted a video about in 2014 - "testproject": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S13FrWuBMx4

But then only in 2016 that it finally got my attention after he posted this video about his project "Brave Bran": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM1rjwpW36o

metal3d ,
@metal3d@techlover.eu avatar

@godotengine engine: years ago, I was searching for a game engine while Blender dropped its own.
mastodon user: your website

jonulrich ,
@jonulrich@peoplemaking.games avatar

@godotengine mastodon link on godotengine.org

epw ,
@epw@better.boston avatar

@godotengine Programming languages that aren't open source have always left a bad taste in my mouth, so I couldn't get into other major game engines. I think I saw Godot mentioned on social media in 2020, and got interested!

I just found this user now when someone I follow responded to this post!

luislasbelin ,
@luislasbelin@mastorol.es avatar

@godotengine I knew about Godot from a YouTube video a long time ago, but didn't try it. I did try it again after some years when I finished my university studies and looked for alternatives to Unity

amxmln ,
@amxmln@mastodon.design avatar

@godotengine when Blender killed the Blender Game Engine, I was still all in on game development and found myself looking for alternatives. 😊 I stumbled across Löve and eventually you guys. Ever since, I’ve been wanting to build a game in Godot, but sadly I never found the time. 😅

Kresy ,
@Kresy@chaos.social avatar

@godotengine I wanted to make a game and after trying unity I wasn't Satisfied. A good friend recommended Godot and I love it since then. Now the same friend recommended the frediverse and ofc i follow and @godotengine

Longplay_Games ,
@Longplay_Games@mstdn.games avatar

@godotengine I waited ages for an official fedi account for mastodon.

The engine itself I first tried in 2.x when researching open-source game engines. 2.x was not up to our needs, but decided to keep an eye on. I think we started donating to it around 3.x in the hopes it would become what it is now.

delegatevoid ,
@delegatevoid@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@godotengine found the user by searching on mastodon. Can't remember how I found Godot but I remember I opened it, almost instantly closed it because it felt so alien at the time. This happened a few times over the course of one or two years, and then one day it clicked and the rest is history.

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