pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Threats of tomorrow, better make sure the truck works! Snow prep step 1:

Rover Truck oatmeal is a solid tasty stout, with a hint of almond nose and a roasty finish.


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

After a weak Irish had to check back in to the Evil Twin I know and love.

Christmas Eve at a New York City Hotel Room, Royal Suite Edition, is Massive! Huge vanilla, cocoa, and dark sugars, rich and as full-bodied as you can get and still be liquid.

You can check out anytime you like, but you should NEVER leave.


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

St Paddy’s day calls for a dry Irish

Trying Even More Irish Jesus. Disappointed, it’s a basic dry stout, pours fizzy but flattens fast. Thin flavor with a coffee finish.

Had high hopes from the regular Even More Jesus(which is awesome).


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

A great week for finding a bunch of items! yay!

Speedway Stout Hawaiian Edition finally appeared! Rich vanilla, coconut, and coffee, let it warm to bring out all the flavors!


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Two trips to the dark side, dinner accompaniment is Biggie Jumbo.

Unabashedly “no bells and whistles” it’s a solid double stout, rich and flavorful with no specific outstanding properties. 10% for the win!


The label of Fair State Brewing biggie jumbo stout says “a double stout with no bells and whistles, just a hearty beer for the coldest months of the year”

pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Lean into the light but embrace the

Finally found Wake Up World Wide Stout!

Sweet with a cinnamon snap, nice coffee balance and a slight bitter on the finish.


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Another journey to the light 💡for

White Russian Nitro Stout

Creamy smooth sweet vanilla with just a hint of coffee. Lefthand does the right!


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

This winter in MN has been a calamity if you like snow!

But if you LIKE a Calamity grab hold of a Russian imperial

Rich roasty and malty, chocolate, coffee, and molasses with a slight bitter finish.


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Purple cow? What is this label? Happily the nitro milk stout inside is the same reliable creamy we love!


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Family birthday grouping week calls for CAKE! In a can!

barrel-aged German Chocolate Pastry

A massive pastry, sweet, boozy, rich chocolate and full-bodied. At 17% half a slice/can will do!


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Had a full HOUR to concentrate on a work task. Looked up and it was 6pm…

Seeking more on let’s reach for Satin Solitude Imperial Stout.

Smooth and rich, malty with caramel notes. @beersofmastodon

stoutwardporterman , to Maryland, USA avatar

Out at Peabody Heights Brewery in , enjoying this pint of Attack From the 80s, a 4.7% ABV dry Irish stout. As far as dry Irish stouts go, this one is perfect. @beersofmastodon

pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

It’s and to the cellar we go!

2022 Bourbon County Coffee Stout. Yes, I only waited 18 months. Yes, that is long enough! 😀

Beautiful sweet bourbon coffee fruity. Aged well!


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar
pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

finishing off the 3 days recapped Cloud Cover 2023 Darkness varietal.

Should’ve bought a couple of this one, but there’s always 2024!

My glass also seems to have developed its own cloud… 😬


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar
pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Family is home, pizza and salad post-yoga for dinner. But what’s for dessert?

Opulesence Sexxxy Delicious imperial stout with chocolate & raspberry.

Big raspberry nose, rich chocolate with a tart finish. Almost sour to my taste, a nice dessert beer. Lighter than expected for an imperial. 12% ABV, it’ll sneak up on you!


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

The family is off at some Yoga thing and it’s a day off tomorrow, so let’s relax at home with

Cracking the good stuff, it’s Darkness 2023 Cloud Clover varietal. Boozy with a lasting spicy finish, coffee and vanilla are subtle and a bit hidden if you don’t

Will I share when they get home? Hmmmmmm…


The side of the beer bottle has a bold “2023” in black letters on a red background. The rest of the lettering is red, and the important part reads “OLD FITZGERALD BOURBON BARREL-AGED IMPERIAL STOUT WITH CLOUD CLOVER HAYISSA OLOCHO KERAMO COFFEE AND VANILLA BEANS ADDED”

pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Let begin!

Christmas Eve at a New York City Hotel Room - Royal Suite Edition

Heavenly! Black as Night and rich with chocolate, vanilla, coconut and sweet notes of dark sugars. Definitely a repeat visit.

Reminds me of Night Witch which sadly seems to be no more…


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Presidents’ Day weekend - me and Benjamin headed to to restock because !

Ben got it covered (with a little help from Andrew Jackson) with a bunch of local brews and a few others.

Foundation barrel-aged imperial stout 2024 - Minneapolis
De-Lovely Porter - St. Paul
Christmas Eve at a NYC Hotel Room - New York
Calamity Russian imperial stout - St. Paul
Blaecorn Unidragon imperial stout - Boston
Opulessence Sexxxy Delicious imperial stout - Minneapolis
Nova Praha Med barrel-aged imperial stout - New Prague, MN


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  • pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

    Well so much for no snow…it’s beginning to look a BIT like winter!

    A little not-a-holiday cheer in the form of 2022 Ginger Snap Darkness! Barrel aged, rich chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger and a bourbon zing on the finish.


    A pint can of Surly Darkness lays on 6 inches of snow on a picnic table.

    pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

    A quick shift to desserts and a to match!

    Belgian Chocolate Toffee Vanilla Stout is Heaven! Sumptuous rich vanilla chocolate nose, rich smooth and creamy, a delight!

    stoutwardporterman , to Maryland, USA avatar

    Sunday my wife and I headed to Chessie's Wharf, the new RaR Brewing taproom in , . The place was crazy busy, yet we only needed to wait about 20 minutes to be seated. I was excited that they had enough stouts for a flight! Pictured are:

    • 10 Layers w/ Salted Caramel, 7.2% ABV
    • 10 Layers w/ Tiramisu, 7.2% ABV
    • Devils Pie, 12.4% ABV
    • Imperial 10 Layers, 10% ABV
      By far my favorite was the Tiramisu.
    pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

    Running out of ways to influence the weather, takes a shot with Snow Emergency from . No signs it’ll work, but a good way to cap the day.

    A nice basic stout with a clean roasty finish.


    pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

    Posted on the other place by , but with repeating!

    I second that emotion! BOMB! is just that, big and flavorful, rich with cacao, coffee, vanilla and that elusive hint of chili 🌶️


    A bottle of Prairie Ales BOMB! Beer. Deep black with a dark caramel head. The label is white with red print and accents in yellow blue and red and brown

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