EmperorHenry ,
@EmperorHenry@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

DEAR GOD! The patriarchy! A successful woman...who's probably rich and living in a nice house and owns a nice car who may have not put her face out there that much wasn't recognized for who she was immediately.

Also who was that guy? what are his qualifications? Has he achieved anything?

I suspect this story didn't happen. How could you be so bad and speaking about your own work that someone questions it like that?

lolcatnip ,

As a white dude, I would be horribly embarrassed to do something like that. I hope the guy in the story learned a lesson from it.

fossilesque OP Mod ,
@fossilesque@mander.xyz avatar

If this ever happens, all it needs is an acknowledgement of the mistake and an apology. It's very easy to fix!

OftenWrong ,

You can apologize, sure, but in that situation I would absolutely judge you strongly for it regardless. Forever or until you proved you grew out of that kind of bullshit.

fossilesque OP Mod ,
@fossilesque@mander.xyz avatar

Frankly, I would not want to associate with people who bully people after a sincere apology.

OftenWrong ,

I never said I'd bully anyone but I would absolutely remember behavior like that. You don't get to act like a bigot and then just say you're sorry. This isn't christianity where everyone has to be forgiven no matter how shitty they are. This is real life where your words and actions have consequences.

fossilesque OP Mod ,
@fossilesque@mander.xyz avatar

I suppose it depends on the apology, doesn't it? The person may not read social ques well.

OftenWrong ,

Nah, we'll just disagree. The apology is you doing what you think you need to do to make it right or get out of a situation. What you said or did at first would be what you believed at the time. Immediately apologizing shows no growth at all.

viss3 ,

Yes, as a white man, I agree

soggy_kitty ,

As a white man, I don't give a fuck about group identity

Wanderer ,

What are you saying? If I go out and do some horrific thing you aren't personally responsible and should feel shame for being a white male?

That's completely unacceptable.

soggy_kitty ,

I almost killed myself because I felt responsible for Hitler's actions when I learned about them at school 50 years later

Wanderer ,

That's fucking disgraceful BTW you should be shamed of yourself for what Hitler did.

All my family got bombed by the Germans or directly fought against them but I feel personally responsible for the crimes white men I'm not related to in anyway did to my ancestors.

lolcatnip ,

It's easy to do when you're part of the two most privileged groups.

soggy_kitty ,

Sorry for being born as the two most privileged groups.

At least I'm a gay, fatherless and poor. Its all ok, put your pitch fork down

lolcatnip ,

What pitch fork? Do you even know what the word privilege means?

AOCapitulator ,
@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

I would like to nominate Dra@lemmy.zip for the worst poster of the year award please

bloom_of_rakes ,

My friend, a girl, was having trouble loading a large pumpkin into the back of her subaru hatchback. I, a boy, offered to help, but she refused.

After 5 minutes of this her strained whimpering became too much to bear. So I put the pumpkin in there for her.

thorbot ,

Fucking brilliant story mate and so relevant to the post, wow

bloom_of_rakes , (edited )

The problem with the typical scientist type is that he loses his appreciation for subtlety. And outside your little word games, it's all subtlety.

stoly ,

Scientists are trained to do exactly the opposite. Whatever you are saying here, it is not based on any real experience you have.

azenyr , (edited )

Clearly the race and genre are both only being used in this sentence for bullying purposes. What could very well be just "a random guy" was specifically changed to "a white male" to really attack the race and genre mentioned. If it was another race or genre it would be called racist. The "white males" won't accept this blatant racism many more years without standing up against it, trust me. But then they will be called racist. They are not racist only while they accept being bullied and accept racism towards them. This hate speech against white males is being completely normalized in america daily. And being used in comments, sentences and now even books in such a "normalized" way that it disgusts me. Just because whites are not a minority, doesn't mean we can bully and be racist to them. And in this exact sentence, it triggers me so much that the "while male" adjective was used with the clear intent of bullying and image degradation of the mentioned race and genre.

When will we, as humans of all colors, stand up against racism against whites (and especially males) that is strangely being more and more accepted as a normal thing daily?

Edit: ofc I am being hugely downvoted. Society can't understand that bullying against whites actually exists. She just didn't need AT ALL to use the race and gender in her post. Minorities and inequalities between genres exist and should (and are) be solved. Women and all other races deserve all the same as white males do. But white males don't need to be bullied in exchange or used in jokes like this like if they are the modern punching bag of standup comedy.

davemeech ,

White dude here. It's super easy to read something like this without feeling disenfranchised or bullied. Sure we can do better to avoid it, but that should not at all be the main takeaway from this testimonial. Why aren't you angry at the common propensity for women in places of academic and professional authority being looked down upon and disrespected like this? This is super common.

