pelletbucket , avatar

Tron , maybe Total Recall

Copythis ,

Secondhand lions, the pursuit of happiness, and the good neighbor (2016)

Appoxo , avatar

Interstellar or Pacific Rim

Interstellar for the story
Pacific Rim for the action and pacing.

jecht360 , avatar

Amelie. It is by far my favorite movie that isn't animated.

How to train your dragon (1, 2, and 3). These are my favorite American animated films.

My Neighbor Totoro. Favorite Japanese animated film.

anarkatten , avatar

The Fountain. I was just in the right place in the right time in my life when I first saw it, left an unforgottable memory.

Bearlydave ,

Sneakers had got to be one of my all-time favorite movies. Definitely still relevant.

technopagan ,


eugenia , avatar

The Matrix (1999). The one existential movie for all.
Then, it's probably "Serenity" (2005).
Then, probably Galaxy Quest (1999).

JackFrostNCola ,

Ace ventura 2.
Hardly needs recommending but i would be lying if i said it wasnt my favorite.

A Knights Tale would be a close second.

folkrav ,

Oh my god, I must have watched Ace Ventura 2 hundreds of times as a kid. The rhinoceros scene is a freaking classic.

brlemworld ,

Jupiter Ascending

Railison ,

Adding another. Children of Men. Brilliantly made, disturbing premise, very plausible sci-fi. Quite violent, though.

folkrav ,

Their long-take ambush scene is genius

cousinofjah , avatar

Wow. That was intense

Railison ,

Mon Oncle. Making fun of modern impracticalities always makes me laugh.

Appoxo , avatar

Added to the watch list aka the list of shame ;)

AlDente ,

Muppet Treasure Island.

pacoboyd , avatar

Not a recommendation per se, but if you like to ugly cry watch "Dear Evan Hanson"

TheRealKuni ,

Not a recommendation per se, but if you like to ugly cry watch "Dear Evan Hanson"

Evan Hansen is just shy of a rapist. He lied to a family about their dead son/brother and then leveraged that lie to sleep with the sister.

I haven’t seen the movie, but the musical struck me wrong. It was entertaining, and the set design was remarkable, but I couldn’t shake the ick factor.

hasnt_seen_goonies ,

If someone said they enjoy something, why did you reply about how you think it's bad? It's a story that means a lot to them. I know this is the Internet where the other users don't have feelings, but come on.

TheRealKuni , (edited )

If someone said they enjoy something, why did you reply about how you think it's bad? It's a story that means a lot to them.

That’s a good question. It’s not like I was trying to be cruel or anything, but I can see where what I said could come off that way.

That said, I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong about disagreeing with someone. The “ick factor” as I called it is genuinely something that I think doesn’t get discussed sufficiently. The musical was WILDLY popular, and I can absolutely understand. It won the Tony for best musical. The portrayal of insecurity and depression is certainly moving, if basic.

But I also think the show could’ve been better. Evan should’ve come clean before fucking the girl he’d been lying to the whole show. And I find it baffling that anyone would think otherwise.

I know this is the Internet where the other users don't have feelings, but come on.

Again, I wasn’t trying to hurt anyone’s feelings. I don’t think I said anything that wasn’t warranted. This is a public forum, if someone doesn’t want to participate in public discussion the onus is on them, not those who respond without malice. If you make statements you open yourself to disagreement, which is a healthy part of communication. Life isn’t everyone agreeing about everything all the time, or it would be boring.

hasnt_seen_goonies ,

I do agree with you about the ick of it all, especially with it winning the tony like you mentioned. I think musicals have a weird relationship with reality, which can make creepy characters/situations hit different people in different ways. I think phantom/love never dies is a prime example of this.

And I get that this is a forum, but people get replies to their comments sent to their inbox, and it feels weird when I post something and then people disagree as if they aren't in a discussion with me.

HurlingDurling , avatar

The whole to the future franchise

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