Floating Is Fun

hitstun OP Mod , in 02 by Caring Wong
hitstun avatar

I figured out Lemmy/Kbin/Mbin crossposting. Just post the same URL as another post and they become crossposts of each other. Huzzah! I was watching the sea lions at the zoo today playing around underwater and I think they're my new favorite animal.

MentalEdge ,
@MentalEdge@lemmy.world avatar


This also means that different people who post the same thing to different communities have their posts show up as "linked" allowing people to find all the places people are talking about something.

It mostly works with youtube videos and articles though. With images you have to make sure to use the same image link.

hitstun OP Mod , in “Although There Is No One Here, I Think It’s Not Bad.” by Minty0
hitstun avatar

This is Floating Is Fun's 600th post, but I'm conflicted here. The artist's Twitter profile says "Please don't repost." and I respect those wishes, but this isn't art isn't on that Twitter. I didn't reupload the image to Fedia, but this post is actually a link to pixiv.cat, a proxy service that I regularly use to download full size pixiv images. Clicking the thumbnail will take you to pixiv.cat. But the way Mbin and Lemmy work, they go download a thumbnail from the URL I link, and that means... every instance reposts the image anyway. I'm not sure this acts according to artists' wishes not to be reposted.

hitstun OP Mod , in 2019 Magical Mirai by Qie_
hitstun avatar

Hatsune Miku shows up a lot on Floating Is Fun because she can float in any way any artist can ever think of. This version of Miku hails from a wild future where gravity is optional. Seems legit.

hitstun OP Mod , in The Sky Where Carp Streamers Swim by Reira0v0
hitstun avatar

This one's definitely but I'm not sure which types of floating should actually count here. The carp streamers and rainbow streamer which are Windpower on their own are almost Airswimming here. There are also balloons and some other stuff randomly floating about. There's enough going on here, it makes a good desktop wallpaper at least.

hitstun OP Mod , in Peaceful and carefree by WildBlueFantasy
hitstun avatar

WildBlueFantasy's OC Riley Flightheart is resting in the supreme comfort and safety of an indestructible magic bubble. WildBlueFantasy's recent output has drifted in NSFW directions, so I won't post those here, but they're still good if you like this kind of stuff.

hitstun OP Mod , (edited ) in Twilight Ticket by Awoko
hitstun avatar

It breaks my heart, but Awoko's Pixiv profile says "please do not do redistribution of my works to others." So, this time I'm trying something a little different: a link post. Fedia grabbed a 277x380 thumbnail Tumblr's maximum resolution image and broadcasted it to the Fediverse, but clicking that thumbnail should take you to the artist's Tumblr instead. I hope this method of linking to this art is OK with the artist's wishes. It's this Gumi art's 10th anniversary and it's too good not to be seen here.

@aeharding, Voyager sometimes doesn't display this link thumbnail (Edit: This instance didn't get the thumbnail?), but other times it does.

hitstun OP Mod , in Anti-Gravity City by Kukka
hitstun avatar

Around here, we've been kickin` Kukkas for a while. I did a quick search for Kukka art here and our friend @MentalEdge came up again. So, I shared it to @anime_art too.

hitstun Mod , in Zoku Owarimonogatari Cover Art (by VOFAN)
hitstun avatar

We're gonna see VOFAN art in a museum someday. We love VOFAN! Thank you for sending this our way.

MentalEdge OP Mod ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

You'll likely see more from me... After you posted to @helltaker I added @FloatingIsFun to the list of communities my automated posting tool can post to.

I curate the art, it does the rest, so my posting volume is very high :D

Federation with kbin/mbin is still spotty as hell though. Votes seem out of sync and mbin/kbin still doesn't load the full content of Lemmy communities or display all info correctly. The Helltaker community is outright barren over there, same goes for all my other communities.