SomeAmateur , (edited )

They could have simply said "post doc" and the story would read the same. Race/gender adds nothing to the story and is unneccesary and like they said if it was any other combo of race/gender it would be seen as racist so why add it?

azenyr ,

Exactly. People don't seem to understand that my comment was refering exclusively to the fact that she added race and gender only for bullying or hate speech pursposes. If it was a women or any other race she wouldn't add it or would she?

matthewmercury ,

As a white male myself, I know exactly how much it sucks when another white male gets all fragile and in his feelings, because now I gotta stand up and point out that you’re whining about somebody pointing out the bad behavior of a Caucasian dude. My man, our cohort is so incredibly prone to bigoted, self-important, crybully temper tantrums that I can’t open a browser without seeing a white dude whinging about how much it sucks to have to hear about actual harm done by actual white men. Yet I am not oppressed by any of those stories. Neither are you. The original post was not about you.

_tezz ,

Look I understand where you're coming from, and I kinda agree with you. Also speaking as a white male, though, we would rightly declare someone like Candace Owens an internalized racist if she said the same the thing that you just did but about black people. I don't think it's fair to raise your arms and say "Well yeah some of the people in my group are problematic, so it's okay if we behave inappropriately toward the entire group. I personally don't feel oppressed so why are you mad?"

Like that's pretty silly right? I'm afraid that the divide in political ideology between young men/women is due to years of white-men-bad rhetoric, pushing these young boys to Tate and Fresh n Fit, and it's having the opposite effect that we want. We're no longer educating at a certain point, we're just shaming.

davemeech ,

Unfortunately this seems to be my experience and perspective too. White guys who think this strongly that we're victimized or disenfranchised make me very suspicious of what the rest of their worldview entails.

davemeech ,

Sure, I can appreciate that in cases where it feels particularly forced or inorganic. However, to the extent that the tech/software world aligns with academia or leadership, it's such a common trope that white guys are very predominant in these positions of authority and conduct themselves like this to women constantly. It doesn't feel inorganic I guess because of that frame of awareness.

So I do agree that mentioning race like this is sure to be received poorly, but I struggle to weigh that aspect of her post in the focused magnitude that others here as significant compared to her treatment.

azenyr ,

Why aren't you angry at the common propensity for women in places of academic and professional authority being looked down upon and disrespected like this?

Well, I am angry at that. Women and all races deserve equal rights and possibilities. We should keep fighting for that. But white males don't need to be transformed into comedy punching bags in exchange for women/other races equality. Can we respect everyone INCLUDING white males?

King3d ,

This comment has an “all races matter” vibe to it.

_tezz ,

No it doesn't. Not wanting to be the target of racial or sexual discrimination is a perfectly reasonable thing to ask for. I swear, half the "leftists" on Lemmy are just larping...

Abnorc ,

One can and should be angry about both. I wouldn’t go so far as to call the person who posted this a racist, but it’s still not a good practice. Taking an example of a stupid thing someone did and directing the criticism at their race isn’t OK for good reason. (Yes, saying “a white male did ____” is directing the criticism at the group, not the individual.) It encourages people to form judgments about white males as opposed to assholes who belittle others, which is who she’s really having trouble with.

The same thing being done to minorities and women is a much bigger problem, but using the same attack in the opposite direction isn’t exactly a good solution.

fossilesque OP Mod , (edited )
@fossilesque@mander.xyz avatar


The race mention is signalling the privilege displayed in the behaviour. We know that all kinds of people can be a bigot, but this ain't it fam. This stuff hurts both you and me. Men do need help, but that is not this conversation.


Hurt people hurt people.

yarr ,

When will we, as humans of all colors, stand up against racism against whites (and especially males) that is strangely being more and more accepted as a normal thing daily?

You get 0 'progressive points' for standing up for white males. One of the last socially acceptable punching bags. Look at the proliferation of the 'dumb dad' on sitcoms, totally acceptable.

CasualPenguin ,

If you don't see that many white men have been so privileged for so long that they act entitled to be shitty towards others (including to other white men) than you must be seriously delusional

perdvert ,

Won't someone think of the poor disenfranchised white males.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

The “white males” won’t accept this blatant racism many more years without standing up against it, trust me.

Ten years. Whiteness as a systemically-perpetuated social construct has only been getting consciously pushed back on for ten years now; and you're already QQ'ing like you're facing genocide and dispossession of 'your' lands(the same ones you committed 400 years of genocide, slavery, exploitation, dehumanization, and displacement to get). My bloodline has endured 400 years of tyranny perpetuated by bloodlines like yours, and all your little friends; and yet you collectively still draw breath.

