Kalkaline ,
@Kalkaline@leminal.space avatar

Have an emergency fund and pay yourself first.

The emergency fund comes first $1000 or 6 months expenses tends to be the sweet spot. It keeps you from taking on bad debt like credit cards and pay day loans. 5% of your paycheck is a good place to get started, that's usually enough to build up funds fairly quickly without hurting too much.

Retirement doesn't have to be a ton of money each pay check, especially if you start early in life, but if you ever want to retire you have to start as soon as possible because the later you start the more money you have to put away. Take the company match on a 401(k) or 5-20% of your paycheck. Invest in a target date fund or S&P 500, Russell 2000 fund, or whole market fund (and look at the expense ratio, you want that to be as low as possible) and call it a day. Individual stocks are for suckers, but if you want to gamble with individual stocks use 1-5% of your portfolio to do it so it's not the end of the world if you pick a loser.

Finding your target for retirement is a big step to knowing what you need to save early. Play around with some retirement calculators and debt payoff calculators fairly often as your target number may change based on your lifestyle.

Anticorp ,

pay yourself first

Did you get this from The Richest Man in Babylon? I just quoted another part of that book for this thread. That's one of the core lessons of that book.

Kalkaline ,
@Kalkaline@leminal.space avatar

Probably, I've read it before.

ryathal ,

I couldn't tell you the original statement. It's an extremely popular saying among financial advice people.

MrsDoyle ,

"You can love the company as much as you like, but the company will never love you back." - My dad.

scytale ,

In a similar vein, HR is not there to help you, they are there to protect the company.

majestictechie ,

Shave with double edged razors. The razors are more extensive (compared to disposable anyway) but you'll save money on the blades.

I bought a razor for £30 and £7 on 100 blades. That was 12 years agoml. I'm 2/3 the way through my razor pack.

I found no difference in how close of a shave I got and while it takes a bit more skill, I got the handle of it after a few shaves.

getoffthedrugsdude ,

"Get off the drugs, dude."

Just needed a friend to care enough to say something so simple, and it changed my life. Sobriety is terrifying for so many, but in my experience it was absolutely worth it.

CanadaPlus ,

I've never touched the stuff, but sometimes I wonder if life would be less horrible if I was numbed to it. What makes it worth it?

getoffthedrugsdude ,

Being myself, knowing myself without the dull edge of substances, actually being present in my life and in other's lives. Drugs were an escape, a place to hide and avoid. Facing reality, while difficult, was such a more fulfilling experience than when constantly running from my own existence.

Anticorp ,

No, drugs only solve problems temporarily, very temporarily, and then they bring a bunch of additional problems into your life.

CanadaPlus ,

And then you get drunk again and forget them, rinse and repeat.

Physiological dependence ends within weeks, and they say after that people relapse basically because their life is bad and they miss being a checked-out junkie. OP's response kind of reinforces that; they have a life now, and they enjoy it, so they don't want to go back.

Obviously from everyone else's perspective it doesn't help. That and your reasoning are basically why I've stayed away from drugs and alcohol completely (and avoided caffeine), but I pride myself on being open-minded. As weird as it sounds, I need to at least consider that the guy on the piss-soaked mattress might have a point, or I'm not being intellectually honest.

Anticorp ,

Being a drunk is great fun. For a time. Then it stops working, and you're left with the original problems, plus a bunch of additional misery.

Blackout ,
@Blackout@kbin.run avatar

When I was getting started in my design career getting jobs was hard. I had a good portfolio but not much experience. Met another designer one day and told her my dimena. Her response: Just lie. She told me everyone does to get work. So I took that advice. Next job I got paid me 2x the previous one and soon enough I wasn't lieing anymore. You think Musk got where he is today thanks to ethics and honesty? Jobs and Gates both stole either knowledge or actual products from others. I still have friends submitting resumes with large gaps, asking for help. They send it over and I embellish the hell of it, always works.

pineapplelover ,

I'm fixing up my resume right now and I don't know how to lie (I'm a student with little experience trying to land and entry job). What did you lie about?

andrewta ,

Make the lie believable. Keep it simple so it's easy to remember.

Give yourself a little experience. Maybe having done a small job at another company. Don't go over board.

Protip: don't claim you are a Navy SEAL.

GBU_28 ,

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?


Blackout ,
@Blackout@kbin.run avatar

What is the entry level job for and is there anything school related you could attribute yourself to. I went to college for industrial design so I could have made up some lab supervisory role that included my experience with the tools, helping other students, fixing machines, etc. anything that made me look like I had tons of ambition.

A specific example would be the time I applied for a web dev job. I knew front end and some backend but they needed a php person. I lied, said I had learned it at a previous job and could do whatever they needed. I counted on being able to research the solution but more than once I hired a php dev to do the simple fixes. 99% of the job was design related but I got that php issue solved at the beginning and there was no doubt from them what I could do after.

pineapplelover ,

I'm going to school for cs and I'm just trying to land an entry level IT job.