You likely can't even see what communities I mod on my profile over there?

hitstun Mod ,
hitstun avatar

I'm still learning, but from this page, I can see the 16 communities you moderate. No one from fedia.io tried to visit @helltaker before I did, so our version of it is barren. Likewise, sopuli.xyz is missing the first 80 or so @FloatingIsFun posts.

Mbin and Kbin don't currently have an API for bot posts, but one is apparently coming. I can't fully automate my posts, but I plan ahead with a giant Google Sheet. Here's a screenshot behind the curtain.

MentalEdge OP Mod , (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Oh good! It doesn't just show communities as moderated by the mbin/kbin instance admin anymore. I moderate 20 communities on this account actually, but that's just some of them not being federated to fedia.

Someone also needs to subscribe for content to continue to appear. A visit is not enough I think.

Lemmy will bring in all past posts when someone visits a community for the first time, so as that doesn't work with kbin/mbin, semi-active communities seem a bit more dead from the other side of the divide D:

I only recently put it up for others due to some people showing interest, but I wrote and have been using this.

Also, the main hurdle with kbin/mbin federation atm is this.

hitstun OP Mod , in Soap Bubbles by saya
hitstun avatar

Is it bubble time? I think it's bubble time. Needs bigger bubbles though.

MentalEdge Mod , in 1/6 -out of the gravity by furai127
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar
hitstun OP Mod , in 😈💞 by Xiao Yu Su_Suzuko
hitstun avatar

It's Helltaker's entire demon harem drawn in zero gravity just for fun. Why not? @helltaker looks like fun, but I've never played it. I showed this to Helltaker's Lemmy community too. Also, why not?

MentalEdge Mod ,
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

The game is free on steam and runs on a potato.

You can even skip levels so you don't have to waste time on solving puzzles if you don't want to, and just get to experiencing the source material instead.

Anyone interested absolutely should give it a go, it's a fun little game full of cute demons :D

hitstun OP Mod , in Don’t Look Down by Kriss Kyle
hitstun avatar

Flying a carbon fiber skatepark 2,000 feet into the sky with a super-sized hot air balloon just for a four minute BMX video? Who else would spend the budget for this?

hitstun OP Mod , in Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival by Chihiro Ishiduka
hitstun avatar

Flying Witch creator Chihiro Ishizuka made this art when the world famous Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival was cancelled in 2020. Makoto Kowata and Chito were there in spirit, careful not to disturb the petals on the ground.

hitstun OP Mod , in Snack Time♪ by Haten
hitstun avatar

Floating Is Fun now has 500 members, a height we never reached on Reddit! Thank you all for coming! Please post floaty things you'd like to see, and I'll try to follow suit. One day we can be like the aliens Lala, Fuwa, and Prunce from Star ☆ Twinkle Precure, just lounging around in space like it's no big deal.

Martineski ,
@Martineski@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You just got one more. Just subscribed because it turned out I wasn't subscribed yet for some reason.

hitstun OP Mod , (edited )
hitstun avatar

Martineski, you're back! I thought you quit the Fediverse after the government of Mali took over the .ml domains you used. Is Imaginary Slice of Life ever going to return and be FNIC insured? That one's my favorite.

Martineski ,
@Martineski@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Well, I stayed on lemmy and continued posting stuff on a new account once .ml got taken away. But later I quit posting anyway (and lemmy for some time too) because I ended up misunderstanding something, caused some drama and got lots of hate. Lol

I also gave away the subs I had at the moment to random people before quiting because I wanted to be out as quick as possible. Now that the situation is long gone I'm back on lemmy lurking and sometimes commenting. I didn't plan on posting anymore but because you want the SoL stuff I will think about posting it again.

hitstun OP Mod , in All Disasters Will Follow Me and Return to Nothingness. by Redpower
hitstun avatar

This is Liv: Empyrea from Punishing: Gray Raven, a inspired spectacle brawler which is unfortunately also a Chinese gacha game. I'll never play it and it'll likely become dead and unplayable within a few years. Liv seems to have an eclipse theme, great for the eclipse we'll see tomorrow in the US, so here she is.

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