I promise you, even if your whole internet-tough-guy, "we will not tolerate this" schtick like you've gotten anything more than a metaphorical papercut compared to the manifold atrocities you've visited upon the world actually came to pass? You'd still just be proving us right. To you, our freedom, our liberation, looks like a bullet; and you fear that what we would do is the same barbarism you would.

Allero ,

It's crazy to see this upvoted.

As white males born recently, at least on historical scale, we hold no responsibility for what other white males did back then, and you hold no special moral right to oppress anyone - you weren't the one oppressed, and we weren't your oppressors.

It's equally wrong to do racist things towards black and white people, and it's equally wrong to be sexist against males or females.

If we want to actually stop racism and sexism, we should stop it from spreading both ways. Otherwise you do nothing but feed into reactionary movements that will start the struggle again, while oppressing people who didn't deserve, by any means, tp be oppressed.

frauddogg , (edited )
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

As white males born recently, at least on historical scale, we hold no responsibility for what other white males did back then

Incorrect. You maintain and perpetuate those systems without even being self-aware enough to realize you are. Even this muleshit argument of yours is a tacit affirmation of the systemic white supremacy that underpins your society. "Just because I tangibly benefit in every fucking facet of my life doesn't mean I'm responsible for it and you're being a reverse-racist for trying to get what you and yours are historically owed!"

you weren’t the one oppressed, and we weren’t your oppressors.

Tell it to the white cop that unjustly held me at gunpoint while his Black sellout ride-along just stood there with his thumb up his ass. Tell it to the 61 Cop City protestors in Atlanta facing FEDERAL RICO CHARGES for standing against white supremacy; while not a single Jan 6th rioter's faced HALF as dire charges. Tell it to your system of prison chattel slavery that tore my family apart and has kept uncles and cousins away from their blood.

feed into reactionary movements that will start the struggle again,

The struggle never fucking ended. The bill is coming due. I pray I live to see it.

“…to be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a state of rage almost, almost all of the time—and in one’s work. And part of the rage is this: It isn’t only what is happening to you. But it’s what’s happening all around you and all of the time in the face of the most extraordinary and criminal indifference, indifference of most White people in this country, and their ignorance.” --James Baldwin

Allero ,

If you consider me as someone who perpetuates those systems while being unaware of it, you'll have more luck pointing out the ways in which I do benefit from them rather than blaming me for something I don't even know of.
If you consider me an unknowing beneficiary who doesn't actively support those systems, you pick the wrong target. I'm more than willing to deconstruct the systems of racial prejudice, and I point out racism and sexism directed at black people and women. At the same time, if my very existence with certain traits gives me benefits, I can't do much about it, and then you make nothing but spite.

I'm sorry you and your family had to endure unjust treatment by the authorities. I do not know your situation, and if there was a racial aspect to it, I'm sorry to hear it and I genuinely support initiatives directed at fighting those discrepancies and bringing true justice. In any way, I personally am not the cop who hel you at gunpoint, nor do I support any of that. I do speak out against racial prejudice - in the Internet and real life.

You didn't quite understand when I said about reactionaries. The bill you're gonna see is only gonna grow as by directing your hatred at white people, you feed into the rage in response, and guess what that is? White supremacism. And while most reasonable people, me included, will do our best to fight them off, they do grow in numbers. More and more people are tired of people pretending to fight racism while being blind about themselves making same sort of mistakes.

You want equality? Go for equality. You want to stop racism? Stop being racist yourself. There's a lot of ways you can fight for your rights without becoming bigoted yourself. Your "neverending struggle" in a way you stated it is nothing but fanatical adherence.

frauddogg , (edited )
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I'm real happy for you chief but I'm not reading all that patronizing anglo "maybe later kiddo" setting-timetables garbage. Your cohort's already wasted enough of my time and patience with that bs, take it somewhere else.

“Dr. King’s policy was, if you are nonviolent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart. That’s very good. He only made one fallacious assumption. In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.” – Kwame Ture

chocosoldier ,

only white men can read an anecdote about a woman being tired of having her own field mansplained to her, and turn it into "...and that's why this is bigoted against me, actually". Holy fucking shit dude.

rimjob_rainer ,

Shouldn't it be "We are McCarty et al" and wouldn't that make her have DID? Also /c/thathappened

TeddyKila ,
@TeddyKila@hexbear.net avatar
bazingabrain ,
@bazingabrain@hexbear.net avatar

someone urgently needs to shove you down a toilet

rimjob_rainer ,

And why, if I may ask?

nohaybanda ,

Cause your tiresome debate lord shtick does nothing to hide you’re exactly the type of guy this anecdote is about

rimjob_rainer ,

You mean this made up story by a feminist, to make white men look bad? Doesn't help that I'm queer either, I guess? Well, I'm not expecting much from you tankies over at hexbear anyway.

nohaybanda ,
rimjob_rainer ,


AOCapitulator , (edited )
@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

The @lemmy.liberals in the comments here being flabbergasted that straight white men in positions of power are privileged and embarrassing is very funny

Keep it up dorks


To the salty folks out there mad about people not stooping down and being your personal elementary school teacher to teach you basic lessons about the world we live in, and our friends from lemmy.world who are assuredly reading through posts like this one from defederated instances (hi!)

