gimpchrist , avatar

Keep the Canadian government the fuck away from the fediverse holy shit they ruin everything what a terrible take what an awful take.. they want to get rid of section 230 what is wrong with you

DerisionConsulting ,

section 230

That's not from Canada. You want to say "Bill C-11 is changing the Broadcasting Act by making CANCON apply to online platforms"

Auli ,

Don't know how the Canadian Government can get rid of Section 230 since it is American.

young_broccoli ,

Im not canadian but I think this is a bad idea. If they spend money on it they will want to control it.

canis_majoris , avatar

The decentralized nature of the fediverse means nobody can "control" it really. You can have control over your own instances and that's pretty much where it stops. I doubt the Canadian government would want to run more than a Mastodon instance like we've seen in the EU for open communication.

I would rather they invest in this with a tiny tiny sum to keep open communications available with the populace as compared to being beholden not only to corporations, but corporations that are generally outside of our jurisdiction.

LeFantome ,

I worry less about technology and more about legislation. The Canadian govt has shown quite a willingness to regulate the Internet in all kinds of clueless and dangerous ways.

young_broccoli ,

Thats my worry too.

nyan ,

I would not be worried at all about our government wanting to control the Fediverse because they handed over some cash to finance development—at most they'd stop putting in more cash after the next election cycle. It's just not how our government behaves (we have more issues with them being unwilling to take over things when the citizens actually want them to).

Fiivemacs ,

Someone explain why having politicians on social media is a benefit in any way..

9488fcea02a9 , (edited )

Because gov't at any level should be using open platforms to communicate with citizens....

"Come join our roundtable discussion on.... Facebook"

Thats the opposite of transparency and open participation

jadero ,

Politicians are already on social media. What we need are government departments on social media. CRA and justice, at a bare minimum, should be on social media.

It also wouldn't hurt my feelings to have a "" instance with communities for parties, politicians, and every government department and ministry.

GreyEyedGhost ,

"The last thing I want is for our politicians and government agencies to be accessible to the public or, even worse, to be able to reach as many as are interested in hearing what they have to say!"

I'd far rather they be on the fediverse, preferably on their own instance(s), than on Facebook or Twitter.

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