argumento , Spanish avatar

Genocide apologist are safe and welcome at dot social. This person has dedicated their time to harass, lie and libel the @palestine They keep spreading proven lies as the "beheaded babies" and "mass rapes" (there's zero evidence of either), yet Mastodon dot social mods don't do anything about this obvious troll, while they ban pro-Palestine accounts.

Please report this islamophobic scum.

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  • gfkdsgn , avatar

    Puahaha! You're joking @TruthSandwich , aren't you?

    May I quote your last comment:
    "All you do is carry water for Hamas, antisemite."

    Calling people "anti-semite", especially those who are "anti-zionist" is worst, isn't it?

    For the case that you as an active genocide denier are prepared for a fact-based battle, I'm waiting that you (coward unblock me and start to) condemn the terror organization known as Jewish Defense League.

    @argumento @palestine

    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @argumento @palestine

    Oh, look, antisemitic brigading.

    ramzimo68 , avatar

    @TruthSandwich @palestine developer and dot social owner Eugen Rocko is a
    I was kicked out of Mastodon dot social for expressing my views on the controlled

    Talk to your admin to dot social or any other instance controlled by Eugen

    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @ramzimo68 @palestine

    This is a stupid take.

    Yes, is a cesspool, but not one you can defederate because it's by far the single largest instance.

    If you want to avoid Rocko, you need to leave the Fediverse entirely. I hear there's this place called "X". Sounds like a third of a porno site...

    ramzimo68 , avatar

    @TruthSandwich @palestine You dimwit..

    is not the

    Whether it is the largest instance is irrelevant it can still be defederated

    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @ramzimo68 @palestine

    If you defederate the largest instance, you only defederate yourself.

    18+ MrFesser , avatar

    @argumento @palestine I wonder how much of it has to do with Germany being an utter shitshow when it comes to (yet another case of) legally-enforced genocide denial.

    Miro_Collas , avatar

    I blocked that one some time ago


    coloco , avatar

    @argumento @palestine hecho-

    Lo he reportado tambien, a ver que hacen los mods de y Ipotxa, madre mia esta instacia del se esta centralizando.

    Y esos mensahjes no solo salen en mastodon tu ya sabes, en otras partes del feidverse se replican, como puede ser Pleroma, GNUsocial, Friendica, etc...

    scrum , avatar

    @coloco @argumento @palestine

    Expect more political spambots from now that the mastodon project is basically part of Meta/facebook

    coloco , avatar

    @scrum Bueno, iremos pensando en bloquear esa instancia, no podran comprar el fediverse nunca .

    @argumento @palestine

    coloco , avatar

    @scrum De todas formas te digo una cosa >> el proyecto mastodonte es básicamente parte de Meta/facebook ?? Puedes explicar algo mas eso?

    @argumento @palestine

    scrum , avatar

    @coloco @argumento @palestine

    Okay, eso es una exageración. El Projecto trabajando con Meta para solucionar sus problemas de federación, ya se federan con "Mastodon CEO" Eugene se ofreció a trabajar para la Casa Blanca

    Mastodon también creó una nueva organización sin fines de lucro en Estados Unidos para pedir dinero a los multimillonarios tecnológicos estadounidenses. Mastodon perdió recientemente el estatus de organización sin fines de lucro por razones desconocidas. Saca cuentas.

    coloco , avatar

    @scrum Se de toda esa informacion que hablas, pero eso de que se han vendido a meta es demasiado creo.

    Aquí enlace >>

    @argumento @palestine

    trankten , avatar

    @coloco @scrum @argumento @palestine

    El problema de Mastodon es la centralizacion encubierta que hay hacia .social desde que vino el boom de users de Twitter.

    Más del 90% de users que se registran por la app terminan en .social y no son conscientes de que hay otras comunidades más pequeñas e incluso temáticas, donde van a tener incluso más interacciones y visibilidad que en .social

    Por qué interesa centralizar y que .social crezca más que el resto? Es para facilitar el registro a nuevos usuarios como dicen? No. Todo es siempre por lo mismo: Dinero, gran amigo.

    Si queremos que Mastodon y el Fediverso siga siendo independiente y neutral, hay que sacar adelante una descentralización real. Si una instancia crece y abarca el 80% de usuarios, esa instancia podrá hacer "lo que quiera" sabiendo que difícilmente será desfederada por todos los usuarios que perderían acceso a su contenido.

