TechDesk , to Random stuff avatar

Forget about Bard, Google's answer to ChatGPT. It now has a new name. Google announced its AI chatbot will be known as Gemini and it comes with a new logo, app, website and subscription service. CNET has the details:

snoopy , (edited ) to Forum Libre avatar

Gemini : le protocole du slow web

Qu'est ce que Gemini ?

Installer un navigateur Gemini

Moteur de recherche

  • gemini://
  • gemini://

Liste des aggrégateurs de capsules francophones

  • gemini://

Lecture : fournée du mois de février

  • Les cons en bagnole : gemini://
  • Serveur Musique : gemini://
  • Veganisme et vitamine B12 : gemini://
  • Cinéma : gemini://
  • gemini://
  • Gemipedia gemini://

D'autres liens à nous partager ? Postez-les en commentaires :3


Edit 1 : correction info navigateur Lagrange + Ajout 2 moteur recherche.
Edit 2 : info sur les liens de la fournée du mois.

continue , to Random stuff avatar

Продолжаю исправлять мелкие косячки в консольном клиенте AV-98.

GossiTheDog , to Random stuff avatar

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  • iuculano , avatar



    A video showcasing the capabilities of Google's artificial intelligence (AI) model which seemed too good 2 be true might just b that

    The demo, which has 1.6m views on , shows remarkable back-and-forth where an AI responds in real time 2 spoken-word prompts & video
    In the video's description, said all was not as it seemed - it had sped up responses 4 the sake of the demo.
    But it has also admitted the was not responding to voice or video at all

    vruz , to Random stuff avatar

    Google is not the new Microsoft, it's the new IBM without stops in between.

    For anyone reading the paper yesterday it was obvious that the hype wasn't conclusively backed by the report.

    TechDesk , to Random stuff avatar

    Google has launched Gemini, its latest large language model that looks set to rival OpenAI's GPT-4. The Verge has the details.

    vegafjord , avatar

    @TechDesk Use the hashtag instead so that corporations dont pollute the timeline of the web. Corporations doesnt have right of way on the fediverse.

    w7voa , to Random stuff avatar

    Google rolls out 'Gemini,' which it calls "our largest and most capable AI model."

    SrRochardBunson , avatar


    Great, now you'll never find out anything about the real on the search engines.

    :blobcatreeeeeee: :meowTableFlip:

    pomarede , to Random stuff avatar

    NGC 7727, the billion-year-old aftermath of a double spiral collision. At the heart of this chaotic interaction, entwined and caught in the midst of the , is a pair of supermassive — the closest such pair ever recorded from .

    Captured by Gemini South

    © International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA ; acknowledgment: PI: C. Onken; image processing: T.A. Rector, J. Miller, M. Rodriguez, M. Zamani

    lukaso666 , to Random stuff Polish avatar

    new 1.17! 🔥

    best client!

    kelbot , to Random stuff avatar
    reiver , to Random stuff avatar

    There is a type of person who is attracted to the gemini-protocol and gemtext because they wanted a Web that was based on Markdown instead of HTML.

    And the gemini-protocol + gemtext seemed close to that.


    Not everyone who is attracted to gemini-protocol or gemtext is this type of person.

    But I've talked to enough of these types of people that I know they are definitely out there.

    gnitro , to kpop group avatar

    A bit late in getting out this week's post today, but here it is!

    K-Pop MVs You Should Be Watching – 09/23/23

    30 K-Pop music videos this week featuring , , , , , , , and more!


    shepgo , to Random stuff avatar

    Google's new flagship AI model, "Gemini," is set to be a direct competitor to GPT-4 and boasts computing power 5 times that of GPT-4.

    rochelimit , to Random stuff avatar

    It's time for an , having just moved over from Fosstodon to a much smaller instance.

    I've recently career changed, after three decades teaching physics and computer science in schools and colleges. I'm now an instructor in the aviation industry and enjoying the change of pace.

    I'm interested in , , , , and in general. I've run a local society, a target shooting club and a badminton club.

    I have an occasionally updated log, a set of computers running network services, and I started programming on a Sinclair ZX81 microcomputer.

    I enjoy winge-bonding about the failures of politics, irritatingly smug tech billionaires and the stupidity of the national rugby team. I prefer calming countryside photos, happy tales and stories of positive experiences.

    , , .
    We wunt be druv.

    blake , to Random stuff avatar

    Right now, I think there's only one change I'd make to the spec: formalize the use (or at least acknowledgement by clients) of ANSI escape sequences that control color and bold/italic. I'd make inline links a compatible extension (the use case for this is Wikipedia).

    jq , to Random stuff avatar

    Make the net smol again. We are seeking a mod or two!

    ploum , to Random stuff avatar

    4 years of


    Thank you @solderpunk !

    Further read:

    why Gemini is essential:

    Gemini, le protocole du slow web (FR) :

    KelsonV , to Random stuff avatar

    Crazy idea that I can't believe I'm considering: Building a front end -- well, not a front end so much as the "static" views of profiles and public posts - for @gotosocial

    (I really need to finish some existing side projects before starting new ones.)

    (Admittedly, a full gemini-based front-end that enables posting and stuff would be cool too. Though it looks like Bubble may be a better fit for that sort of thing: gemini:// )

    kelbot , to Random stuff avatar

    and smolnet enthusiasts or just curious folks. Have you seen this new addition to the realm? Kind of a combo of multiple social media style platforms but on gemini. You can post to your own personal feed/tinylog as if it were fedi/twitter, there are topic-centered subspaces kind of like subreddits. It could be used as a small community bulletin board over gemini or even as the management software for publishing to your own personal capsule.



    oblomov , to Random stuff avatar

    I don't think people appreciate the role that played in fostering the and during the first (when the was still built on their proprietary engine), and a fortiori the role it had in their demise (when they switched to being “just another /‌ skin”), despite their browser never even reaching a 3% market share.

    oblomov OP , avatar

    And one of the keys to an open anything is ease of access. And sure enough, there are still plenty of dedicated tools to access specific parts of the that are not the : clients for FTP, gopher, finger, USENET, email, IRC or even new hypertext navigation protocols like exist.
    But why should I need a different client for each when I could access the whole Internet from a single client?

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