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Emmie ,

You: what a flawed study, they indirectly say women are more clueless than men using dubious methodology and weak quality sample.

Me: older women can appreciate the thrills of spreading fake news in the morning to poison the system and accelerate collapse of capitalism.

We are not the same

Emmie , (edited )


Seeding fake news in the minds of clueless folks is quite fun feeling, you should try it sometime. Makes you feel like a god, shaping the reality itself

Emmie , (edited )

Someone’s been doing the lords work to weed out the sickos ordering a fucking ‘chicken’ at mc

How deranged you must be to casually approach the service and say ‘Hey I want to eat chicken here, you got some?’. 90% of mc employee training is just learning to not reply “you want a chicken? Go to a fucking kfc”

Emmie , (edited )

Nuggets are vegan food according to Stanford university researchers. The paper was lost but they did the gas spectrometry on their gases and found no meat digestion byproducts. No plants either. It’s actually the single most ethical food as it shortens your carbon footprint by 20 years.

Emmie ,


My chaotic soul appreciates the garbage bin trash level of discourse

The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates ( www.theguardian.com )

Despite its name, the infrastructure used by the “cloud” accounts for more global greenhouse emissions than commercial flights. In 2018, for instance, the 5bn YouTube hits for the viral song Despacito used the same amount of energy it would take to heat 40,000 US homes annually....

Emmie ,

I think that some are allergic to any slightest notion of capitalism being good

Emmie , (edited )

Sometimes I just want to see online world burn

Now do I want to engage em or not? Probably not I guess, it would be tiring especially since any nuance is lost on the web in favour of black and white thinking

I’ll play some guitar or eat burgers while they produce their stuff. Maybe draw something or blender hm

The key to healthy internet is to wisely choose your keyboard battles and not get bogged down by the army of simpletons

Emmie ,

I mean only something that can crumble needs defending. If something is made from undefeated steel it can be left and is as pristine as ever upon return.

New Louisiana law will criminalize approaching police under certain circumstances ( apnews.com )

Critics of a new Louisiana law, which makes it a crime to approach within 25 feet (7.6 meters) of a police officer under certain circumstances, fear that the measure could hinder the public’s ability to film officers — a tool that has increasingly been used to hold police accountable....

Emmie , (edited )

Gaming never truly recovered after the 2003 late golden age and 2006 fall when the first microtransaction released. Sims 2, kotor, Jedi outcast, fable, dark messiah, command conquer, wh40k dawn of war, battle for middle earth, morrowind, fallout 2, icewind, baldurs, system shock, tw medieval 2, cod 2, neverwinter, half life, gta sa, civ 4, aoe 2- most are still better than modern equivalents except graphics and QoL

The rare brief time when the big money flowed and fuelled innovation instead of playing it safe and stale. Almost everything today is just a rehash of that era with slapped microtransactions on top

Emmie , (edited )

Full time job where you pay money to the boss. God damn ppl wake the f up and do smh

We won’t carry civilization like this. It’s in our generation hands now but they are tied doing genshin dallies and minds busy gobbling shipping fanfics. hence the old fucks like Biden and trump ordering us around as they please

Emmie ,

Is it possible that someone is conducting some operation and doesn’t want it to be randomly documented?

Some state maybe? Eh I just have a hard time thinking of motives for this attack

Emmie ,

Sure but usually those who attack pretty things for no reason are morons barely able to articulate themselves let alone coordinate a massive DDoS.

Emmie ,

That would depend on the ability of the sysadmins yes?

Emmie , (edited )

It’s sad to see USA so shackled by pure capitalism that it starts to lose its scientific edge left and right while drooling libs jerk off to the big pharma freedom of unrestrained gains. Still believing they have a chance for the piece from the cake if only they squeeze their cheeks a little harder.

Emmie , (edited )

Liberals means different things around the world. Here it means free markets circlejerkers, Adam smith cultists, invisible hand of the market preachers while at the same time anti lgbt for some reason. Pro freedom but anti freedom. Full of paradoxes. Neonazi too and even conservative despite based around free market peddling.

After all we live in a post truth word where even people who agree with each other cannot communicate anymore due to shifting meaning of the words thanks to the politicians and media.

How can we even converse if the words itself are stolen, changed and used for war? Do we need to use mathematics instead of language if the latter is disfigured beyond recognition? Changed into a tool of some demagogue?

Emmie ,

Lmao sounds like you got some stick up your ass. Go get some qualified help with pulling it out

Emmie , (edited )

Damn I am trying to stay classy today despite all odds. I may need to kill someone (in a game) before the day comes to an end to release that steam from hormone inbalances

Fuck it I am going out to the city

Emmie , (edited )

I believe in ———

Emmie ,

My legs feel weak from just seeing the diagrams

Emmie , (edited )

There we go guys. It’s funny when nutty conspiracy theorists are against masks when they should be wearing frikin balaclavas

Emmie , (edited )

As always at this day of the week I start to feel intense aggression coupled with too much time on social media around fridays which results in being an insufferable menace to online society. Then on Saturday I feel amazing again.. after two days of pointless internet arguments and feeling like sociopath I cry to lion king and love people and animals again.

