dailymedievaldeath , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievaldeath@troet.cafe avatar

973 died Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor. His tomb in Magdeburg Cathedral is presented like this today. @medievodons

Pic.: Wikipedia Commons

dailymedievalcats , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievalcats@troet.cafe avatar

Reading Session.

Ms: Abbeville, BM, MS 0016, f. 23r (15th c.). @medievodons

manuel_kamenzin , to Medievodons group German
@manuel_kamenzin@troet.cafe avatar

Zey, Claudia (ed.), Mächtige Frauen?: Königinnen und Fürstinnen im europäischen Mittelalter ; (11. - 14. Jahrhundert) (Vorträge und Forschungen 81), Ostfildern 2015.



aaronm , to BookHistodons group
@aaronm@mastodon.cc avatar
dailymedievalcats , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievalcats@troet.cafe avatar

Hey there, fellas!

Ms: Bl, Harley MS 6563, f. 40v (14th c.). @medievodons

manuel_kamenzin , to Medievodons group German
@manuel_kamenzin@troet.cafe avatar

Kintzinger, Martin • Rexroth, Frank • Rogge, Jörg (ed.), Gewalt und Widerstand in der politischen Kultur des späten Mittelalters (Vorträge und Forschungen 80), Ostfildern 2015.



dailymedievaldeath , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievaldeath@troet.cafe avatar

1198 died Sophia of Minsk. As the wife of her first husband Valdemar I she was Queen of Denmark, as the wife of her second husband Louis III she was Landgravine of Thuringia. She was buried in St. Bendt's Church in Ringsted. @medievodons Pics: WC

dailymedievalcats , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievalcats@troet.cafe avatar


Ms: BL, Additional 26968, f. 215v (14th c.). @medievodons

manuel_kamenzin , to Medievodons group German
@manuel_kamenzin@troet.cafe avatar

Signori, Gabriela • Studt, Birgit (ed.), Das Konstanzer Konzil als europäisches Ereignis. Begegnungen, Medien und Rituale (Vorträge und Forschungen 79), Ostfildern 2014.



dailymedievaldeath , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievaldeath@troet.cafe avatar

1472 the troops of the House of Lancaster were crushed in the Battle of Twekesbury. Many prominent Lancastrian nobles were killed during the battle or executed shortly afterwards. @medievodons Ms: Besançon, BM, 1168, f 4v

dailymedievalcats , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievalcats@troet.cafe avatar

Sleeping shamelessly.

Ms: BNF, Latin 8878, f. 85r (12th c.). @medievodons

manuel_kamenzin , to Medievodons group German
@manuel_kamenzin@troet.cafe avatar

Härtel, Reinhard (ed.), Akkulturation im Mittelalter (Vorträge und Forschungen 78), Sigmaringen 2014.



dailymedievaldeath , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievaldeath@troet.cafe avatar

1481 Mehmet II ,the Conqueror' died. He was buried in the Fatih Mosque complex he built. His tomb is presented like this today. @medievodons Pic.: Wikipedia Commons

dailymedievalcats , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievalcats@troet.cafe avatar

Well, hello!

Ms: Bl, Add 15229, f. 53r (14th c.). @medievodons

manuel_kamenzin , to Medievodons group German
@manuel_kamenzin@troet.cafe avatar

Bünz, Enno • Fouquet, Gerhard (ed.), Die Pfarrei im späten Mittelalter(Vorträge und Forschungen 77), Ostfildern 2013.



dailymedievaldeath , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievaldeath@troet.cafe avatar

1250 died Al-Malik al-Mu'azzam Turan Shah, the seventh sultan of the Ayyubids in Egypt. The circumstances vary, here: He is simply stabbed to death. On the right, the captured Louis IX. @medievodons MS: BNF, Français 5716, f. 127v.

bibliolater , to History
@bibliolater@qoto.org avatar

"These eight cities were not necessarily the largest in terms of land area or even population in some cases, but they were large in their sense of importance to the medieval era."

Whipple, Madison. "The 8 Largest Cities of the Medieval World" TheCollector.com, https://www.thecollector.com/largest-cities-medieval-world/ (accessed April 30, 2024).

@medievodons @histodon @histodons

dailymedievalcats , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievalcats@troet.cafe avatar

Revenge of the hunted.

Ms: BL, Add 62925, f. 61r (13th c.). @medievodons

manuel_kamenzin , to Medievodons group German
@manuel_kamenzin@troet.cafe avatar

Werlich, Ralf-Gunnar / Spieß, Karl-Heinz (ed.), Ausbildung und Verbreitung des Lehnwesens im Reich und in Italien im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert (Vorträge und Forschungen 76), Ostfildern 2013.



dailymedievaldeath , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievaldeath@troet.cafe avatar

1308 King Albert I was murdered by a group around his nephew John. Almost 200 years later, the act was depicted in this drawing. @medievodons MS: Chronicle of the 95 dominions of Austria, Burgerbibliothek Bern, Cod. A45, f. 97r

bibliolater , to History
@bibliolater@qoto.org avatar

"Incense spheres discovered in Tang hoards, which are the earliest artefacts found to date, reveal multicultural origins upon close examination. Persian and Sogdian silversmith elements, Buddhist ideas and Syriac Christian liturgical practices, may all have left their traces on the making of the object."

Fang, F. X. (2024). Scent, Art and Astronomy: New Light on Tang Incense Spheres and Their Global Connections. The Medieval History Journal, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/09719458231226000

@histodon @histodons @medievodons

dailymedievalcats , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievalcats@troet.cafe avatar

Orange hunter.

Ms: BNF, Français 25526, f. 146v (14th c.). @medievodons

manuel_kamenzin , to Medievodons group German
@manuel_kamenzin@troet.cafe avatar

Kintzinger, Martin (ed.), Politische Öffentlichkeit im Spätmittelalter (Vorträge und Forschungen 75), Ostfildern 2011.



dailymedievaldeath , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievaldeath@troet.cafe avatar

1315 Enguerrand de Marigny, chamberlain to Philip IV of France, was hanged at Montfaucon. @medievodons Hs.: BNF Français 2606 f. 361v

dailymedievalcats , to Medievodons group German
@dailymedievalcats@troet.cafe avatar


Ms: Valenciennes, BM, ms. 320, f. 77r (13th c.). @medievodons

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