brianjones2007 , avatar

@deviantollam Any resources on Knox Box requirements for Fire Departments? One I work with is attempting to remove any auditing or control and use one of these for master knox box key control. In Washington state if that matters.

brianjones2007 OP , avatar

@deviantollam Specifically knox boxes are still on required on all qualifying buildings, but that pin box is all that is controlling the master knox key inside a fire apparatus.

deviantollam , avatar

@brianjones2007 this is curious. you're saying that some department wants to use a garbage off the shelf box like that Amazon one to store their master key?

(Many areas in WA State use Supra products instead of Knox ones for their building mounted rapid entry boxes, but they're still going to have a master key, of course)

What was the department using for their master key storage before? Something like a SentraLok system or a KeySecure unit?

brianjones2007 OP , avatar

@deviantollam yes keysecure or keydefender.

brianjones2007 OP , avatar

@deviantollam and sadly is already past “wanting” and is at installing. I’m hoping there is a WAC or RCW that sets expectations on how they store their master. Or at least outlines consequences if it’s compromised.

deviantollam , avatar

@brianjones2007 is this in vehicle cabs or is this in firehouse buildings?

I'm still trying to wrap my head around what is the problem with the current solution being employed. (And what they are going to do with the existing boxes and such when they take them out)

brianjones2007 OP , avatar

@deviantollam that was in an engine cab. They aren’t pulling old devices just don’t want to spend $ on new ones.

deviantollam , avatar

@brianjones2007 ah interesting.

And are the rapid entry boxes on the buildings in your region made by Knox or Supra or someone else?

deviantollam , avatar

@brianjones2007 I would also be curious if it's possible to get any other or better photos of that little push button box in the cab. I'm trying to figure out where this is in the truck and like how visible it is from the outside. How tempting a target or not it would be to somebody.

brianjones2007 OP , avatar

@deviantollam it’s not visible from the outside, but this is a more context wide picture

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