ml , to plantscience group avatar

From the "things I'd love to use" file:

Does anyone know of a website where you can find centers of origin for a plant species as well as what the original growing conditions there were (geology, soils, sun/shade, humidity, temp)? @plantscience

ml , to plantscience group avatar
bjkingape , to Random stuff avatar

A hopeful story from botany, about rosy saxifrage: "A plant that went extinct in the wild has been re-introduced to the UK mainland. We can’t tell you the exact location - it’s a secret, to keep it safe."

sebastian , to plants group avatar

Sitting on a bench near shrub garden, education greenhouse and café at the , you notice a strong. almost sharp, scent ... the source: the end of the growing season for an invasive species of garlic, the few-flowered , , which has conquered large parts of the garden, and is now withering away.
(I wrote about it some years ago, here:

thoughts? corrections? pls !


#Allium #paradoxum at #botanicalGardens #Copenhagen
patch of withering #Allium #paradoxum against big tree, at #botanicalGardens #Copenhagen
#Allium #paradoxum at #botanicalGardens #Copenhagen

ml , to plantscience group avatar

Methods Article:
Intra-leaf modeling of Cannabis leaflet shape produces leaf
models that predict genetic and developmental identities @plantscience

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  • ml , to plantscience group avatar

    Open Access article: Vulnerability of pear (Pyrus) genetic resources in the U.S.


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  • ml , to plantscience group avatar

    One of the stop's during Davis' Ride of Silence was close to a carob (Ceratonia siliqua) tree I know of. I noticed some dropped branches on the street nearby and picked them up.

    Carob is cauliflorous & ramiflourous - its racemes of flowers bloom directly from its trunk and branches. @plantscience @gardening

    ml , to AcademicChatter group avatar

    Let's get this @academicchatter moving with a question every academic can chime in on:

    What are the top websites/blogs you go to for news of what's going on in your field?

    ml OP , avatar

    I wish I had a one-stop news shop on the web for the kind of plant breeding/pomology information I'm after.

    For information about plant science in general, @PlantTeaching tends to be my best source. @plantscience

    ml , to plantscience group avatar

    Exploration of a deserted sunbird settlement in South Texas. Includes xeriscaping and a nesting Kildeer.

    As usual with Tony, you should expect "crude language". @plantscience

    ml , to plantscience group avatar

    Dr. Matthew Gilbert on “Bark and how time changes California’s iconic trees."

    Wednesday, May 8 Davis Botanical Society, 7-8 p.m., Blanchard Room, Davis Public Library, 315 E. 14th St., Davis, California.


    sebastian , to plants group avatar
    sebastian , to plants group avatar


    "their reproductive structure, called (Greek for "false flower") or in is composed of clusters of tiny unisexual flowers on a disc- or cup-shaped receptacle that are often adorned with bracts of various sizes and shapes." [wikipedia]


    #Dorstenia gigas pseudoflower (anthium)
    #Dorstenia gigas pseudoflower (anthium)
    #Dorstenia gigas pseudoflower (anthium)

    sebastian , to plants group avatar


    "their reproductive structure, called (Greek for "false flower") or in is composed of clusters of tiny unisexual flowers on a disc- or cup-shaped receptacle that are often adorned with bracts of various sizes and shapes." [wikipedia]


    #Dorstenia gigas pseudoflower (anthium)
    #Dorstenia gigas pseudoflower (anthium)
    #Dorstenia gigas pseudoflower (anthium)

    ml , to plantscience group avatar

    "A variety-specific analysis of climate change effects on California winegrapes" @plantscience

    AnnBot , to Random stuff Spanish avatar

    🌳 Join us to learn about the newly published paper ‘Stretched sapwood, ultra-widening permeability, and ditching da Vinci: revising models of plant form and function’ in @AnnBot by Tommaso Anfodillo & Mark Olsonand. (1/8)


    meganL , to Random stuff avatar

    Variegated Pittosporum tobira where the variegation hasn't standardized.

    ml , to Random stuff avatar

    Ceratonia siliqua () is a Mediterranean native. CA has a Mediterranean climate in most of the state. So carob was a very popular choice in the days before large irrigation projects brought cheap water to folks in cities.

    And remained a popular choice for those concerned about conserving water in our drought-prone state.

    This is a home in that has two large mature carobs in its front yard.

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  • ml , to plants group avatar

    When left to its own devices, tends to grow as a many-trunked tree or a very tall bush. The street tree examples I've seen tend to be pruned to be single trunk.

    But occasionally I see carob volunteers that unknowing folks prune into hedge shapes. This is growing right next to its tall street tree parent.

    This hedge is many years old, it just gets trimmed often. @plants

    sebastian , to plants group avatar
    ml , to plantscience group avatar
    ml , to plantscience group avatar

    Very strange POV to have the camera attached to eyeglasses at the side of the head.

    However, it's good to get nitty gritty info on preparing a leaf sample for microscopy. @plantscience

    ml , to plantscience group avatar

    Most of Plant Science Twitter seems to be on Bluesky. What are your favorite Fediverse accounts (institutional and/or personal) for keeping up with academic botanical news? @plantscience @academicchatter

    ml , to plantscience group avatar

    This is the 4th yr that this university has known they have at least one disabled student in Plant Sciences & has not made an attempt to reach out to consult during the organization of the event so it can be planned to be more accessible.

    After all the planning is over, without saying anything about whether any accessibility was already planned into the event, disabled people are asked what "accommodations" they need.

    @academicchatter @disability @plantscience

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    sebastian , to plants group avatar
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