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It's not even industry standard for lower level staff to be credited at all, though there are slow improvements in that area. Most of the time the people you see credited for QA are going to be managers or managers-of-managers unless they get specific with the job titles. I've done work on six AAA games and have credits for none of them.

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It's SO GOOD. I reached... An ending, but there's clearly more to do. There are at least two puzzles I'm aware of that I know I don't have all the clues for, and there are several interesting things beyond that which I don't even understand the purpose of yet.

Environmental Station Alpha tier game.

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It won't happen, but imagine how satisfying it would be if TikTok was the domino that led to Citizens United being overturned

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I know it's their own press release and this happens with all sorts of companies, but their choice of "stunning" disgusts me

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I would hope there is at least authentication of some kind...

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According to the DOJ, Google destroyed potentially hundreds of thousands of chat sessions not just during their investigation but also during litigation. Google only stopped the practice after the DOJ discovered the policy.

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It's capable. The reach of the platforms is enough. They're just not interested in doing so (sometimes because they are involved in pushing the misinfo to begin with)

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I'd suggest looking for additional recipes that might make use of them so you can go for the six-pack. Could use them for an egg wash to do something like french toast, or for breading like on chicken fried steak.

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I'm glad it seems to be limited to their weird DocuSign knockoff, which I never had cause to use.

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Lucky for you! Twice over the years I have had Windows 10, the system failed to come back up after a windows update and the ability to uninstall the most recent update through the recovery partition saved me.

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Agreed. I think the environmental impact is much lower as well, which is basically a win/win if prices can compete with farmed animals.

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Google Photos has also been doing a fullscreen update hassle where you don't have an "don't ask again" option 😑

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That was a worthwhile read, and had next to nothing to do with Doctorow.

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From Mbin, it looks struck through, lol

subignition ,
subignition avatar

Looks like Lemmy has decided to use a flavor of Markdown which is inconsistent from Mbin's. That's a shame.

You should only get one downvote for every two upvotes

Downvotes suck. I get it, they are made up internet points coming from strangers (or bots) that you know nothing about, and you shouldn't let that get you down. Still, putting in a few minutes of effort to share your opinion and engage with the community just to see a downvote is disheartening....

subignition ,
subignition avatar

Votes aren't even federated? Vote totals are for the instance you're viewing the post on only.

Edit : or maybe that's just reduces, or a mbin thing. Hard to keep up with the technical side of all of this.

Reflections on Xenoblade Chronicles

Xenoblade Chronicles has been one of the broadly popular JRPG series as of late, particularly within my own social circles. I have heard mostly good things about the games, and some vocal criticisms about the second game in particular. After finally picking up a Switch last year, I have now made my way through most of the...

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Nah that's about right. Positioning and choosing the right sequence to use skills in is 90% of combat

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It's incredibly important to never cut corners here. You can easily get a severe infection you may not come back from.

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What are you referring to by unoptimal behavior? I'm curious because I use Firefox and have never had issues watching YouTube videos while gaming.

subignition ,
subignition avatar

Strange. I've never had an issue like that and Firefox has always performed just fine for me. Sorry to hear you're having issues.

subignition ,
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You should dual boot it with Windows. Then you get the beeeeeeest of both worlds...

Discover - possible to limit download speed?

Hi, sadly I have a very limited internet connection (10 Mbit). When I'm watching a video and then install something in Discover, it takes almost all the bandwidth and the video begins to stutter & buffer. Somebody knows if there's a way to limit the download speed for discover - preferably without installing additional software?

subignition ,
subignition avatar

You may or may not have a mechanism to limit bandwidth on the whole connection. It could be at the router level or possibly an option on your network card configuration. If you have the capability, setting a limit at 90% of your bandwidth should leave enough room to minimize the issues you're seeing.

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Not a lawyer, but if their instance doesn't have provisions about user submitted content, maybe there is some amount of weight to it?

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I thought I was somewhat of a power user, but this is the first time I've ever heard of there being function keys beyond F12 :C

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!unpopularopinion is that way (edit: I still don't know how to link communities, whee)

In the alternative, you really need to come up with some better things to think about in the shower

subignition ,
subignition avatar

Ah, thank you! Mbin has a variety of formatting options but nothing to help with community links, it seems.

Lemmy try... pun intended... !unpopularopinion

Hurrah, I'll remember that. It'd be a lot more intuitive to pick up on if the commat and instance name weren't hidden from the formatted result.

subignition ,
subignition avatar

oh, yeah, if it displayed like that for me it would have saved a lot of confusion on my part. XD

I should probably dig around in the settings and see if maybe that's a default setting I can change.

thanks again!

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It's り not い

Compare the lengths of the right-hand stroke between the り in ありがとう and the い in ございました
Edit: Another commenter already said much the same thing further down. My bad.

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I feel like anyone who envies an advertising business should probably be avoided, lol

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It's a running gag that avoids using a glyph (fifth), which a plurality of us want to copy. But, you could possibly know this.

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Hopefully we're close to realizing generative LLMs are essentially a fad, neat technology but not enough horsepower to do the real interesting stuff

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Thanks for confirming I won't be having any original thoughts today :D

Getting a new VR headset and dusting off the Hotas. What do I need to know after 6 years away?

Spent many hours immersed in Elite with my HTC Vive back in the day when the Beyond update dropped. Recently ordered a Bigscreen Beyond to get back into VR. Been needing to finish Alyx and put more hours into the Index wands to justify purchasing them anyhow......

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Don't suppose there's anything of note outside Odyssey for the rest of us?

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Dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive; when meanings get changed by popular usage, so too do dictionaries follow.

Terribly sorry you're learning this so late in life. Might have saved yourself some frustration otherwise.

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number of goats on Alicudi reaches six times human population

Oh god, how did 48.6 billion goats fit on the island

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You are very patient. If it were me I would have blocked them after their first or second asshole reply. Absolutely audacious level of bullshit on their part. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.

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It's disappointing that you're not a troll account based on your other posts. You really thought it was worth being an armchair doctor and a bully here, that spending the effort to antagonize someone was a better use of your time than just moving on or hitting the block button. Really the same energy as telling a person with depression to just decide to stop being sad. I don't know whether you woke up on the wrong side of the bed or have just grown up without developing much empathy at all, but I hope you can find better outlets for your negativity than this.

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It's not specifically an April Fool's Day joke. It's a satire site.

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Not the person you were replying to, but it seems most likely it was a typo for 'pain'

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! ( )

I don't like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

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The time to advance your ideas is everywhen except the presidential election, basically. At this timing, voting your conscience will really only be contributing to the spoiler effect.

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I'm sorry, that is a ridiculous statement, but I'm not awake enough to go into it in detail. Hoping someone else can help if you were being sincere.

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The only reading that is making sense to me is shorthand for "pays for", but I've never seen that slang in the wild so I have no idea

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