World News

Biden details a 3-phase hostage deal aimed at winding down the Israel-Hamas war ( )

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday detailed a three-phase deal proposed by Israel to Hamas militants that he says would lead to the release of the remaining hostages in Gaza and could end the grinding, nearly 8-month-old Mideast war....

Espionage: In seemingly the first case of its kind, the US has charged a Chinese national with using a drone to photograph a shipyard where the US Navy was assembling nuclear submarines ( )

The United States Department of Justice is quietly prosecuting a novel Espionage Act case involving a drone, a Chinese national, and classified nuclear submarines....

US Treasury says US and EU must deliver a "message to China" that its firms can choose between doing business with US and EU economies or equipping Russia with dual-use goods ( )

Deputy U.S. Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said on Friday that Washington and the European Union must deliver a message to China that its firms face a choice between doing business with U.S. and EU economies or equipping Russia with dual-use goods....

Hong Kong government should immediately quash a court’s groundless national security law convictions of prominent pro-democracy activists, Human Rights Watch says ( )

On May 30, 2024, three judges handpicked by the Beijing-controlled Hong Kong chief executive convicted 14 activists and former elected lawmakers under the draconian National Security Law. Two were acquitted. Earlier, 31 other defendants had pleaded guilty in hopes of more lenient sentencing. The court will announce sentences,...

Israeli journalist says he was threatened by senior intelligence officials if he reported on attempts by the country's spy chief to intimidate ex-prosecutor ( )

- An investigative reporter with Israel’s leading leftwing newspaper, Haaretz, has said unnamed senior security officials threatened actions against him if he reported on attempts by the former head of the Mossad to intimidate the ex-prosecutor of the international criminal court....

Lawsuit against American Airlines claims Black passengers were asked to deboard flight ( )

Five other Black male passengers were also asked to leave the plane, a press statement said, adding, “As the plaintiffs began to comply with the directive to deplane, they noticed that the only* *passengers who were being ordered off the plane were Black men, and it appeared that every Black man on the flight was being...

Luxury perfumes linked to child labour as the industry's supply chain auditing systems are deeply flawed, investigation reveals ( )

- The very few companies that own many luxury brands, which include L'Oréal and Estée Lauder, are squeezing budgets, resulting in very low pay, forcing Egyptian jasmine pickers to involve their children often aged as young as 5....

EU sanctions 19 Russians -including judges, prosecutors and members of the judiciary- for human rights violations after the death of opposition politician Alexei Navalny ( )

European Union foreign ministers decided on Monday to impose sanctions on Russia's Federal Penitentiary Service and on 19 Russians for human rights violations after the death of opposition politician Alexei Navalny in a prison in February....

Poland to limit movement of Russian diplomats on its territory due to Moscow's involvement in hybrid war against the EU ( )

Poland will introduce restrictions on the movement of Russian diplomats on its territory due to Moscow's involvement in what it deems a hybrid war against the European Union, Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said on Monday....

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