adachika192 , to Japan avatar

X post from Thoton Akimoto with a short video (screenshot attached).

"Pro-Palestinian activists outside headquarters in , ..." (2024-04-27)


thelinuxEXP , to Linux avatar

Time for this week's and News video!
In this one, we have the law forcing to sell or be banned in the US being passed, we have an article explaining why Search is so much worse these days, we have the release of 40 and 24.04, and contributing to the NVK open source drivers:

nixCraft , to Random stuff avatar


angusm , to Random stuff avatar

If you can't log in to your Workspace administrator account, you can't message Support about it because you have to be logged into your account to use their contact form.

Luckily, I eventually found another way to message Google Support, and today they got back to me.

They told me that they don't handle that issue, and sent me a link to a contact form.

It's the one I can't use because I can't log in to my administrator account.

Google's parent company, Alphabet, is worth $2tn today.

tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Marktbericht: Erstes Plus nach drei Verlustwochen im DAX

Zum Wochenschluss haben der DAX und auch die US-Börsen ihre Vortagsverluste schon wieder abgehakt. Starke Zahlen von US-Techkonzernen sorgten für gute Stimmung unter den Anlegerinnen und Anlegern.


RebelGeek99 , to Random stuff avatar

How likely is to suppress or scrub search results about ?

tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Marktbericht: DAX mit starkem Wochenabschluss

Im Fokus der Anlegerinnen und Anleger steht derzeit die US-Berichtssaison. Gute Quartalsbilanzen von Großkonzernen haben dem DAX ein sattes Wochenplus beschert - nach drei Verlustwochen in Folge.


TechDesk , (edited ) to Android avatar

Google I/O, the tech giant’s annual developer conference, is just weeks away, and we now have a schedule with some hints as to what’s in store.

The keynote will take place on May 14, with follow-up sessions to focus on some of the announcements. Sessions look to include a focus on the features of Wear OS 5, a lot of talk about Gemini AI and the usual expected updates to Android 15. But will we see any hardware announcements? TechRadar has the latest on all the rumours.

tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Marktbericht: DAX und Dow steuern auf Wochengewinn zu

Robuste Bilanzen im Tech-Sektor schicken die US-Börsen zu Handelsbeginn auf Erholungskurs. Daran ändern auch neue Preisdaten vorerst nichts. Auch der DAX baut seine Gewinne über der Marke von 18.000 Punkten aus.


tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Marktbericht: Verlustserie im DAX dürfte heute enden

Der DAX hat seine Kursgewinne über der Marke von 18.000 Punkten ausgebaut. Das deutsche Börsenbarometer steuert nun auf ein sattes Wochenplus zu - das erste nach drei Verlustwochen in Folge.


tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Marktbericht: "Glorreiche Sieben" halten Börsen in Atem

Nachdem Tesla und Meta bereits für eine Achterbahnfahrt an den Märkten gesorgt haben, geben zum Wochenschluss nun Google und Microsoft die Richtung vor. Der DAX kann davon nur profitieren.


tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Marktbericht: Tech-Berichtssaison gibt DAX Auftrieb

Die Tech-Berichtssaison in den USA hält die Märkte weiter in Atem. Nach dem Drama um Meta gestern schüren nun Google und Microsoft die Kauflaune. Der DAX dürfte wieder Kurs gen 18.000 Punkte nehmen.


blogdiva , to Random stuff avatar

🔥 🔥 🔥

«This is the result of taking out of the hands of real builders and handing it to managers at a time when “management” is synonymous with “staying as far away from actual work as possible.” And when you’re a do-nothing looking to profit as much as possible, you only care about growth. You’re not a user, you’re a parasite, and it’s these parasites that have dominated and are draining the industry of its value.»

The Man Who Killed Search

Tutanota , to Random stuff avatar

Thanks to the , can not get away with their anti-competitive behavior! 💪

Read the full story on Google taking away 90% of Tuta's visibility:

And what Google has to say to this on

gimulnautti , to Cybersecurity avatar

So let me ask you this simple two-part question:

  1. When is there going to be a cyber Hamas?
  2. When’s the first terrorist strike against Google going to happen?

It’s quite simple: Google is providing Israel the means to kill Palestinians. Seriously hitting that capability is going to help Palestinians stay alive.

scottjenson , (edited ) to Random stuff avatar

Why text based UIs can be so difficult. Here is my brief journey with chatgpt to get an image. The first pass wasn't bad. The effect was overall quite good. The characters were jibberish but I could live with that. The problem was the image I wanted was basically 'drawn in'. But overall, I was impressed.

Cappyjax , avatar

@scottjenson Here's what 's created.

juergen_hubert , to Random stuff avatar
InternetIsScary , to Lemmy French avatar

Is it possible for a Account to be randomly set to be deleted without human consent? Happened to someone I know, they said they haven’t made the account deletion, yet Google deleted it. Luckily I manage to recover it as exists, it was only 15 minutes or so when I saw the email.


freezenet , to Random stuff avatar

Google Pushes Back Against the Online News Act

We're continuing to read the submissions sent to the CRTC in the Online News Act consultation. Today, we're checking out Google's response.

TechDesk , to Random stuff avatar

Google has fired 20 more employees in connection with sit-in protests over its contracts with the Israeli government.

The activist group organizing the protests has said this takes the number of terminated staff to over 50, including “non-participating bystanders.” Here’s more from Associated Press.

onrust , to Random stuff avatar

"workplace isn’t for politics", says person who uses workplace to help a zionist occupation régime carry out genocide

CartyBoston , to Random stuff avatar

Yes , the workplace is no place for "politics".

Or for principles. Or for protest. Or for awareness. Or for empathy. Or for decency. Or for soul.

Certainly not for love.

onrust , to Random stuff avatar

Fired Google Workers Speak Out: Press Conference and Q&A has started:

onrust OP , avatar

Google has been lying about the Project Nimbus contract over and over again. Nimbus falls directly under the 'israeli' military.

Google and Amazon are directly aiding and abetting the genocidal campaign in Gaza through this contract.

Instead of taking responsibility and terminating all collaboration with the occupation forces, Google punches down against workers who raise concerns.

onrust OP , avatar

Q: How do deals such as Project Nimbus square with Google's AI principles?

A: They don't. When you [= Google] know what your customer [= the zionist occupation] is doing with your services, you know you're being complicit.

There is no grey area here.

onrust OP , avatar

Q: Who is doing the doxxing, the harassment, the discrimination? Are they other Google employees?

A: It's systemic. Google has created an atmosphere in which harassment of workers in facilitated.

Mohammad, a Google worker, was called into an HR meeting because of their organizing for Palestine. They were accused of terrorism (!) for their organizing work.

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