Flughoernchen ,

Recently played Chants of Sennaar. It's a chill and puzzl-y game while specifically covering the languages aspect of the Tower of Babel story. Can recommend.

mhague ,
Sam_Bass ,

Its all greek to me

JoShmoe ,

Genesis‬ ‭11‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬ - The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

Sludgehammer ,
@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

And once again God fucks everyone over because he can't stand not being the most special boy ever.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Any greek speakers who can translate?

I can't help but wonder if this was the jews explaining the divergence of the semitic languages to the point where they wouldn't be able to understand Babylonian and Akkadian despite them being related to Hebrew and having ended up on the same side of older splits like those from other afro-asiatic languages like the egyptian, kushitic, and amazigh branches.

promitheas ,
@promitheas@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

"Employees speak new languages." Is what translate gives me, but I would translate it more as "The ones working speak new languages" or "Those who have employment speak new languages". I still dont get the meme though, so the context might matter more and my translation could be off

Revan343 ,

In the story of the Tower of Babel, they tried to build a tower to reach the heavens; God took affront to this, and confounded their language, so that they would not be able to effectively work together

Krauerking ,

Right the workers and the rich architects could no longer understand each other, the city collapsed as suddenly there was vastly different lives being lived by those doing the work and those planning the work...

Totally God's fault, cause that like never happens.

stebo02 ,

This God person sounds like an asshole

PhlubbaDubba ,

He really is in the old testament, and his cognate deities in other semitic cultures is pretty fucked up too IIRC.

Let's just say there's a reason why one such semitic deity shares their name with the D&D 5th edition god of murder slaughter and betrayal and who's main worshiper in their primary setting believes a righteous act of devotion is to impregnate your own daughter for the explicit purpose of murdering the incestuous offspring, and only going back on that because the girl got her mom first.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Gnostics start prepping their notes

emergencyfood ,

Would be ironic if the cultures separated (and their languages diverged) over religious differences.

joyjoy ,

When you take slaves from your neighbors and make them build a tower.

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

I thought you were going.to.say dubai

CaptDust ,

Built that tower so high god was like nah y'all done cooperating fr

lugal ,

Passiert mir ständig

DdCno1 ,


aeronmelon ,

TIL you can type hieroglyphs.

DdCno1 ,

Not the only Ancient script that's covered by Unicode:


Another3quenc ,

''The working/workers speak new languages''

wallmenis ,

It makes more sense to say workers

Another3quenc ,

Yeah, I know but technically it's a particip form.

Slovene ,

Tower of babble

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