A word about what it is to be civil in conversation and Why Those Tankies Are So Mean (not a tankie but w/e):

I will definitely admit that I was very annoyed and could have been nicer about a lot what I went about saying throughout my posts in this thread. Here's the thing, 'being nicer about it' is a personal decision not a moral necessity, and not even necessarily beneficial at all. The "it" we're being "nicer" about is often something horrifying, like when people got upset at Aaron Bushnell for his self immolation, people who were more upset about THAT than they are about what's happening to innocent bystanders in Palestine. These are not positions that should be met with civility. No one is required to put up with someone's bullshit just for the purpose of helping them learn and grow. Its good to do in the few times when that is possible...

but here?

on the internet? On a not-reddit forum website in a science memes community? Its 1/10000 chance where that's possible.

We all know why you would feel attacked by seeing the mention of his white maleness and the implication that had anything to do with it.
No unbiased person would see that and think "this is prejudice based on skin color!" or pretend they can see no connection between the guy in the tweet's old male whiteness and THE TWEET, A perfect encapsulation of the absurdity our nightmare culture which enshrines and systematically enforces the power of ignorant old white men. Its not a statement that all white people are bad, its not a statement that all old people are bad, its not a statement that all men are bad.

It's a recognition of the systemic rot inflicted on the scientific community by our current culture shaped by patriarchy, capitalism, and imperialism.

Add to that how sick I and many of us are of the constant bullshit, the harmful attitudes beliefs and inevitable whining and whinging when the least criticism lands near the fancy of the loser we run across on some post. We're leftists, but also most of us are either trans or queer or poc or neurodivergent etc etc or any combination thereof. We have been around for years just on lemmy, and years before. And over those years, have grown to recognize civility bullshit for what it always was. And recognize what it means when we see stuff like this post, where people are upset about criticism of privileged behavior that demonstrates an injustice inherent to our current system. So we see that bullshit, and we come down on it. To see that an not react harshly against it is no different than contributing to it yourself, to let it fester and grow, to let something horrible and unjust become simply 'normal'.

To hear incorrect views without rebutting them and instead to take them calmly as if nothing had happened is unacceptable.

That's why many people in this thread reacted negatively to the comments we did. Clear enough?

This is why I usually just say shut up, loser. It's way fucking easier, and taking the effort like this is never worth it, not on here, not with the .world et all crowd.

So shut up, losers.

chocosoldier ,

ITT people baww at the mere mention of race and gender, and proceed to behave as if the problem is other people being too sensitive about race and gender.

davemeech ,

I'm very sorry, but what is ITT and baww?

mysteryname101 ,

ITT. In this thread.

Bawww in this context means “cry”

davemeech ,

Thanks for the clarification. This is how I find out that I'm old.

Tangentism ,

Same. I always immediately think of the Fela Kuti track!

GreyEyedGhost ,

Upvoting in solidarity.

DAMunzy ,

What does old mean to you? Maybe you're just not terminally online 😅

.... ITT has been used since early 00s AFAIK (2003 urban dictionary https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ITT). It's possible that it was used before that I just couldn't find any "proof" and can't remember it personally.

The bawwww I just got contextually. Plus sounded out it kinda sounds like someone bawling their eyes out. QQ

problematicPanther ,
@problematicPanther@lemmy.world avatar

I thought ITT was in reference to that technical community college I used to see ads for on tv

I_am_10_squirrels ,

In this thread


Trainguyrom ,

This funny story really brought a lot of great accounts out of the woodwork to block!

fidodo ,

You're not kidding. The comments are so much worse than I was expecting.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

"I'm sorry you feel that way."

Refusing to accept responsibility for their actions.

chocosoldier ,

oh look another triggered mayonnaise-skinned MRA type. ho-hum.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

I can assure you I’ve never had a magnetic resonance angiography.

stoly ,

I had to scroll down to see what you mean. Shocking that people really still don’t understand how privilege works.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

"It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his paycheck depends on his not understanding it." -- Upton Sinclair

boatsnhos931 ,

God damn crackers

Dra ,

Why is 'race' relevant here? What the fuck is wrong with Americans and how did they become so astonishingly self flagellating.

That said... this sounds like one of those fantasy scenarios where "then everyone clapped".

