stux , to Random stuff avatar

And it seems we are back online! :blobcheerwitch: Still got some fixes to do..

Unfort glitch-soc didnt work out so we're on the latest vanilla code for now!

This didn't really went as planned unfort, I'm sorry for that :sadlinux:

Currently just over 12 hours in the migration oof

renwillis , avatar

@stux good meowing and welcome back! Looks like we are up and running (albeit a little clunky at the moment) AND with a fresh coat of paint too!

Richer background on the site and a nicer posting box!


gulovsen , to Random stuff avatar
LALegault , to Random stuff avatar

If I am experiencing this much censorship now on it is definitely not the place people are going to migrate to, to share information when micromanagers filter out all the opinions they don’t like .

Edit: it is not coming from Newsie, which has not censored any of my content that I know of.

virtualbri , to Random stuff avatar

It's finally here: Jenny Nicholson's Star Wars, post mortem?

virtualbri OP , avatar

I have no idea why that Jenny Nicholson video doesn't make a embed with a thumbnail and other YouTube videos do.

Literally tried 4 different ways of adding it to the post

renwillis , to News from fediverse avatar

If I did my time zone maths right, @stux is about to do our server migration soon. If the good lords a-willin’ and the creeks don’t rise, I’ll see ya on the flip side.

renwillis OP , avatar

@stux good meowing and welcome back! Looks like we are up and running AND with a fresh coat of paint too!

Richer background on the site and a nicer posting box!


#mastodon #fediverse

renwillis OP , avatar

@stux good meowing and welcome back! Looks like we are up and running AND with a fresh coat of paint too!

Richer background on the site and a nicer posting box!


#mastodon #fediverse

1dalm , to Random stuff avatar

A village generally functions as a large family.

A town or neighborhood generally functions as a large village.

But a city does not function like a large town or a large neighborhood. It functions like a collection of competing and cooperating towns and neighborhoods.

I think this is a big reason why capitalism and our car dependent zoning has broken the way cities function. Urban and civil planners and franchise planners, etc. plan out development to optimize cities, not to optimize towns/neighborhoods.

For example, when Walmart plans a new store, they plan to optimize their sales based on service to the larger city, not in service of the town/neighborhood they are opening up in. When city planners plan a new highway, they plan it to optimize transportation in the whole city, not to optimize transportation in the town/neighborhood. Everything is planned to optimize on the city level and the village/town/neighborhood level is sacrificed as a result.

That's why people have to drive 30 minutes to go to a grocery store and 40 minutes to go to church, etc. this is what has killed our communities.

1dalm OP , avatar

To expand on this, this is also why our "global village" of the fails as a village. Because companies that have taken over the internet didn't treat it like a village, they treat it like city planners treat a city. Optimize everything for the greatest number of users.

Which is part of the interesting thing about and ActivityPub. An individual Mastodon server really does function more like a village than it does a city. It's a small group of people collectively trying to make their little internet community better, and they are more able to police their own users as a result. is able to function like a more healthy city that supports cooperating and competing towns and villages.

notizie , to Che succede nel Fediverso? Italian avatar

Pulizie di primavera sulle istanze e eliminati quasi tutti gli utenti inattivi a più di un anno. Cos'è successo e perché l'abbiamo fatto? E perché (quasi) nessun altro fa questo tipo di pulizie?

Uno dei grandi problemi del è che solo un 10% degli utenti complessivi si è effettivamente collegato da meno di un mese, intervallo di tempo questo che segna la differenza tra un "utente attivo" e un utente disperso che presenta un'alta probabilità di essere "deceduto".


Nelle scorse settimane abbiamo provveduto a verificare l'esistenza in vita dei nostri account più vecchi per capire se si trattasse di utenti realmente inattivi oppure solo di persone ancora interessate al Fediverso e i risultati hanno confermato le nostre aspettative: solo una minoranza esigua di questi account ha infatti confermato un qualche interesse a lurkare su o su in posizione sefalica*.