However today I start to feel intense yearning to commit war crimes and cope by sharing it all with the internet yay. Again the metallic taste of sadism fills my mouth harming more myself really than anyone else in these two day streaks of Reddit freakout.

I need to find some kind of better fkin release than battling lame nerds and loli hentai fans, ordinary morons, marxists leninists, singularity freaks, husbando haters, irs goons, lawful high horse riders

To stay non edgy for most of the time at Thursday and Friday is a challenge. The hormones go down and down inversely proportional to the desire for murder but jail is not the best place for non legally transitioned trans ppl as we all know.

Stay classy Emmie you can do it

Emmie , (edited )

Register a religious organisation/church worshipping digital media and proclaim that this account is part of religious rituals of your church. In the United States, freedom of religion is a constitutionally protected right provided in the religion clauses of the First Amendment.

Emmie , (edited )

I wish I could just eat a pill once a day marked with desired bmi and forget about eating and focus on real stuff instead. I can barely hit 17.7 bmi even with some huel powder in a cup that is a hassle to wash. I want like 20 bmi to not look like a stick but it is hard to remember to eat that much

Emmie ,

Or we are permanently depressed or smh and not enjoy simple things as much as we could that’s a thought that is in the back of my head sometimes.

Emmie , (edited )

Yeah I really need to. I spent a year trying to keep some working out routine. It’s so easy to slip and forget about it.
I usually wake up and like wtf I had this healthy routine everything was nice but then some activity/project/idea absorbed me 24/7 for few days and it just evaporated like it never existed. Whether it was learning German, blender or drawing or suddenly writing scifi or warhammer painting or music making or playing guitar or physics learning etc… it is always few days of being utterly lost in that thing

There’s no constant things ever for me but just a repeated cycle of relearning the same thing again and again. I keep enormous collection of tabs on my… developments but forget to come back to them too. I hope they stay somewhere in my subconsciousness

Emmie ,

I think I know

Emmie ,

I need to pin that comment somewhere and remember it, thanks

Emmie , (edited )

For some it’s doom and gloom for others it’s flourish and best times since forever. Such is life

Ancient cycle of bad good bad good as old as history.

Still, we are lucky to be born in first world countries, we probably share that in common, so our situation is from the start nicer than 80% of the world.

I recently discovered I suffer a lot of victim mentality which constrained me and probably made me partly insufferable so maybe it is something that troubles you too or not

Emmie , (edited )

Yeah small twitch channels are fun. streamer saying hi caught me off guard and felt somewhat surreal first time like eee wait are they talking to me wtf

Emmie ,

To allow atmospheric flight and quick traversal of complex palace interiors

Emmie ,

I have a hunch it is a steam powered train you are talking to. They last long as long as you repair and oil parts regularly

Emmie , (edited )

There is this whole group of crime, sociopathic streamers it’s disgusting. I hate to see many people enjoy those things and that I share the planet with them as they watch streamers beat up their moms or smh

This is the filthiest filth out there you can feel. apparently some pay to feel that. Modern colloseums

Emmie , (edited )

That’s super cool. This is the internet we need

Tbh I am not here because this site is superior or foss but because it is still rather small and thus maybe, maybe you can remember some names and have like healthier community. Feel more like in a virtual village than a sprawling city while still having critical mass of new content and at the same this village should be diverse enough to see various sentiments and experiences you would never knew

Emmie ,

Half science half click bait, completely awesome

Emmie ,

Mother Nature is cruel and we are at the pinnacle. It’s kind of cool to see such sentiments that are so uncharacteristic for the cold, dark universe. I wonder if there is a single place out there where similar behaviours could develop. Would anyone else view them as we do or is it intrinsically human?

Are aliens cannibals?

Emmie ,

I think morality is a human social construct. A very beautiful one though but one that can only exist to various degrees if there is certain level of comfort and prosperity.

Ultimately it is merely a tiny splinter in the vast cosmos. I like it nevertheless and sticking to it makes me feel good.

Emmie ,

If I would say what I think I’d be banned for 6 months but generally could you please take your mitochondria on an indefinite vacation?

Emmie , (edited )

Oh, hi, second coming of Edgar Dijkstra.

Don’t say those things to me. I have special snowflake disorder. I got literally high reading this when seeing a famous intelligent person has same opinion as me. Great minds… god see what you have done.

Emmie ,

Guys maybe like simp for adult ppl idk just a thought

Emmie ,

Mother Gaia is a cruel and brutal bitch. Just read up on Darwin. No nazis killed as many beings as natural selection

Emmie ,

Thousands would board the ships again. The stability of steam is a huge reason why I often buy games

Emmie ,

I played the game boy game quidditch and it was fine in practice as weird as the rules sound

Emmie ,

It doesn’t matter that much as long as Nintendo switch is considered more cool for general public which it still is due to deck being kinda black and nerdish

Is deck objectively better? Sure but the power of social conformity is near limitless as we can see from apple stock valuation

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