Atemu , avatar

What does this have to do with privacy? It's just a userscript to modify the regular Twitter website with all its human rights abuse.


It could function as a nicotine patch for people who have a Schüllian obsession with Twitter.

aeharding , avatar

Stop caring about what people post on twitter.

merthyr1831 ,

true but sometimes a news article or some service will link to a tweet and i have to use the godawful website client

aeharding , avatar

I personally just don’t bother if that is the case ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Y5QcY2Cu9 ,

The point of nitter for me was checking some source links to twitter from mastodon posts without adding my +1 to the number of active users on Melons dumb website, so that is not really an alternative for me :(

lemmyreader OP ,

I watched a few statuses on Twitter with this Userstyle using Tor and then added blocking of the Google and Apple login scripts and without having to use a Twitter login. Never got asked by Twitter to login. Nitter was for sure much nicer when it still worked but this is good enough for me when I would really want to look up a Twitter page (which rarely happens).

Strobelt ,

I used a browser extension exactly for this when I still used Twitter. Best thing ever. Then manbaby bought Twitter and it's gone to shit.

kbal ,
kbal avatar

It sort of looks nice but it doesn't seem to work very much. Any links I click on a twitter page do nothing but bring up a login form. Sometimes it comes up first, obscuring the content, even if I don't click any links. I'm considering putting in a redirect rule to send every twitter link here instead.

ReversalHatchery ,

From the description I think it still requires an account, just transforms the webpage into a read-only one

kbal ,
kbal avatar

Yeah, I guess so. So it's not a replacement for Nitter. I'm sure two or three people will have a use for it, difficult though it is to imagine anyone signing up for a Twitter account in 2024.

lemmyreader OP ,

I've only used Nitter in the past to read the status of a page of someone on Twitter. Sadly lots of people and organizations are still sitting on their Twitter account :(
Some open source projects still use their Twitter account as their main communication tool (VLC being a recent example) to the rest of the world.
With this Userstyle I could see the timeline of an account today, without needing a Twitter account and it being clutter free.

otter , avatar

Description: twitter with no timeline, no likes, no retweets, no buttons, nothing. just the tweets.

Notes: i made this because i wanna see tweets people link, but i don't want an account, but i have to create one to see them.

Looks cool, going to give it a try

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