    Ahora haz el mismo cálculo con desfederar una instancia pequeña de 20 personas y quizás no te lo piensas tanto... Al final, no todos los actores del Fediverso somos iguales, y esto no debería ser así.

    coloco , avatar

    @trankten @scrum @argumento @palestine Y no olvidemos que tambien es de Gargron, hay montón de gente ahí también.

    trankten , avatar

    @coloco @scrum @argumento @palestine No es por que sea de Gargron, sino porque .social está centralizando a los usuarios por defecto que entran por la app. Con .online no pasa lo mismo.

    coloco , avatar

    @trankten No se que podemos hacer ante eso, pero espero que si es cierto que se ha vendido a Meta le espero que le pase lo mismo que "hizo" el con cuando dejo Ostatus y puso ActivityPub. El como bien sabes es muy grande.

    @scrum @argumento @palestine

    trankten , avatar

    @coloco @scrum @argumento @palestine

    Por supuesto, si hay algo que sabemos con certeza es que absolutamente NADA es para siempre y que todo lo que sube baja.

    Y esto aplica a todo... desde software, pensamientos, metodologías, tendencias y redes sociales hasta comunidades, naciones, religiones, filosofías, vidas y el mismísimo universo... XD

    argumento OP , avatar


    Let's remember that Palestinian poet Refaat Alareer was targeted for assassination allegedly for a joke post on Xitter that made fun of the obvious lie that "Hamas put babies into ovens". That was a lie, there's zero evidence that ever happened, yet genocide apologist keep on repeating that propaganda lie.

    rato , avatar

    @argumento @palestine

    I mean, when truth is not on your side you gotta fabricate lies instead. It would have been funny if it weren't so depressing.

    rato , avatar

    @argumento @palestine

    Also, what did we expect? Of course the flagship mastodon instance that allowed Meta to fester on it won't lift a finger to remove these kinds of trolls.

    argumento OP , avatar

    @rato @palestine The way dot social behaves really makes me want to switch to Pleroma or Misskey or something that connects to the fediverse but is not related to Gagron.

    rato , avatar

    @argumento @palestine

    It's alright, really. You're using a platform and are allowed to just defederate dot social.

    argumento OP , avatar

    @rato @palestine I know, I just like the vibes of the Mastodon project in general less and less, and would like to move to something fringer. There are few, if any, good Pleroma instance, sadly.

    rato , avatar

    @argumento @palestine

    Yup. Perhaps something will sprout up, a lot of people are feeling the same way you do.

    rato , avatar

    @argumento @palestine

    Serious Remember Us Always vibes.

    argumento OP , avatar

    @rato @palestine

    I strongly feel people are getting paid to spread "habsara" on the fediverse. Remember Us Always and this Thin Israel account spend long hours spreading lies.

    rato , avatar

    @argumento @palestine

    Also, Truth Sandwich.

    Yeah, probably. But we never know. Some people are just that, cynical and indoctrinated.

    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @rato @argumento @palestine

    Yeah, it's inconceivable that someone might genuinely reject your antisemitism or make comments setting the record straight when your fellow antisemites lie in defense of Hamas (which is, as it turns out, all the time).

    Gotta be a paid troll, amirite, comrade?

    rato , avatar

    @TruthSandwich @palestine

    Wasn't sure I wanted to respond to this, but please, humour me.

    Where's the lying part? All we do is comment on atrocities commited by the Israeli state and it's ally in the US providing weapons and heavy ordnance while also meddling politically.
    Hamas isn't even mentioned.

    So please, are all information regarding this subject lies?

    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @rato @palestine

    All you do is carry water for Hamas, antisemite.

    rato , avatar

    @TruthSandwich @palestine

    Yeah, thought as much.

    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @rato @palestine

    Your refusal to recognize the role of Hamas in the war it started and it perpetuates is carrying water for them.

    rato , avatar

    @TruthSandwich @palestine

    We have talked about that before. Hamas is the result, not proprietor of Israeli apartheid politics. Without Israel, there would be no Hamas.

    But that doesn't even matter anymore. 40 thousands are dead.

    40 fucking thousands of people. And Israel still keeps on rejecting all the peace offers from Hamas. It's terrifying.

