
nixCraft , to Random stuff avatar

Does anyone outside the RHEL ecosystem use Podman? 🤔 Whenever I suggest Podman, other developers or PMs insist on Docker, which is far more popular and has a stronger brand. Even many RHEL users prefer Docker. Red Hat should have addressed Docker's issues instead of creating another tool that, while good, few people want. And yes docker can run rootless too but it has same limitations as podman rootless like can not bind below 1024 port or create device nodes etc

ray1729 , avatar

@nixCraft I use podman on Ubuntu and CoreOS. Its daemonless approach was a big draw for me, the systemd quadlets make it easy to deploy services, and the SE Linux integration adds an extra layer of security.

admin , avatar

@nixCraft Podman is very coupled with systemd, but rootless docker as well so matter of taste

lowqualityfacts , to Random stuff avatar

2024: OpenAI releases a free virtual assistant with a weirdly flirty voice.

2025: Millions of men become emotionally attached to the AI.

2026: OpenAI threatens to delete your virtual girlfriend if you don't pay a monthly subscription. You must also buy her digital flowers or she will hate you.

18+ JonasJRichter , avatar

2027: Even more men commit femicide

Hippie , avatar

Now i know bumbles business model

GottaLaff , to Random stuff avatar

🧵starts HERE.

Remember: I cannot reply while live-posting, so plz use NFL (Not For Laffy.. no hashtag) so I can skip your replies. THANK YOU.

1/…More color from Pagliery:

Eric Trump just swapped seats with Rep. Donalds just in time for the congressman to appear in photos behind Trump's defense table.

That's what this trial is now for Trump, a political photo opp.


tanyakaroli , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL
Yes, that is the important thing! We like McB 🤩

ClassyT , avatar


Nonilex , to Law avatar

Tues 14 May, 2024 🧵

has his posse again. Today it’s more elected officials. Today, Trump will be joined by the speaker, , as well as ’s governor, , a contender to be Trump's running mate. Also present will be Representatives & of Florida, & , who was one of Trump's primary rivals this year. Both Donalds & Ramaswamy are longshot hopefuls to be Trump's running mate.

Nonilex OP , avatar

In 2023, during ’s testimony at ’s trial, the defense was able to trip him up while asking him about one of his federal guilty pleas. There, he seemed to suggest that he wasn’t actually of one of the he had pleaded guilty to. Ever since, Trump’s lawyers have accused him of perjury.

Hoffinger asks Cohen about that now.

Nonilex OP , avatar

asks about that now. He says now he did not dispute the underlying facts of the case, but BELIEVED — & still does — that he should not have been criminally prosecuted for that specific offense, evasion. He says that he felt pressured & felt that he was charged w/that particular , which was not related to the payment, unjustly.

GottaLaff , to Random stuff avatar

🤦🏻‍♀️House Speaker Mike Johnson will join #Trump at the New York courthouse for his criminal trial, -CNN

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@br00t4c Minions. Ass kissing flunkies.

darwinwoodka , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL How Christian of him

w7voa , to Random stuff avatar

House Speaker Mike Johnson, according to his office, today will join Donald Trump in court in NYC and "will then address media outside of the ongoing sham prosecution of President Trump. Speaker Johnson will address the political persecution of the 45th President of the United States by President Biden’s weaponized Department of Justice and the left-wing Manhattan district attorney."

GreenFire , avatar

What has convinced our journalists that they should publish tripe like this, "Speaker Johnson will address the political persecution of the 45th President of the United States by President Biden’s weaponized Department of Justice and the left-wing Manhattan district attorney."

Basmitharts , avatar


He's going to have to explain to his porn deprived son who Stormy Daniels is...

tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Orcas versenken Jacht an der Straße von Gibraltar

Seit 2020 werden immer wieder Zwischenfälle mit Orcas an der Straße von Gibraltar gemeldet. Nun hat eine Gruppe von Tieren eine 15-Meter-Jacht versenkt, die Besatzung wurde gerettet. Experten gibt das Verhalten Rätsel auf.


Mazzle , avatar

@tagesschau Muss da komischerweise an den Calm Belt in One Piece denken und dass diese Schiffe Seastone bräuchten, um nicht von Wasserkreaturen gesehen zu werden.

repost ,

@tagesschau Wie bringen wir ihnen bei nur mit Motorbratzen zu spielen?

Danach könnten Vögel mal mit Privatjets spielen

samojedesamu , to Animals doing stuff avatar
FuglyDuck , avatar

somebody got told they were a goooood dog.

Zerlyna , avatar

Beautiful! I had an eskie long ago (close to Sammy) and he was the best dog. If I ever get another dog I would definitely do this again.

georgetakei , to Random stuff avatar

Probably could have given it a little more thought.

marjolica , avatar

@georgetakei I understood it was first 'discovered', though of course there were already people living there, by the Vikings, who also 'discovered' and named Greenland first, also inhabited of course. However they named Newfoundland Vineland, not Newfoundland.
Neither Greenland or Vineland was particularly accurate, unless you had just come from icy Iceland, of course.