  • sefalica, agg. usato solo nella forma femm. sing., dall'espressione vernacolare "se-fa-li-ca(zzi sua)*"* che indica l'approccio di chi è orientato sul proprio interesse e risulta scarsamente votato all'interazione con terzi

Il risultato di questa pulizia è stato decisamente significativo:

D'altra parte abbiamo notato un dato in apparente controtendenza:

  • l'istanza è passata dai 141 utenti complessivi di fine marzo, ai 161 di fine aprile (dati e ad oggi viene indicata (dati con 183 utenti complessivi: 42 utenti attivi in più, ossia un incremento del 30% degli utenti attivi.
  • l'istanza è passata dai 47 utenti attivi di fine marzo, ai 56 di fine aprile (dati e ad oggi viene indicata (dati con 58 utenti complessivi: 11 utenti attivi in più, ossia un incremento del 23% degli utenti attivi.

Come si spiega questa controtendenza

In realtà, benché alcuni nessi potrebbero essere di carattere contingente, non c'è necessariamente una causalità stretta tra l'eliminazione di utenti inattivi e l'incremento di utenti attivi e il motivo principale è il primo della lista:

  1. quando abbiamo cercato di prendere contatto con gli utenti inattivi, si è avuto un risveglio di alcuni di essi che ha determinato la "resurrezione" dei profili inattivi da più di un mese
  2. è possibile che alcuni utenti che hanno ricevuto l'avviso ma che non erano interessati a recuperare il profilo corrente, abbiano deciso di reiscriversi
  3. è possibile che alcuni profili fossero di bot automatizzati che, una volta risultati eliminati, si sono reiscritti automaticamente

Il risoltato è comunque quello di avere uno scostamento minore tra utenti complessivi e utenti attivi.

Ma perché questo ciclo di pulizia?

  • Il primo motivo è la privacy dei nostri utenti: se i nostri utenti non utilizzano il nostro social, non c'è motivo che noi continuiamo a trattare i dati personali necessari a gestire il loro account
  • il secondo motivo è la sIcurezza, intesa come sicurezza di noi amministratori ma anche di tutto il fediverso. Infatti, il fatto di avere in pancia utenti inattivi, non significa né che lo siano davvero, né che non siano utenti pericolosi. Una delle vulnerabilità del Fediverso che nasce dalle istanze a iscrizione libera è che qualche attore malevolo potrebbe far iscrivere utenti fittizi come parte di una botnet da attivare in certi momenti per produrre spam, far aumentare follower, alterare i flussi regolari dei messaggi. Ora, i socal commerciali dispongono di alcuni sistemi di mitigazione del rischio che, sebbene non risolutivi, consentono di sospendere o annullare gli effetti di queste campagne di alterazione della visibilità. Il fediverso invece non dispone di questi strumenti. Ogni utente inattivo è pertanto una piccola potenziale bomba a orologeria, piazzata dentro gli ingranaggi del Fediverso: una botnet dormiente, incistata in tutte le istanze del mondo e pronta a esplodere sarebbe impossibile da fermare in tempi rapidi!
  • Sebbene abbiamo riscontrato che l'eliminazione di profili inattivi non abbia avuto effetti positivi sul risparmio di risorse da parte del sistema, è chiaro che sul lungo termine, la nostra istanza si risparmierà di visualizzare in timeline quei contenuti che sarebbero stati visibili solo perché prodotti da contatti di secondo livello del nostro utente inattivo.

Ma perché questa pulizia non la fa nessuno?

Eh... ora tocca a voi: rispondete nei commenti!

dansup , to Random stuff avatar

Not sure why safari suddenly renders Mastodon advanced mode UI so poorly, I just accidentally boosted a post when tapping on the favourite button

I know this isn't a Mastodon bug because it's fine on Chrome and Firefox

shakes fist at Safari

JSharp1436 , avatar


Use a different browser for just ?

davidbisset , to Random stuff avatar

At this point, if you go to just to document bad things happening to that particular social network or to report back to what people on a social network say about people here… I envy the time you have at your disposal.

Flipboard , to Media Industry Discussions avatar

There’s a new playbook being written right now when it comes to the future of social media. The early-mover advantage is still in effect, and there’s a lot to figure out. Gone are opaque algorithms and the whims of any single company.

The fediverse represents a chance for quality journalism to shine again.

