whoreticulture ,

People just moved short-form shitposty videos to Vine, then TikTok. YouTube incentivizes long form videos.

Midnight1938 ,

Explain the long form 20 second videos i get in my recommendations then

whoreticulture ,

Those are mostly three month old tiktok videos 😅

Midnight1938 ,


This isnt tiktok

whoreticulture ,

Hm, idk. You have any thoughts? I always heard that YouTube videos are incentivized to be 10+ min for ads.

TheChargedCreeper864 ,

I 100% expected him to have Rickrolled himself by the end, ngl

corsicanguppy ,

deep frying

Like, vocal fries? The Aguilara 'ehhhh-hhhhh-hhh' or how Britney began every line of every song?

gallopingsnail ,
@gallopingsnail@lemmy.sdf.org avatar
explodicle ,

It's when they crank up the saturation and lossy compression for... irony or something? Idk I'm old

tacofox ,

I’m surprised I’ve only seen one mention of the good ol’ Stumbleupon.com, I used to spend hours alone and with friends just hopping from one random thing to another. Found some pretty cool stuff too.

grrgyle ,
@grrgyle@slrpnk.net avatar

LOVED stumbleupon. I even met some cool people IRL through it.

These days kagi.com/smallweb is the closest thing I've seen. It's a lot of fun to stumble around, but of course the larger internet has changed. You didn't have all of these content streaming behemoths vying for your engagement back then.

blusterydayve26 ,

Seems like a pretty good use of /c/lost+found

PiratePanPan ,
@PiratePanPan@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So much for dealing with my depression today

grrgyle ,
@grrgyle@slrpnk.net avatar

Hey we're making a pretty cool little part of the internet for ourselves right here on the fediverse at least :)

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

It's nothing without ponies.

The 4chan community from back in the day sure was obsessed with them.

grrgyle ,
@grrgyle@slrpnk.net avatar

Man I thought that was a joke when I first started seeing it. Nope.

Though many of us remember the early internet pre-ponies; pre 4chan, even

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

Those were fun times.

Kit ,

Tfw I used 4chan for years before bronies were a thing. Those were truly the golden years.

Resol ,
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

Couldn't agree more.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I've always said the same thing myself: I miss the Internet just there for fun. Now they try to make a living out of it; either in good faith or scamming you.

corsicanguppy ,

BackInMyDay.jpg we used the net for looking stuff up. Mozilla 1.0 was faster than gopher and something something altavista web crawler grey hair getOffMyLawn.gif

But it was a special time, back at the uni in 92 and using the 56k link (!!) to play muds/moos on a server in f'n Bosnia. Or read the MTG mailing list. Uh, I mean, do class work. No commercial things even on there really. Before Amazon, Google, Myspace, etc.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

Life Internet was so simple back then. None with all these fancy gadgets and instantaneous loading of porn images and videos! Just living in the moment, being patient to wait for your favourite Internet material to load for 2 hours!

grrgyle ,
@grrgyle@slrpnk.net avatar

I remember being excited when people on the television or "irl" would mention anything to do with computers or even the internet.

Like wow mainstream culture is talking about the niche nerd thing that I love!

Now the internet is the mainstream culture.

Emmie , (edited )

Yt turned from video sharing service to a shitty streaming one. Theoretically for free except you are the product.

It’s actually pretty insane that we prefer to watch some celebrity streamer talking than a movie or tv series. I think there was some brainwashing along the way or maybe it’s just a cope for loneliness

FractalsInfinite ,

The advantage of youtube is that it's user generation and low barrier to entry allows anyone to produce creations that are targeted to niches so specific, people would be unwilling to make something that targets them due to the lack of profit, if they are even aware of the existence of said niche. It also means that said creations can be made relatable to specific groups.

Things like parasocial relationships also apply, where we watch someones videos in order to get to know them to the point you may unintentionally believe you are friends with them, Something let's players, bloggers, streamers and podcast/radio hosts all are able to effectively exploit. It probably helps that most start off being relatable to there viewers due to there similar (and often worse) economic status.

wick ,

While I'll agree the internet has been overrun by shortform shit, calling internet memes uncreative is such a boomer-ass take. This guy is just nostalgia baiting for points.

pewgar_seemsimandroid ,

spotlight ruined my humor the latest to do so.

summerof69 ,

What points on 4chan?