CrypticMirror , avatar

@georgetakei I thought they named it after the dogs they found there.

rbreich , to Random stuff avatar

For Nat'l Police Week, Speaker Johnson is hosting a candlelight vigil tonight to honor fallen police officers.

But first he's in New York to support Trump, who has promised to pardon the violent criminals who brutally assaulted about 140 Capitol Police on Jan 6.

SNerd , avatar

When you believe there are “in” and “out” groups, hypocrisy is required

Clarity , avatar

@rbreich You spelled Nazi wrong

nixCraft , to Random stuff avatar

The 2013 film "Her" was the saddest thing I've ever seen. It explores themes of depression and sadness. If this is what AI is going to do, then you can keep such sadness to yourself, Mr. Samantha err I mean Mr. Sam. Real relationships are far more important than any technology ever created. AI is no substitute for human connection. AI lack the depth, empathy, and authenticity of genuine human connection. Your AI only good to show "Java for loop" syntax and that is the end of it.

victorbit , avatar

@nixCraft This guy is another Musk grifter, such many cases, sad!

b00tl00ps ,

@nixCraft In college, I was learning to code loops and abstract data structures in c/c++, while my marketing roommate went on and on about "eCommerce" and how it was going to change the world. I routinely reminded him, that I'm going to class with the people who will be writing this yet-to-exist code, and I wouldn't trust them to code a toaster. TechBro hype hasn't changed. Beware the promises sold, with zero culpability when the product fails to deliver.

itsfoss , (edited ) to Linux avatar

Comment 🐧

luvcie , avatar

@itsfoss Honestly, I'm skeptical about the benefits of Linux going mainstream. It could lead to unwanted regulation and the interference of big tech companies. Take , for example—they made controversial moves without facing consequences. So, unless you're genuinely passionate about Linux or appreciate the freedom it offers (which, let's face it, most people don't—they prefer a dumb, uniform, user-friendly experience like Apple's), it might not be the best direction to push for.

luvcie , avatar

@itsfoss Don't. Honestly, I'm skeptical about the benefits of Linux going mainstream. It could lead to unwanted regulation and the interference of big tech companies. Take , for example—they made controversial moves without facing consequences. So, unless you're genuinely passionate about Linux or appreciate the freedom it offers (which, let's face it, most people don't—they prefer a dumb, uniform, user-friendly experience like 's), it might not be the best direction to push for.

tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

30 Unternehmen wenden sich gegen Populismus in Deutschland

Die Vorstände von Deutscher Bank, Deutscher Bahn und Siemens treten gemeinsam mit weiteren Unternehmenschefs gegen Extremismus, Populismus und Rassismus ein. Sie rufen dazu auf, bei der Europawahl demokratische Kräfte zu stärken.


fedithom , avatar


"Populismus" und "Extremismus" ist mir zu nah dran an "Beide Seiten". Bisschen sehr weichgespült.

Eva_RespectExistence , avatar

Oh ja, das ist total glaubwürdig + eine lobende -Meldung wert, wenn sich ausgerechnet die Chefs von oder gegen + für irgendwelche "Werte" aussprechen.

Ist billig + nette PR:
Dass es den Herren dabei wohl primär um den störungsfreien Ablauf ihres in der + um die Beruhigung potentieller ausländischer geht, muss man dem gemeinen Volk ja nicht auf die Nase binden.

dansup , to Random stuff avatar

I’m not an expert when it comes to encryption by any means, but from my work on Sup and my knowledge of the Signal protocol, I’m confident that the lies Elon and Telegram are spreading are unfounded.

You can review the Signal protocol to see for yourself, like they (Elon and them) would be pointing to smoking gun vulnerable code if they had any real dirt, but I’ve yet to see any 😉

extremegoofiest , avatar

@dansup yollarda bukurum sebl

ThirstyGayGeek , avatar

@dansup aren’t we still waiting for you know who to open source the timeline algorithm?

malwaretech , to Random stuff avatar

Someone recently asked me if I'm patriotic, and it kind of made me think. As a dual national currently living in a 3rd country in which I'm not a citizen, and who intends to relocate to a 4th country, if I was going to be parotic, to which country would my allegiance be? The country in which I was born, the country in which I've spent the majority of my adult life, or the country in which I intend to move to. Like the whole idea of patriotism just seems super abstract at this point.

psionicjake , avatar

@malwaretech I feel the same way about choosing a favorite sports team, which is why I still haven’t chosen one to this day.

http , avatar

@malwaretech What do you answer when you get asked "where are you from?"

Where you were born? Where you grew up? Where you currently live? Or maybe the multiple passports you own through inheritance or nationalization?

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