Tennessee Senate passes bill banning chemtrails ( eu.tennessean.com )

The Tennessee Senate has passed a bill targeting "chemtrails."

SB 2691/HB 2063, sponsored by Rep. Monty Fritts, R-Kingston, and Sen. Steve Southerland, R-Morristown, passed in the Senate on Monday. The bill has yet to advance in the House.

The bill claims it is "documented the federal government or other entities acting on the federal government's behalf or at the federal government's request may conduct geoengineering experiments by intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere, and those activities may occur within the State of Tennessee," according to the bill.

The legislation would ban the practice in Tennessee.

"The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited," the bill reads.

The bill is scheduled to go to the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday.

Etterra ,

In today's class; how to pass a law that does nothing, affects no one, and makes idiots re-elect you.

Bluegrass_Buddhist ,

Critical support to Tennessean used car salesmen with brains so fried by Qanon they're stumbling backwards into opposing Bill Gates geo-engineering bullshit

Thordros ,
@Thordros@hexbear.net avatar

Clickbait headline.

Chemtrails aren't mentioned anywhere in the bill. They're banning solar geoengineering tests in the state. Which is at least something that some companies are studying, even though the tech doesn't exist yet.

reverendsteveii ,

what are chemtrails, then? because the bill talks about "intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere" and to say that it doesn't ban chemtrails because it doesn't say the word "chemtrails" is a little bit dishonest in and of itself

sugar_in_your_tea ,

"Chemtrails" are from a conspiracy theory that the government is spreading mind control agents through these contrails or vapor trails (the trails left behind airplanes sometimes). Here's an article discussing what they actually are.

bloodfart ,

operation sea spray

Crazy that biological agents are excluded from the anti chemtrails bill when they’re the real life chemtrails!

AOCapitulator ,
@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

No more fighting fires with planes and helicopters, no dispersing chemicals, not even dihyxrogen monoxide

delirious_owl ,
@delirious_owl@discuss.online avatar

"This [is] as convincing as saying that alien beings walk among in disguise as people because some people act very strangely.," they added.

Psh, are you seriously saying that lizard alien people who control us all aren't walking disguised among us?? /s

delirious_owl ,
@delirious_owl@discuss.online avatar

I mean I support this bill. The solution to the climate catastrophe is a carbon tax and eventual carbon burning ban.

We need to shutdown these stupid ideas of geoentineering cooked up by the oil industry.

AOCapitulator ,
@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

They banned a fake thing that doesn't exist

This is the same as banning cubas havanah syndrome gun

delirious_owl ,
@delirious_owl@discuss.online avatar

Its valid to ban something before it exists, however.

Nobody is disputing that oil companies are pouring money into geoentineering bullshit so they can continue to pollute.

AOCapitulator ,
@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar


blakeus12 ,
@blakeus12@hexbear.net avatar

the solution is the overthrow of the global capitalist system, the transition of energy to solar, nuclear, wind, hydroelectric, etc. then banning cars, transitioning to 100% electric infrastructure

delirious_owl ,
@delirious_owl@discuss.online avatar

Yes. And passing legislation that reduces the impact on the climate catastrophe in the meantime is good too.

reddithalation ,

they aren't good ideas but we dont seem to be doing much about our emissions, so research into potential methods to delay the problem doesn't seem terrible. (as long as its not exploited to continue doing nothing)

TheJims ,

Just convince Tennessee Republicans that airplanes aren’t real. Should be easy considering they’re completely capable of ignoring reality in favor of conspiracies. Problem solved. You’re welcome.

You999 ,

I'm not sure if Tennessee has the jurisdiction to enforce this law seeing as the FAA makes it very clear they get to decide what state and local laws may be enforced.

FartsWithAnAccent ,
FartsWithAnAccent avatar

I'm not sure because "chemtrails" don't fucking exist: It's an insane conspiracy theory spouted by idiots who don't understand what contrails are or why they form.

You999 ,

Just because they don't exist doesn't mean they won't look in the sky and see a condensation trail Coming from a jet liner and start throwing fines at people.

smooth_tea ,

You sound very sure, but don't forget that the UK admitted to doing similar things, for decades, on an unsuspecting population.


FartsWithAnAccent ,
FartsWithAnAccent avatar

I'm not saying fucked up experimentation has never happened, it 100% has in multiple countries including the US & UK, but I am saying that "chemtrails" do not exist and are a misunderstanding of contrails.

smooth_tea ,

It all depends on how you define the word chemtrails. It's easy to jump to the most ridiculous version of the theory and reject it, but that is somewhat akin to a straw man. In light of what I just showed you, it's also incredibly contradictory.

No offense, but if you oversimplify the situation to "it's just contrails that linger and people not understanding this" I think you're not doing yourself any justice. Not everyone who questions these things is a fool who can't reason or apply logic.

FartsWithAnAccent ,
FartsWithAnAccent avatar

If you're describing anything other than a made up conspiracy theory, you should use a term other than chemtrails, which applies (as far as I have always heard) specifically to the conspiracy theory. Otherwise, as soon as any most people hear you use the term you come off as another crazy, ignorant conspiracy theorist.

xantoxis ,

Wow, we're really gone aren't we. We're all the way fucked.

TehWorld ,

100 years ago they banned mustachioed men from holding groundhogs above waist height for longer than 6 minutes per hour….

idiomaddict ,

Yeah, but it got John the groundhog hoister to shave his awful mustache, so you know, time well spent

culpritus ,
@culpritus@hexbear.net avatar

I guess this bans crop-dusting of any kind unless there is some altitude stipulation involved. Kinda funny if that pans out to be true because I'm sure these Tennessee Republicans are not too keen on organic farming practices.

Liz ,

"The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited" the bill reads.

It's right there in the the description.

culpritus ,
@culpritus@hexbear.net avatar

AH, so pesticide chemtrails are A OK for these folks! As long as is doesn't have the express purpose of affecting the temperature, weather, or intensity of sunlight, you can spray all kinds of fun chemtrails!

FigMcLargeHuge ,

Well the jokes on them, because it looks like they forgot to ban chemtrails for the purpose of mind control.

oscardejarjayes ,
@oscardejarjayes@hexbear.net avatar

so if I spread chemtrails with the intent to do mind control or population control or biological warfare, it's perfectly fine and legal. good to know

delirious_owl ,
@delirious_owl@discuss.online avatar

Dropping a ton of pesticides from the sky sounds like a bad idea. I support this bill.

FartsWithAnAccent ,
FartsWithAnAccent avatar

bans crop dusting

I always knew the day would come when they formally banned farting in crowded elevators.

davel ,
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

If the Tennessee Senate’s goal was to waste 45 seconds of my life, mission accomplished.

D61 ,

Instantly successful... high fives all around!

Cap ,
@Cap@kbin.social avatar

The way this things reads it either affects everything or nothing that gets pumped into the atmosphere. My guess is nothing because who will ever say their express purpose is to affect the temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight?

EndOfLine ,
@EndOfLine@lemmy.world avatar

The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited,

So just bring a camera to film it and say the express purpose is to make art, educational videos, documentaries, study dispersal patterns, etc.

It's totally cool to affect the environment accidentally or as a biproduct of another activity.

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