    If you fail to see the difference between being on the side of thousands of dead civilians and millions trapped in (now fully invaded and bombed) Rafah, it's your problem, mate.

    dbattistella , avatar

    @rato @TruthSandwich @palestine Without Israel there would be no unrest in the Middle East and probably a lot less unrest everywhere else too. I'm not promoting the disassembling of Israel, only of its apartheid rule and of its funding and weaponizing by the West. Israel needs to chill the f**k down just like Germany and Japan had to do after ww2

    rato , avatar

    @dbattistella @palestine

    I also thought that, but after their invasion of Rafah it dawned on me as long as the Israeli state exists, it's going to be endless tension and strife surrounding it. Such is the way of ethno-states, which are just more extreme versions of already coercive nation-states.

    As sad as it is, Israel is just a very late colonial project and should be treated accordingly. Preferably by dissolving it's monopoly on violence. I'm not saying Jewish people shouldn't be allowed in Palestine. All I'm saying is their government shouldn't have been given so much guns and power.

    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @rato @palestine

    Hamas is the result of the Palestinians never accepting the existence of Israel, full stop.

    The Palestinians didn't have a nation of their own: they were part of the Ottoman Empire and the UK got them as spoils of war.

    The Palestinians were offered a state, but because it was only part of Mandatory Palestine and therefore thwarted Pan-Arabist ambitions, they instead went to war, and lost.


    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @rato @palestine

    They did it again, and lost some more, which is how the West Bank became occupied.

    They've kept fighting, kept rejecting the existence of Israel, and fully embraced the methods of terrorism.

    And that's why they're dying today.

    If they want peace, they have to accept that Israel exists.


    rato , avatar

    @TruthSandwich @palestine

    Wow. You're such a sociopath.

    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @rato @palestine

    Pro tip: Personal attacks just make you look intellectually deficient and get you blocked.

    yassie_j , avatar

    @TruthSandwich @rato @palestine why don't you do something useful for once on the fediverse and delete your entire instance, you cringe-ass. Quit harassing people and free up the resources on whatever VPS your Mastocel instance is using for someone else

    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @yassie_j @palestine @rato

    Like I told the other antisemite, personal attacks only reveal your intellectual deficiency and get you blocked.

    yassie_j , avatar

    @TruthSandwich @palestine block me all you want, but it's not going to make your parents love you again

    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @yassie_j @palestine

    Your personal attacks will not free Palestine, nor will they make you any less of an obvious antisemite.

    gfkdsgn , avatar

    All you @TruthSandwich
    do is cleaning toilets of the terrorists.
    Why don't you read a book to overcome your mental incapacity?

    @rato @palestine

    TruthSandwich , avatar

    @gfkdsgn @rato @palestine

    When all you've got are childish insults, all you get is a block.

    LALegault , avatar

    @argumento @rato @palestine @3

    Israel hired 37,000 young people since January to work social media.

    jeremy_pm , avatar


    I'm always curious about the mental health of those social media operators.
    I guess posting some ugly dehumanising troll comment is a little less soul destroying than operating a drone that's killing the surviving communities of beautiful people.

    @argumento @rato @palestine @3

    argumento OP , avatar

    @jeremy_pm @LALegault @rato @palestine @3 if you dehumanize a group of people enough, if you kill any empathy, then you can have people that feel no shame, even if they know they are lying.

    rato , avatar

    @jeremy_pm Money talks to people. It's more than enough to justify all kinds of wretched behaviours.

    @LALegault @argumento @palestine @3

    skippy442 , avatar

    @rato @jeremy_pm @LALegault @argumento @palestine @3
    money is therefore the ultimate in plenary indulgence necessary to gain entrance to billionaire heaven. a papal indulgence is even better as that allows for immediate entrance unto the kingdom of the Uber-riche. 😬

    argumento OP , avatar

    @rato @jeremy_pm @LALegault @palestine @3 Money really is the woe of our times.

    ramzimo68 , avatar

    @jeremy_pm @LALegault @argumento @rato @palestine From a young age are groomed and conditioned to be psychopaths

    Scmurcott , avatar

    @ramzimo68 @jeremy_pm @LALegault @argumento @rato @palestine it's like child abuse to teach children to hate.

    argumento OP , avatar

    @LALegault @rato @palestine @3 can something be at the same time unbelievable and unsurprising?

    LetsRoc , avatar

    @LALegault @argumento @rato @palestine @3
    I've encountered (& reported) a few. Relatively new accounts with few followers & really fkd up views.

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