willhudsonart , to Random stuff
@willhudsonart@mastodon.art avatar
Athenenoctua , to archivistodon group French
@Athenenoctua@mastodon.gougere.fr avatar

Le 5 mars 1535, les représentants de la Ville de Lyon prennent une consulaire dans laquelle ils décident de remplacer François dans ses fonctions de à l'Hôtel-Dieu de , du fait de ses absences répétées.

Voici donc sous vos yeux ébahis la lettre de
de Rabelais, conservée aux sous la cote BB 55 (abîmée par un dégât des eaux ancien).

@archivistodon @histodons

kristinHenry , to Art
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Thinking about a string of thoughts as a string of beads today.

I didn't get around to posting yesterday's drawing here, but it's on my Patreon and Ko-fi:

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Playing with adding a delicate fill, of very diluted blue ink, to this delicate pattern. I think I'm liking it, kinda. Not sure yet.

On the health front, my recovery continues to go well and I feel stronger every day.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Going with a comforting blue floral pattern for today's drawing.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Playing with some curly little fungi patterns for today's drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Playing with aurora pink for today's drawing. I didn't get to see it in last night's sky, here in San Francisco, sadly. I could have sworn there was a slightly pink tint to the sky, but it was probably just wishful thinking.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Playing with a network of puff balls and beads in today's drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Inspiration for today's drawing came from a photo of lichen that showed up in my timeline this morning.

Here's an in-progress shot.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Returning to this pattern, but in a different ink, for today's drawing. The gradient is a little more visible in this ink.

Here's an in-progress shot.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Trying this pattern with a bright warm orange ink for today's drawing.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Going with a dancing starfish for today's drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Drawing a pattern inspired by shape of red blood cells today.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Decided on some dancing bees for today's drawing.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

I had soot-sprites on the brain today, so I drew some.

All of my drawings, so far, for this month are posted for my supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi in this month's posts:

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Before starting today's drawing, I saw some posts about World Bee Day. So, I decided to draw some dancing bees, even though I drew some a few days ago.

Here's an in-progress shot.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Drawing a squiggly wiggly imaginary creature for today's drawing.

I managed to finish it just before my first at-home blood-draw visit, which was quick and easy. He was wearing a mask, which put me at ease right away.

Here's an in-progress shot.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Playing with this chemistry inspired network pattern for today's drawing.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

The ants are feeling artsy in today's drawing.

I'm feeling artsy too.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Yesterday, I made the trek downtown to the SFMOMA to see the Kusama installation. I wasn't sure if the timing would work out, since I wasn't sure if I'd be recovered enough to walk around a museum before the show closed.

I loved it! Totally exhausted me, but it was worth it!

The shapes and colors in one of the rooms got right into my imagination, and I've been playing with the shapes in my own drawings.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Having fun with this pattern and adding puff-balls to them.

Here's an in-progress shot.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

These are so satisfying to draw! Trying some different colors in today's drawing.

Here's an in-progress shot.

The colors really pop in the finished drawing, which I've posted for my supporters on Ko-fi and Patreon: https://ko-fi.com/post/InkyDays-May-2024-V7V6XLITF

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Imagining I'm looking up from the middle of a bunch of these, or maybe looking down on a cluster with support struts?

Here's an in-progress shot.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

Experimenting with introducing a network to this pattern. Not sure if I like it, but it's still sort of interesting.

Here's an in-progress shot.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

The ants say "Love is the answer," so that's what I drew today.

kristinHenry OP ,
@kristinHenry@vis.social avatar

I was late drawing today, and I was inspired by the news to draw a happy dancing starfish. A pink starfish, of course.

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