Just on the insecure posture of this tweet, I'm prepared to bet cold hard cash that he asked her for clarity or something with a informational challenge "but does x not come from y?" Or whatever and she manufactured his reasoning and the rest to feel good. She doesn't seem to know what et al means either.

zartcosgrove ,

This is top some top tier mansplaining here. I detect no sense of irony. Chef’s kiss.

chocosoldier , (edited )

Why is ‘race’ relevant here?

Because it's extremely relevant in American culture. Every culture really, we're just somewhat ahead on not lying to ourselves about it.

What the fuck is wrong with Americans and how did they become so astonishingly self flagellating.

Nothing and we're not, you're an irate ignoramus with a chip on your shoulder having an imaginary dick measuring contest because you're super duper sensitive about race.

Just on the insecure posture of this tweet, I’m prepared to bet cold hard cash that he asked her for clarity or something with a informational challenge “but does x not come from y?” Or whatever and she manufactured his reasoning and the rest to feel good. She doesn’t seem to know what et al means either.

He was literally telling her to go read her own work. The "et al" part is very fucking clearly taking the piss, do they not have humor over there in Stuckupistan? Or are your panties always in too much of a twist about basic ass descriptors to have any kind of humor about literally anything?

E: guy's post history is chock full of dogshit-tier takes with a thin veneer of leftism and a big heap of good ol' fashioned xenophobia.

Allero ,

"Because of the sheer scale of the issue and long history of institutionalized racism with lingering consequences, we, Americans, developed more vigilance on the issue, and I think this experience and this point of view should be considered across the globe. I do not appreciate the way you speak of it, and I'd rather have you respect, even if not immediately understand, this position."

-Your comment, with personal attacks taken out.

I ask you to consider the way users express themselves around Lemmy, and keep this place nice and tidy. Personal attacks and flaming are better left to Reddit. What makes the Lemmyverse so amazing is the cooperation of kind strangers, and in the spirit of it, it would be amazing for you not to provoke flaming and aggression.

I'm no admin and no mod, but a kind patriot of the Lemmy space, and I sincerely hope you could listen up to this and be kinder next time, even to the people who aren't perfectly keeping to the good conduct themselves.

chocosoldier ,

boo-hoo someone was mean to the racist troll, and everyone's usually so nice on here! gimme a break

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

The aggrieved https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/ba242406-71ad-469f-868d-0e7927eeb5cd.png crybullying is something else istg

Allero ,

Everyone usually is nice.
Sad to see some people turning this place into a shithole. Guess that's inevitable end of large communities?

The person aggressively pointed out that you may have too much emphasis on the racial aspect, which is clearly demonstrated by the original post. You ended up being too blinded by your immediate need to put some rage on them and consider them nothing but troll.

That's very Reddit my dude. I urge you to educate on holding polite and fruitful conversations, otherwise your entire influence on the communities would be nothing but a shitstorm of uneducated and useless negativity.

Or to speak in your terms, "boo-hoo the crybaby got triggered by a few words and shitted all over the place and now enjoys sitting right there. Maybe we should teach our little boy to wipe his ass? He's gonna make this place untenable otherwise"

vallode ,

I agree that the usage of "white" is irrelevant here. That being said, are you in academics? It is not an unusual situation for people to not be aware of the "face behind the maths" so to speak. Granted, this is not entirely unique to women in science but it is exhaustingly common for women to be questioned more than their peers.

I think questioning this is fine as many people lie but I wouldn't take this to mean this type of situation didn't happen/couldn't happen.

Dra ,

I recognise that, I think it's important to make very clear distinctions with no sweeping statements when prescribing value to demographic groups.

Ephera ,

They're mentioning the race and gender basically to say "a privileged person". Having privileges obviously influences your character. And race+gender correlate with privileges.

So, while there's no direct causation, and us white males who aren't chumps don't need to be offended, it's often good enough of an explanation why a particular white male might be a chump.

Allero ,

It comes from an assumption that a person behaves that way because he's a white male, and proliferates the assumptions that white males are normally behaving like that.

Should there be a black woman asking the question, this wouldn't be mentioned, even though the act would be the same. As such, this is a vicious cycle of highlighting bad behavior in white males and then saying "look, they are like that" - something that's been done in the past to justify racism and sexism towards black people and females.

chocosoldier ,

oh now your other comment makes sense, you think "reverse racism" is real and you don't like people calling you out on complete bullshit like "Should there be a black woman asking the question, this wouldn’t be mentioned". fuck you, your performative respectability games, and your shithead nazi kin.

Allero ,

There is no "reverse" racism, there is just racism and it covers both white oppressing black and black oppressing white. Nowhere in the definition of racism a side is taken.

