Miro_Collas , to Space & Science
@Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

Beethoven was full of lead, arsenic and mercury – The History Blog

"Analysis of authenticated locks clipped from Ludwig von Beethoven’s prodigious head of hair as he lay dying has found astronomically high levels of lead, arsenic and mercury. The poisoning was so severe, it may explain the symptoms that plagued him at the end of his life."

EU_Commission , to Random stuff
@EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

200 candles today for our Ode to Joy!

The European Union’s anthem turns 2⃣0⃣0⃣ today and it is time to celebrate Ludwig van Beethoven’s masterpiece!

Composed in 1824, the excerpt from the prelude to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was adopted as the anthem of the EU in 1985 and is one of the most known symbols of our unity. It speaks volumes through its melody, embodying the shared European ideals of freedom, peace, and solidarity.

One anthem, a whole Union. Happy birthday, Ode to joy!

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  • guidomengelberg ,
    @guidomengelberg@mastodon.social avatar

    @EU_Commission "Auf den Tag genau 200 Jahre nach der Uraufführung erklingt die legendäre 9. Sinfonie statt im mittlerweile abgerissenen Wiener Theater am Kärntnertor nun in der ähnlich prächtigen Kulisse der Historischen Stadthalle in - und zwar so, wie einst die Uraufführung gestaltete, nämlich mit einem Chor, der vor dem Orchester positioniert ist."

    ALCL , to classicalmusic group French
    @ALCL@framapiaf.org avatar

    Saison de Printemps – Les Cordes de Loire 13 &14 Avril 2024.

    Chateau de la Fresnaye Val-du-Layon

    Patio des arts -les Garennes sur loire

    Réservations et programme :

    @Lagrandemusique @OuestFrance @AngersVillactu @festivalssurnantes @musiquesurnantes @valdeloire @classicalmusic

    ALCL , to Musique sur Nantes ! :D French
    @ALCL@framapiaf.org avatar

    Saison de Printemps – Les Cordes de Loire 13 &14 Avril 2024.

    Chateau de la Fresnaye Val-du-Layon

    Patio des arts -les Garennes sur loire

    Réservations et programme :

    @Lagrandemusique @OuestFrance @AngersVillactu @festivalssurnantes @musiquesurnantes @valdeloire @classicalmusic


    ALCL , to Musique sur Nantes ! :D French
    @ALCL@framapiaf.org avatar

    Saison de Printemps – Les Cordes de Loire 13 &14 Avril 2024.

    Chateau de la Fresnaye Val-du-Layon

    Patio des arts -les Garennes sur loire

    Réservations et programme :

    @Lagrandemusique @AngersVillactu @youtube_arteconcert @festivalssurnantes @musiquesurnantes @valdeloire @classicalmusic


    Pierrette , to classicalmusic group Italian
    @Pierrette@mastodon.uno avatar

    this is how I was introduced by father to Les Adieux and it will always be THIS to me
    Beethoven - Piano Sonata No. 26 in E-flat major, Op. 81a -Les Adieux- - Artur Schnabel

    Orchestergraben , to classicalmusicgroup group German
    @Orchestergraben@classicalmusic.social avatar
    Orchestergraben , to classicalmusicgroup group German
    @Orchestergraben@classicalmusic.social avatar

    Entdecke die Brillanz des Pianisten Artur Pereira. Sein neues Album ‚Piano sonatas vol. 2‘ ist eine spannende Interpretation der Beethoven-Klaviersonaten.


    @classicalmusic @classicalmusicgroup

    benthos , to VinylRecords group
    @benthos@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    David Oistrakh and Lev Oborine - Beethoven Piano-Violin Sonatas (1962)

    Lucked out at the thrift store today and found this complete set of Le Chant du Monde recordings of Beethoven piano & violin concertos in pristine shape.



    edupont_clearly , to classicalmusic group
    @edupont_clearly@toot.community avatar

    Rumour had it that this new release was worth listening to. I can now confirm that it's quite something 🤩 .

