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ROMA VOICES IN HISTORY. A Sourcebook. Volume Editors: Elena Marushiakova
and Vesselin Popov. 2021

"This ground-breaking book is an impressively extensive collection of primary historical sources in various languages that reflect the history of the Roma (formerly referred to as ‘Gypsies’ in local languages). The selection of the included materials reflects the authentic voice of the Roma themselves, and presents their visions and the specific goals pursued by the Roma civic emancipation movement. The source materials are published in original and translated in English, and are accompanied by explanatory notes and summarising comments discussing the specific historical realities and their interrelation to the Romani emancipatory movement in Central and Eastern Europe, thus presenting a comprehensive picture of the historical processes."


sebastianschroeder , to wuppertal group German avatar
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🧵 : this the first in a series of that will eventually be stitched together into a related to 📚 and 📘. (1)

bibliolater OP , avatar

"It is about the Land according to the redefined Judaism that emerged in the centuries following the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 CE. This Judaism replaced the temple cult with Torah study - a study that pertained in part to that very temple cult, that became a portable homeland, and that reconfigured the Land."

Cordoni, C. (01 Mar. 2024). Reconfiguring the Land of Israel, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Available From: Brill [Accessed 02 April 2024]. @histodon @histodons
@bookstodon (78)

bibliolater OP , avatar

"It is about the Land according to the redefined Judaism that emerged in the centuries following the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 CE. This Judaism replaced the temple cult with Torah study - a study that pertained in part to that very temple cult, that became a portable homeland, and that reconfigured the Land."

Cordoni, C. (01 Mar. 2024). Reconfiguring the Land of Israel, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Available From: Brill [Accessed 02 April 2024]. @histodon @histodons @bookstodon (78)

bibliolater OP , avatar

"Studying texts from the cities and countryside and tracking developments over time, Alstola shows that there was notable diversity in the Judeans’ socio-economic status and integration into Babylonian society."

Alstola, T. (19 Dec. 2019). Judeans in Babylonia, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Available From: Brill [Accessed 29 April 2024]

@histodon @histodons @bookstodon (79)

bibliolater OP , avatar

"How did Asia come to be represented on European World maps? When and how did Asian Countries adopt a continental system for understanding the world? How did countries with disparate mapping traditions come to share a basic understanding and vision of the globe? "

Hostetler, L. (eds) (31 Jan. 2024). Reimagining the Globe and Cultural Exchange: The East Asian Legacies of Matteo Ricci's World Map, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Available From: Brill [Accessed 30 April 2024]

@histodon @histodons
@earlymodern @bookstodon (80)

bibliolater OP , avatar

"How did Asia come to be represented on European World maps? When and how did Asian Countries adopt a continental system for understanding the world? How did countries with disparate mapping traditions come to share a basic understanding and vision of the globe? "

Hostetler, L. (eds) (31 Jan. 2024). Reimagining the Globe and Cultural Exchange: The East Asian Legacies of Matteo Ricci's World Map, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Available From: Brill [Accessed 30 April 2024]

@histodon @histodons @earlymodern @bookstodon (80)

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