I also urge you to consult the rules list of your instance when it comes to insults and personal attacks, as well as Rule 1 of the community.

triplenadir ,
@triplenadir@lemmygrad.ml avatar

racism is race discrimination along a prevailing axis of oppression. so yes, being discriminatory towards white people, in a white supremacist society, is "reverse racism", which is to say "not racism"

kristina ,

Feeemales quark

Allero ,

Women, if you'd prefer.

AOCapitulator ,
@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar


Allero ,

Any particular issue with the choice of an instance? It's a great and welcoming space! Unlike Hexbear...ahem.

AOCapitulator ,
@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

reason: Nuke

what does this mean?

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Removing things for their comfort but not having spiritual fortitude enough to cop to why they're removing it. tl;dr revealing how the sausage is made. They've at least got it up enough to casually admit to believing it's possible to be 'racist' against the dominant oppressor; but that def doesn't explain anything else...

AOCapitulator ,
@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

I'm also seeing them remove stuff worth removing, and most of my comments are still up, to give credit where it's

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Same kind of "even-handedness" Reddit deployed to get rid of CTH when the outcry against TD got too hot afaic. You're more charitable than me.

AOCapitulator ,
@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

I guess I'm in a good mood haha

Allero ,

While I perfectly agree with your position on that the "privilege" talk has become a weapon in and of itself, and that a lot of bullshit stories come out of it, I'd love it if you could change the tone of conversation.

Americans are different, and they may have cultural reasons to behaving this way. That's not to say they're right - but seeding anger this way is not gonna magically change their minds.

Dra ,

This is a reasonable request

AOCapitulator ,
@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar
Allero ,

I'm glad we have a common ground here

Hope it didn't turn out mean on my part - I just want to keep this place nice :)

Gabu ,

Wow, so she managed to clone herself and use the clones to write a paper?

emergencyfood ,

Multiple clones. Otherwise the paper would be McCarty & McCarty.

Nacktmull ,
@Nacktmull@lemmy.world avatar

She is McCarty for sure but I doubt that she is et al too ...

ShaggySnacks ,

Maybe et al was their last name.

thechadwick ,

We're all et al on this glorious day!

Chef ,

Speak for yourself.

perishthethought ,

My friends just call me Al.

DAMunzy ,

Alright Allen Iverson... Or is it just Al. Can't tell with damn LlIi

Oh, that reminds me:

l ll ll L

starman2112 ,
@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar


beebarfbadger ,

Oh, that reminds me:

l ll ll L

I'm at a loss as to what you are trying to say.

JasonDJ ,

Can you call me Betty?

Socsa ,

Hello Al, I'm Et.

MalachaiConstant ,

"Et al" is a pretty funny honorific though

JimVanDeventer ,

Taking credit for the work of people who are barely even credited in the first place is… a way of responding. If only she had disappeared behind the curtain for a moment, re-emerging with everyone there with big hair and guitars and eye shadow and screamed “we are McCarty and the Et Als!!!”

Oh well; next time.

otp ,

She drew attention to her being the/an author of the paper rather than just being a naming coincidence (or family relation, etc).

Adding the et al was likely for that effect, rather than an attempt to take credit for other authors' work, imo

Socsa ,

She's so prolific, one mere mortal body is insufficient for her bamfness.

theblueredditrefugee ,
Nacktmull ,
@Nacktmull@lemmy.world avatar

Is that her father?

theblueredditrefugee ,

Yeah, Papa Et Al registered Et Al as his family name, and combined names when he got married

HollowNaught ,
@HollowNaught@lemmy.world avatar

I always roll my eyes whenever I see a "you can't do that because you're a woman" character in a show, and then I'm always reminded that these people actually exist

bier ,

Sometimes it's true, like a penismodel

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

Women can have penises.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

"There are women with penises, men with vaginas, and phobics without teeth."

Noodle07 ,

They can have one, if they have penises that's scary

pyre ,

someone missed your joke about one person having multiple penises. or maybe they're really progressive and are looking out for their multipenile friends.

frauddogg , (edited )
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Look, if one of you knows a guy (or a gal) rocking hemis and you've been holding out, I'm gonna lump you up with a Louisville Slugger on my Johnny Dangerous shit.

Noodle07 ,

Yeah, I guess I'm not progressive enough

Socsa ,

Some would even argue that all of the best penises are on women.

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

Thx :3

Duke_Nukem_1990 ,

Lol the dudebros getting mad about only having a boring male penis instead of a cute female one and downvoting you.

frauddogg , (edited )
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Oh, I don't think it's that. I think it's two parts actually comradely queers considering him a chaser, and two parts he's an absolute self-aggrandizing waste of time who thinks he's the "better class of socialist" compared to us when "degenerate" is an active part of his vocabulary and he just can't stop parroting the State Department.