    Orchestergraben , to classicalmusic group German
    @Orchestergraben@classicalmusic.social avatar
    lakelady , to classicalmusic group
    @lakelady@mstdn.social avatar
    AkaSci , (edited ) to Random stuff
    @AkaSci@fosstodon.org avatar

    On the 253rd birthday of Ludwig van Beethoven (17 December 1770 – 26 March 1827), let's take a look again at this most beautiful flashmob performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9, Ode an die Freude (Ode to Joy).
    Perfect for the holiday season.


    AkaSci OP ,
    @AkaSci@fosstodon.org avatar

    Beethoven's 5th symphony, with a twist.


    edupont_clearly , to classicalmusic group
    @edupont_clearly@toot.community avatar

    After late evening work, this album came as a pleasant switch, though not relaxing at all @classicalmusic


    Orchestergraben , to classicalmusicgroup group German
    @Orchestergraben@classicalmusic.social avatar
    kalmanreti , to classicalmusic group
    @kalmanreti@mastodon.social avatar

    A 1967 live broadcast in Hamburg by Jakob Gimpel and the NDR
    Sinfonieorchester (with Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt conducting)
    of the Beethoven 4th piano concerto (perhaps my favorite of
    the five). Sadly this sort of non-flashy understated pianism
    has gone out of (was never in?) favor.



    ozaru , to classicalmusic group
    @ozaru@toot.wales avatar


    Today 7 Oct, 4pm in the Ringlemere Ensemble will play string quartet Op 18.5, piano quintet Op 84, and two piano pieces.

    As a taster, here's the ensemble at the Deal Festival: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uwn3vqoYB98


    MetalClassicalRocks , to classicalmusic group
    @MetalClassicalRocks@musician.social avatar

    Metal Classical Rocks seeks to help fellow and fans connect to classical music in a familiar way.

    is perhaps the greatest. The Grosse (Große) Fuge feels modern even though is nearly 200 years old, having been composed in 1826.



    lukaso666 , to Music group Polish
    @lukaso666@chaos.social avatar


    Piano Concertos 2 & 3 (Live) -
    Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Paul Paray, Glenn Gould (1960/620)

    Glenn Gould w FENOMENALNEJ formie! Mógłbym słuchać tej płyty bez końca!

    🌐 https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=0cAimLNF1Ts


    IreneJolys , to classicalmusic group French
    @IreneJolys@mastodon.social avatar

    Retrouvez moi au Festival de Rou-Marson le 26 Août concert à l´Eglise de Marson à 18h30 dans un duo Flûte et violoncelle


    @classicalmusic @classicalmusicgroup @classicalmusic

    CRBClassical , to Random stuff
    @CRBClassical@mstdn.social avatar

    Good morning ! It's the LAST weekend we're broadcasting from this summer 😥 Here's what's on tap:

    8/18, 8pm: Jean-Yves Thibaudet plays Gershwin and Saint-Saëns

    8/19, 8pm: Leonidas Kavakos plays 's Violin Concerto

    8/20, 7pm on CRB: Sending off the season with the Ode to Joy! 's Symphony No. 9 with the Tanglewood Center Orchestra.

    All the info available here:

    summeremacs , to classicalmusic group
    @summeremacs@fashionsocial.host avatar

    I'm posting one of my favourite pieces and performances of all time on the piano by Murray Perahia. So, the whole Appassionata should be listened to, but I'm going to start the playback on the third movement just to impress everyone. And then you can rewind and listen from the start (which you should do). 🎼🎶🎹

    YouTube: Murray Perahia - Beethoven - Piano Sonata No 23 in F minor, Op 57


    raurquiz , to Random stuff Spanish
    @raurquiz@c.im avatar
    ScienceDesk , to Random stuff
    @ScienceDesk@flipboard.social avatar

    DNA from Beethoven’s hair reveals a surprise from almost 200 years ago. A study published in March declares that the famous classical composer’s death was probably the result of a Hepatitis B infection, but more questions on his life and death remain. Here’s more from ScienceAlert: https://flip.it/tWDJ_e

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