We talked to two leaders at fedi-forward publications — @TheConversationUS's @BostonAbrams, and @404mediaco's @jasonkoebler — about why they’re investing in the open social web, what they’ve learned so far, and their advice for other publishers just getting started.

lauren , to Random stuff avatar

Got an email today from a very smart computer science professor who is totally flummoxed by the signup flow. He tried to follow it based on what Mastodon tells him (the standard verbiage) at my site after reading one of my posts via a URL, and despite creating several accounts at other sites doesn't understand how to use any of it. This is a smart guy. The onboarding and basic explanations situation is still a mess.

EUCommission , to Random stuff avatar

Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.

Today, we launched our new Mastodon instance. It will ensure a privacy-focused space to engage with and get the latest from our Commissioners, departments, and the official voices of the Commission.

We want to thank @Mastodon for stewarding us and helping us make this possible.

Fostering European digital players is vital to our strategy for a stronger .

This is a unique opportunity to grow the community even more. Let's get there!

smallcircles , avatar


Delightful 💕 to see that now has an official instance. loves Mastodon, as the image clearly shows.

I hope this love will expand further to not just extend to one microblogging application, but to become a full embrace of the based decentralized environment and technology ecosystems that have formed around its open protocols, such as .

Many thanks to @EDPS for its efforts!

jwildeboer , to Random stuff avatar

The @EUCommission now has its own instance at Thank you for staying here, EU Commission!

dugglebutt , to Random stuff avatar

I don’t really use Twitter anymore, I have a burner that I just use for sports and weather and news and never post from. But every time I open it, I have to question my sanity.
I just read an article about how there is an ice cream that is designed to, and I am not making this up, “taste like your grandma”
I subsequently read another article about how the New York Knicks won an NBA playoff game because someone let out “an epic fart”
These are real things. You can look them up.
Are people just getting more insane? Should I double up on my meds?

benroyce , avatar


The downside of is if you don't follow anyone you get no content.

I "solved" the problem by overfollowing, I just follow with abandon. Then lists for posters I don't want to miss in the massive firehose I created.


Twitter has an algorithm for what is delivered to your eyeballs.

And that algorithm is in the hands of a .

You get what he serves and you like it or you suffer.

Fuck Twitter. Fuck all legacy .

seelpah , to A Community Resource for Disability & Accesibility avatar

Due Sunday. Please come thru for a disabled Latina artist, her elderly mom with dementia for which she is sole caretaker, and her ESA. They've been fundraising on a weekly basis to stay housed since they were evicted from their home in late March. Several ways to support thru

SabiLewSounds , avatar

@seelpah @mutualaid

Hey we're at $983 needed in about 36 hrs

We've raised $217, if we can at least get $600 ASAP we can be safe another week

admin , to Random stuff avatar

What should an Admin, or if you're an Admin, what do you do, about someone's post that contains unnecessary extreme profanities attacking a well-known person?

Comments are welcome

#MastoAdmin #Mastodon #FediBlock

nichorra , to bookstodon group avatar
Rob200 , to News from fediverse avatar

Hey can we add a feature to seperate bookmarked posts into categories. SImilar to how playlists work on and ??

igb , to Random stuff avatar

One has to assume that @mosseri’s failure to adopt full #activitypub support and meaningfully integrate with #Mastodon et al is intentional and not a technical or execution problem.

frozencanuck , to News from fediverse avatar

Great to meet @Gargron, @andypiper and many other and enthusiasts in SF.

Thanks to @mike and @Flipboard for holding the social event!


thisismissem , to Random stuff avatar

If you've ever wanted to contribute to the Mastodon project documentation, here's a fantastic issue from @trwnh that lists all the undocumented stuff:

razumasu , to Role Playing Games avatar

Finding interesting people on Mastodon has been my biggest challenge 😅, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. If you're an author, aspiring writer, book lover, fantasy reader, tech lover, roleplayer, tabletop gamer, or anything in between, feel free to follow me! I'd love to connect and follow you back 😄📚🎲

julian , to Random stuff avatar

@trwnh I think I figured out why those posts of yours from way back didn't federate in.

Your identity to the NodeBB forum had 0 rep, so you were limited to one post every 300 seconds.

I've removed that limitation for now.

madeindex , avatar

@trwnh @julian
Some seem to have a higher character limit
like for example 😀

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