The only "socialists" that align with NATO are the same ones making excuses for the kinds of things on Vaush's computer is the last I'mma say on that.

bloom_of_rakes , (edited )

We poke fun at your infatuation for these infantile cartoons. You reply, "misogyny!!"

The only reason your cries are taken seriously here is that so many of these people are on the same dumb wavelength.

booly ,

these people actually exist

The way it's been explained to me is that so much of the negative interactions in life come from a tiny, tiny number of offenders who manage to be shitty to dozens and dozens of people. So anyone who has to interact with many different people will inevitably encounter that shitty interaction, while most of us normies would never actually behave in that way.

Of the literally thousands of times I've interacted with a server or cashier, I've never yelled at one. But talk to any server or cashier, and they'll all have stories of the customer who yelled at them. In other words, it can be simultaneously true that:

  • Almost all servers and cashiers get yelled at by customers.
  • Very, very, few customers actually yell at servers or cashiers.

In other words, our lived experiences are very different, depending on which side of that interaction we might possibly be on.

When I talk to women in male dominated fields, basically every single one of them has shitty stories about sexist mistreatment. It's basically inevitable, because they are a woman who interacts with literally hundreds or thousands in their field. And even if I interact with hundreds or thousands of women in that same field, just because I don't mistreat any of them doesn't mean that my experienced sample is representative.

Socsa ,

I wouldn't say very few. I'd say a solid 10% of people are routinely rude, impatient or entitled in a retail or restaurant setting. Even higher in some places.

stoly , (edited )

I think you’re right. People want to believe that humans are good but in reality a huge number are deeply broken.

Fixed an autocorrect in edit.

Wandering_Uncertainty ,

It really is a matter of perspective.

You're saying that 10% of the population being awful means that a "huge number" are deeply broken.

So then 90% are being good! Mind, it doesn't take too many assholes to wreck things for everyone, but it is nice that the majority of folks really are trying to do their best. A sizeable majority, even!

stoly ,

10% of 8 billion is still many hundreds of millions. That’s a huge number. More: it’s a number we have to stop pretending is not a big deal and get to work to fix ourselves as a species.

Wandering_Uncertainty ,

Oh, no denying that at all. It is a problem, especially in aggregate.

When looking at the big picture, those rotten apples really do spoil the bunch and it can be depressing.

But also people can take that big picture awareness of problems and hate on people a little universally. Saying things like humanity is awful and a plague on the earth and maybe shouldn't exist. There's absolutely reason to see things that way.

But we are also a species that dolphins can approach for help when they're injured. Or that will fight tooth and nail to help a wild creature. Or who will sacrifice their own well-being, not just for friends and family, but for strangers. Who will take other creatures, like dogs, into our homes and hearts and love them with all we have.

We can suck as a species, absolutely. We need to fix it. But it's important to remember the joys of humanity, and not just the failures. Both are extreme, for we are a rather extreme species!

Acamon ,

Maybe in some places. But when I go out to a restaurant, I'm often surrounded by a few dozen other diners, and no one is acting up or shouting at waiting staff. I have seen customers be obviously rude to staff but it's very rare compared to the number of "normal" interactions. Sure not everyone is friendly and totally polite, but entitled, shouting or just being an ass is an absolute exception, like less than 0.1%. I also worked as a waiter in a couple of different restaurants over a two year period, and don't remember any incidents either to me or my colleagues.

When I read comments like this it makes me wonder if I've been lucky enough to live and work in decent places, and the USA is just an nightmare hellscape, or if the reality there is much more normal and we just hear an unrepresentative sample of it.

BluesF ,

If you are visiting a restaurant you really only get a sense of what's happening at your table. Same when you reach a cashier - you might overhear what happens straight ahead, but not much more than that. People can be very rude without being very loud - if you work in customer service you have to deal with these people all the time, and you can't escalate things either. It's not something other customers are aware of.

Acamon ,

Totally agree that eating at a restaurant doesn't mean you see all the subtle ways people are douches. But the comment above was about people shouting, so I assumed that the "10% of people are rude" was meaning obviously and noticeably rude. If it's just 10% of people are impatient / distracted / not very friendly / kinda annoying. Then sure, but I don't think anyone would be surprised with such a mild claim.

And as I said, I was a waiter in a busy restaurant for over two years. And the staff spent a lot of time complaining about the job to each other (as you do) and while many customers were annoying, kept changing their orders, or were a bit drunk and laughing loudly the whole time, blah blah, I don't remember anyone ever complaining about a customer being as rude as I regularly read / see on the Internet. I never encounter a "Karen".

I've always assumed it is just that Internet focusses on the tiny number of extreme behaviours and makes it sound more normal. But then I hear people say things like 10% of people are awful to staff and it makes me think that maybe there's a real cultural difference.

