shikitohno ,

The tension was ramped up before Israel even existed. Muslims have been murdering and oppressing Jews in the Middle East for literally thousands of years. They were vowing to wipe Israel off the map before it was even on the map, since the idea of Jewish state first came up.

I can't fathom why. It's almost like planning to take over a land where you're a decided minority by just having other people of your religion pop up, start a war and kick out a few hundred thousand people in the majority group doesn't ingratiate your new nation with its neighbors. Israel's founding was an act of violence, predicated on the idea that, somehow, Jewish people are uniquely more deserving of having their own nation and place to feel safe, regardless of what that means for anyone else who lives where they want to. That they've continued carrying out a program of ethnic cleansing and violence ever since that's all too similar to the sorts of antisemitic violence that inspired a good deal of the initial wave of Zionist thought hasn't really done anything to help the situation in the region. Jewish people have undoubtedly suffered persecution in Europe, the Middle East and pretty much everywhere else they've lived, but that doesn't justify or excuse the Zionist project in any form, as it has existed since its inception. If anything, backing it post-WWII to try and assuage their guilt for letting Jewish people be massacred in the Holocaust was an awful move that let Western powers feel a little bit less terrible about the horrific consequences of their own inaction until the Holocaust was already well underway, to say nothing of the outright collaboration in many parts, but it also conveniently swept the problem away to a part of the world where there was primarily just brown Muslims who would have to deal with the fallout of the whole thing.

Maybe a Jewish state was an unsustainable idea? It’s there now, though and magic isn’t real.

Israel doesn't have to be there forever, though. Somehow, no matter how awful it acts, there's this idea that the existence of Israel is simply inevitable. Israel isn't self-sufficient, and would likely be wiped off the map without constant military support and diplomatic cover from other states like the US, yet they keep provoking their neighbors with state-backed colonization efforts as settlers displace more and more Palestinians as the years go by. Without this support, they could not exist, between being unable to win all the fights they've started with their neighbors without constant ongoing military backing, and their economy likely tanking if Israel got hit with the economic sanctions it rightfully should be facing for its absolutely criminal behavior.

Israel has no more right to exist than any other nation does, and absolutely does not have the right to exist at the expense of entirely eradicating another nationality. If they want to try and argue otherwise, we ought to cut them loose and leave them to their own devices to sort out the situation they've created. There's absolutely no reason for the US to continue to enable Israel or get involved with fights Israel goes looking for themselves.

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