pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Holy Molé kids! and I’m Mad at Midnight!

Bourbon Barrel aged Molé Pastry Stout

Marvelous blend of bourbon sweet, chili heat, with chocolate and cinnamon notes in a full-bodied smoothness. Maybe I’m GLAD instead!


sfdb , to Random stuff avatar

"The billionaire owner of the yogurt company Chobani said on Friday that he had acquired Anchor Brewing Company, the San Francisco brewer that went out of business last year after 127 years."

Anchor Brewing lives again!

pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Nice dinner at Hai Hai in NE Mpls. Thai food doesn't really lend itself to , and uncuriously there was nary a dark choice on the beer list.

Made it work with Bia-Side Pilsner and Tomm’s lager, both light choices to offset the heat!


A plate with a piece of shrimp toast adorned with a jalapeño pepper - hot stuff!

pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Interesting - had this on tap earlier this month and it was too harsh on the PB. Today from a can, maybe my hard pour (Ooops!) was the magic? Cheers to second tries!

Imperial CPB Porter. Big creamy chocolate and peanut butter, sweetness almost with a hint of cherry on the slight bitter finish. Rich and wonderfully smooth!


A closeup of the can shows more of the story - “even more layers of decadent chocolate and peanut butter flavor built into a big rich oatmeal porter make this beer even more impossible to resist. We are still not sorry”

digigeek , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Grom Braveheart BA RIS 🍻 by Bliksem 🇳🇱

Even better and more balanced than a few years ago: smokey, tar, leather, earthy and some sweetness wrapped around it.

Music pairing: Mouth for War - Panterra 🤘

"Our GROM made a trip to mediaeval Scotland. We have aged our Russian Imperial Stout in freshly emptied Laphroaig barrels. A slightly peated monster of a stout. Just as William Wallace would have liked it."


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Hoping for something rich, venture Into the Night with chocolate pastry stout.

Roasty chocolate and hints of vanilla and a bitter finish. Really of a basic stout, it’s medium bodied and not rich enough to qualify for pastry-status to me.

I’ll be in Walker, MN in July and the brewery is 1/2 mile from our hotel - visit planned!


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Well dang, not gonna be cooking with these lasers!

Laser Strings Irish Nitro Stout poured flat and uh-oh, this can is August 2023 and it’s toast. Did not age well despite being in the fridge at the liquor store. Sad!

Love the can art and the not-so-subtle harp…


A close up of the can showing the astronaut clad in his spacesuit playing the harp with laser green strings

tastingcraftbeer , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

In a masterclass, we learned all about blending wild ales, and how to construct a balanced yet complex beer based on mouthfeel, bitters and acidity. Quite the art!

We also compared the maturation of our single barrel wild ale with a similar project with different wort and age. Fascinating!

Blending exercises
Comparing two batches of similar blends, from a different year and different barrels.
Tapped from the barrel, ready to be blended!

pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Stepping out of the box to a lighter place. Took a swing at Eighteen, their 18th anniversary Belgian strong ale fermented with brettanomyces.

Yes, I had to look that up! Basically “yeast”. I’m sure some will say that’s hardly a proper definition 😎

Sweet and yeasty, overall light bodied with a peppery finish. Not my usual speed, not a repeat, but always learning!


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Dabbler Depot staff called it a “pontoon Porter”, easy to drink all day.

Agreed! Super easy drinking with everything you’d expect in a porter while presenting very light. Nice toasty malt and chocolate notes, hints of coffee.


tastingcraftbeer , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

A nice sampler at Frontaal Little Bar, yesterday night.
Rauch, NEIPA, black sour, wheat wine.

mjrawbop , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

This one is unspectactular, but solid.

They don't call it (for obvious reasons) but I think it is one, without a distinct fruity note. Fresh and moderately hoppy.

But importing it to continental Europe is probably not worth it.


Beer can

seanbala , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

A dangerous thing to see when walking by the craft beer shop on my way home. Tried a taste of Dovetail's new pils - I think I might have to go try it more at their brewery around the corner.


A white sign on a sidewalk reads "Dovetail Beer Tasting!" in black, bold letters.

pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Hard Pour George? Why yes!

Had not tried George Hunter stout from in the stout glass but look at that head!

Chocolate and coffee in a semi-sweet basic stout


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Go into work at 7:30 when I got home at 1:45am thanks to plane delays? Must be nuts…

End the day with Peanut Butter Nitro - Smooth and creamy with a light chocolate and peanut flavor, really nice and far less aggressive peanut than some other PB


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

When killing time in DEN thanks to all the weather interruptions in HOU, might as well

Nitro Milk Stout smooths the air waves. Nitro done right, rich and creamy, smooth coffee finish. Suddenly I don’t mind the wait…


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Beautiful summer evening to spend with colleagues in Wichita at the local eatery/pickle ball/arcade place.

Summer beers since the only was Guinness!

Kölsch was super light and slightly sweet.

Tank 7 Saison was fruity citrus with a hoppy finish. Drink it while it’s cold! Home town fave.


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Dinner out with the family, mixed choices in beers on tap.

CPB Chocolate Peanut Butter porter. Way more PB than C, and a bit over-roasted to my tastes. Decent, not great.

Wonderstuff Czech Pilsner was light & hoppy


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Found two bottles for only $5.00 each, so it’s a light evening!

Winter Welcome Ale (2023) bucks the season (it’s 80 here) but is nicely light and malty with a hint of sweetness. A good summer beer too!

@spiegelmama I stand corrected - TWO beers from Samuel that I like!


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

But I WANT to be Evil!

Thank you Jesus, had one more can of Even More Jesus (original flavor) from

Now THAT is a

Complex deep flavors of dark fruit, chocolate, coffee, and caramel with a slight bitter finish. Superb!


martin , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Opening season at 26 degrees with this fantastic pastry sour by Nepomucen, PL. It is what it is: green smoothie incl. spirulina. Banana/pear mouthfeel. Sweet.

pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Freaking birds chirping and a woodpecker banging away at 5:00 a.m. outside the bedroom window. If I’m gonna make the 10 o’clock news I’m gonna need some help.

Speedway Stout with Coffee for an eye opening and wonderfully complex mix of malt, dark fruit, coffee, caramel, and chocolate notes.


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

I don’t have a story to go with this one…how odd. Just read the label, quite the story of this long standing brewer!

Organic Chocolate Stout

Really nice chocolate malts with a smooth creamy finish.


pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

Trying a Wig Splitter oatmeal coffee stout with spicy white chicken chili for dinner. The label would make you the think it’s a mind blower, but to me it’s a chocolate nose that’s flat on the coffee flavor. OK but not a keeper as compared to other coffee stouts.


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  • pejacoby , to BeersOfMastodon group avatar

    Happy Mother’s Day! After taking my partner of 34 years to Costco (I’m a romantic) we’re kicking back with some good wine for her and a Crimson Keep for me!

    Barrel-aged Red Ale, Malty sweetness, cherry and caramel notes. Another brilliant dragon from


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