BluesF ,

Sorry, somehow totally skipped over the part of your comment where you said you worked as a waiter! I didn't intend to explain your own job to you at all haha. There are definitely demographic differences I've noticed, and specific workplaces... I've worked a relatively small number of customer service jobs. Cafe was broadly as the previous commenter described, maybe 5-10% of people were.. not great. Although, no shouting or anything when I worked there. Just rude, entitled people. Pubs are not so bad, in my limited experience, drunk people are annoying but in a different way. The worst was a job where I had to take customer calls (not quite a call centre)... There I had to deal with the closest thing to a "Karen".

Acamon ,

Oh god, yes. I worked in a call centre for six months and it was dreadful. The combination of dealing with sometimes frustrating situations + the anonymity of a voice only call... People were regularly dreadful. Definitely at least 10% very rude people.

I also took it to be a sign of the 'banality of evil', that people having a nice time with their friends, eating some nice food, are generally pleasant. But put them in the privacy of their own home, speaking to a faceless stranger, and suddenly they can be awful. But I tried not to judge them to harshly. The design of call centres, with long hold times and staff with no real power to do anything helpful, is pretty much guaranteed to frustrate the most saintly of people.

imgcat ,

the USA is just an nightmare hellscape

AnarchistArtificer ,

I think you're right that only a tiny minority are directly responsible for the negative interactions, but as someone within academic science, there's also a much larger chunk of people who don't challenge the assholes or the systemic fuckery when they see it.

Minorities who face oppression are much more likely to be ignored if they report inappropriate or offensive behaviour; I directly know people who have been made to feel like they are the problem for highlighting a problem. This is especially common if it's an established and respected academic who makes the iffy comments, because there's a tendency to them like a senile grandparent at Christmas. If they're a professor emeritus, there's a sense of them not really being relevant anymore, even if they're still respected, but it can feel tremendously isolating to see no-one step in to challenge the comments, either at an individual or institutional level.

It's understandable to not want to rock the boat, but abstaining is easier for some than others.

booly ,

I agree.

I point out that pretty much everyone in that group experiences it, so even those who aren't in that disadvantaged group should show some empathy towards the experiences of others, that we may never directly encounter ourselves. Part of that empathy, of course, is to provide support and structures for reducing the likelihood that these things happen, and mitigating them when they do happen.

Wanderer ,

I seen first hand examples of something happening like women being interrupted by men and they go on about how everything is sexist and they were mistreated. But in that exact same meeting multiple guys talked over multiple other guys. It just happens, not everything is sexist but a lot of people claim sexism when it isn't.

Omega_Haxors ,

Not only that they exist but also that they're disturbingly common and disproportionately in positions of power.

Obonga ,

I find it interesting how writing "a male" instead of man is a good way of pointing out "sexist mansplaining" and writing "a female" is dehumanizing (which i actually agree on). I will not deny that there are many sexists out there who are mansplaining or see women as less knowledgable. Without knowing the person ("offending") however, i think we would be wise to use occam's razor which would lead us to the conclusion that this is a prime case of the dunning kruger effect (which would also apply if sexism is involved).

Mycomment however has to be seen as mansplaining because i sadly have a dick between my legs. Sorry for that.

aurelian ,
@aurelian@lemmy.ml avatar

I think the comedy rule of punching up explains this.

Strawberry ,

im this case she uses male as an adjective, which would be fine for female too ("a female post doc")

humbletightband ,

Why's she flexing about a paper that a white male couldn't understand?

Also science is full of arrogant people, both males and females.

Faydaikin ,
@Faydaikin@beehaw.org avatar

Titles will do that. Even the self imposed, like 'musician'. The music scene is filled to the brim with undeserved self importance.

It makes sense that the science community is the same way.

Loki ,

Also science is full of arrogant people, both males and females.

Not really.

humbletightband ,

Okay, in my experience, as a recent PhD working in a science-related field, the scientific community is a comfortable place for people with superiority complex and for blatant fascists of all kinds.

Loki ,

in my experience,

yeah, that's the issue. anecdotal evidence.

humbletightband ,

Kinda 🤷🏼‍♂️. It's some kind of social platform (i.e. shit talk) where people talk and not a peer review q1 journal.

Still a good basis for null hypothesis

GarbageShoot ,

Why's she flexing about a paper that a white male couldn't understand?


humbletightband ,

She wrote a book. Then the arrogant white male read it. And referenced it while arguing with her, quoting the book. How he would argue with her if he did understand the book correctly

GarbageShoot ,

No, like, I get that he evidently didn't understand it, but I find your question strange as it presupposes that she is "flexing" about a paper rather than complaining about how presumptuous some of her fellows can be.

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