Blackout ,
@Blackout@kbin.run avatar

Can you do some volunteer work with your schools I.T. department. Or even some job shadowing. That's one thing I would try. Even without pay it shows ambition. Other than that, do you got a friend that needs a network setup or Linux install? It becomes "I.T. consultant for Echelon, a student-based startup. Focused on building an ethical solution for AI in education." You can peer review these entries and make sure it sounds believable, don't get greedy and don't overreach. Looks for steps maybe a little above your capability but you were heading that way anyways.

GBU_28 ,

If you have ever done something (even a bit, even just in the classroom): you are proficient in that thing. That's the lie.

"Can you do this?"

" Yup sure thing. I have experience with that. "

Be warned, they may test you. Cram to refresh if it seems relevant.

AtariDump ,
auzas_1337 ,
@auzas_1337@lemmy.zip avatar

What makes a good portfolio? I feel like I’m constantly lying and it’s a pain in the ass to find clients, even though I’m confident in my technical skills.

Blackout ,
@Blackout@kbin.run avatar

This was the late 90s and I did a lot of experimenting with flash. It didn't take much to impress people back then. Yugop really inspired me so i did a lot of studies on interacting with the audience and it got me in the door with a prestigious ad agency and that made the rest of my career. Sometimes it's not just about client work. What is trending now? AI related projects. You could do a study for yourself about AI and marketing, Ai and web interaction or whatever. How do you think it will work? Show your creative problem solving. Get out of the conventional thinking and do something in an unexpected way. With design they love to see your progress so I always added that material. Every place you apply gets a lot of responses, it's hard to stand out but necessary.

AtariDump ,
Anticorp ,

Eh, Steve Jobs didn't steal his product. Steve Wozniak created it, and Jobs marketed it. Jobs bought the mouse technology from Xerox, who didn't understand the value of what they had. Jobs pushed for quality on-screen typography, and pioneered the windows based interface. I think you might be thinking of Bill Gates, who stole the Windows interface from Jobs. Apple was a truly pioneering company, which is why so many investors were interested in this company run by a few college kids out of their garage.

AtariDump ,

Don’t panic.

It’s easier to apologize than to ask for permission.

We best lead by example.

Keep your mouth shut and your eyes and your ears open.

Don’t cheap out on the things that separate you from the ground (shoes / tires / mattress / etc)

Buy cheap, buy twice. Buy once, cry once.

mr_pip ,
@mr_pip@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

imho the 2nd and 3rd contradict each other a bitt possibly

AtariDump ,

I could see that.

charonn0 ,
@charonn0@startrek.website avatar

When in doubt, shut up.

The best way to make money in Vegas is to sell light bulbs.

letsgo ,

If you want a scooter, get a bike instead. The bigger wheels make them more stable. -My Dad, not long before he was promoted to glory.

AlphaOmega ,

In the USA, money buys your freedom

whotookkarl ,
@whotookkarl@lemmy.world avatar

If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

Don't play rigged games

Try to do the right thing, but actually take some time to try to figure out if it's right or just feels right.

Being right and being wrong feels the exact same until challenged with facts.

Anticorp ,

That which you consider to be your necessary expenditures will always rise to meet your income unless you protest to the contrary.

--The Richest Man In Babylon

exanime ,

A small dose of selfishness is necessary to live life with sanity

meekah ,
@meekah@lemmy.world avatar

It's called healthy egoism

@HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

My brain gives me advice all the time. I don't know why, but I have all sorts of quotes, whether it's from me, or someone else.

"How can you be there for others, if you can't be there for yourself?"

"The most simple solution is often the best one."

"Judge someone not by what they are, but who they are."

"Don't chase ghosts."

"Effort is the most important currency."

And, of course,

"Stay hydrated."

Anticorp ,

Yes, none of those are original, but they're all good advice.

@HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Some of them did come to mind naturally, but it's pretty much impossible to create any sort of brand new sentence, unless you're eating spicy deep fried peeps, using a Yamaha DX-7 as a plate, at an Olive Garden in Kansas. That might be original. Maybe.

Anticorp ,

Back in my early twenties I invented the martingale strategy, thinking that I had finally figured out a way to beat the house. I was pretty stoked. Then I talked to my manager about it and he let me know that it was a strategy which has already been proven to fail and has been heavily researched mathematically. Like you said, it's pretty much impossible to come up with an original thought these days

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Effort is the most important currency."

I like this one.

@HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I have a related quote:

"People are focusing too much on how they're spending their money, and not enough on how they're spending their effort."

Hikermick ,

Spending time is the most generous act

CyberDine ,

'C's get degrees.

It's not what you know, it's who you know.

You can teach the job, you can't teach personality.

If the world is going to shit, and you can't or won't do anything about it, why worry about it.

Anticorp ,

It's both really. Knowing people when you know nothing doesn't do much for ya. But when you're known as a skilled person by people with opportunities, then that's a good position to be in.

AtariDump ,

It’s not what you know, it’s not who you know, it’s who knows you.

DaleGribble88 ,
@DaleGribble88@programming.dev avatar

"We choose to go to the moon and do the other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. This is just one of those other things." - My dad quoting JFK at me to get me to do the dishes as a teenager. I don't think he would remember even saying that to me, but has always stuck with me. Something said about something so monumental being applied to something so benign. But that wasn't the point, because it was hard for me.

Anticorp ,

That's damned good advice about building a good home, environment, and life for yourself.

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