Raxiel ,

From a 4chan premium account

milicent_bystandr ,

Get enough and eventually you become nonymous

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

I think you go from Anon to Fam

NegativeInf ,

Brownie points.

wick ,

I think for 4chan any post that doesn't result in you getting called a slur is considered a +1

Jumi ,

They're molding after all

booly ,

Yeah, plenty of Gen Z memes still make me laugh. They're just in different forms, including some video "templates" where you just slap some captions on characters in the same scene:

  • Starship troopers "I'm doing my part" montage interrupted with Tim Robinson "I didn't do shit!"
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid scene with kids auditioning from by singing Total Eclipse of the Heart, giving way to some kid who's actually good.

Are they really that different from some high quality gifs or deep fried memes from the late 2010's, advice animals from the early 2010's, demotivational posters or absurd flash animations from the 2000's, or joke websites from the 90's?

People will always be funny, and some internet jokes will start fresh before being run into the ground. Remember the ones you like, and then forget the ones you don't.

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

If you want to get really old school: I miss web rings.

SoleInvictus ,

Sailor Moon Web Ring 4 Lyfe!

refalo ,


real old school is BBS.

yemmly ,


real old school is reconfiguring vacuum tubes in your warehouse sized computer

letsgo ,

Ha, you kids and your fancy new fangled vacuum tubes. REAL old school is using a bunch of relays we nicked from the local telephone exchange!

FractalsInfinite ,

In my experience a lot of programming blogs still have them, but then again those are the people who are most capable of adding them and who are mostly likely to find them

PlexSheep ,

Can you explain what that is for us youngsters? Something like RSS feeds?

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

As a website owner, you would just register your site with a ring and then add a bit of HTML at the bottom of your page which would display the randomly-selected banner of another site in the ring (and your banner would sometimes be displayed on another site). So visitors could just click on the banners and be taken through a circuit of interesting (sometimes) websites.

ICastFist ,
@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Ah, so basically a list/group of partner sites

whoreticulture ,

Not really, because you would click an arrow to get to the next website. It didn't list everything out.

blusterydayve26 ,

But, like, for non-commercial fan sites, not for influencers.

PlexSheep ,

Does that still exist? I have a subpage on my website with interesting links, this could be something for it.

ChickenLadyLovesLife ,

I haven't seen a web ring in more than 20 years.

tvarog_smetana ,

I feel like the last version of this kind of thing was the Important Videos playlist which was 2017-ish, I think

Roldyclark ,

How it feels to chew five gum

biggerbogboy ,

How it chews to feel five gum

PlexSheep ,

Important videos is amazing

Raiderkev ,

The north remembers operation soda steal

captainlezbian ,

Lasted about as long as the Wild West.

KillingTimeItself ,

the darkweb is literally just the old internet, plus or minus some racism.

It's great fun.

Raiderkev ,

Idk about the minus part

KillingTimeItself ,

it depends on where you go.

And where you go on the clear net.

There's tons of racism on the clear net, and theres tons of racism on the darknet.

But there's also shit like cookbooks on the darknet.

yemmly ,

Indeed there are cookbooks. Lots of cookbooks for absolutely anything anyone could ever cook, for any meaning of the word “cook”.

SnipingNinja ,
@SnipingNinja@slrpnk.net avatar

Let 'em cook

KillingTimeItself ,

hey man, people gotta eat, what can i say.

Might as well eat good, and in your own little privacy bubble as well.

Insanelysick ,

Light the way friend.

KillingTimeItself ,

i am sorry i cannot do that for you.

It would fuck up the name.

TheHooligan95 ,

I think that's the whole point. But before, it was all just a simple Google search away, no SEO in sight. Being capable of surfing the web properly already was at the time THE test to get in, much like private forums often have some kind of interviewing process. It felt a little more nerdy, and well organized, as you actually had to be both things to contribute. As it always was.

KillingTimeItself ,

it's so much more visceral, in the sense that it's just fucking html 90% of the time. And it's incredible.

PiratePanPan ,
@PiratePanPan@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Nice try, FBI agent

KillingTimeItself ,

hey! I'm a CIA agent!

ICastFist ,
@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Nice try, KGB spy

KillingTimeItself ,

listen, i'm just working for the chinese! No need to be so aggressive.

unreasonabro ,

money-ass bitchernet, that's what we got now.

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