w7voa , to Maryland, USA
@w7voa@journa.host avatar

Sam's Club and two hotels evacuated in Hagerstown, after explosives found during a construction project, according to state police.

stoutwardporterman , to Maryland, USA
@stoutwardporterman@mastodon.beer avatar

We made a quick stop Sunday at , 's newest brewery, ! They're located in the old location. They were surprisingly busy. The offerings were Whitsunday XPA on draft, and the Pacific Ale in cans. I opted for the XPA, which was absolutely delicious. I am excited to see what develops in the future. @beersofmastodon

stoutwardporterman , to Maryland, USA
@stoutwardporterman@mastodon.beer avatar

Yesterday we took a quick trip to , and made an even quicker stop to . Grabbed a flight that consisted of The Flamingo sour, Barrel Aged Hard Cider, and Creek Life extra pale. @beersofmastodon

w7voa , to Maryland, USA
@w7voa@journa.host avatar

man pleads guilty to a federal crime for phoning a death threat to a + advocacy group. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/maryland-man-pleads-guilty-issuing-threats-violence-lgbtqi-advocacy-group

austinkocher , to Maryland, USA
@austinkocher@mastodon.social avatar

The Peabody Library in Baltimore, Maryland, is one of the most beautiful interior spaces I've ever seen. Worth the visit!

readbeanicecream , to History
vsnmaryland , to Maryland, USA
@vsnmaryland@dmv.community avatar
w7voa , to Maryland, USA
@w7voa@journa.host avatar
renwillis , to Photography
@renwillis@mstdn.social avatar

with a very bright moon here in

vees , to Maryland, USA
@vees@epistolary.org avatar


Maryland Higher Education Commission wants to help Maryland residents who left college before earning their associate's or bachelor’s degrees. The state is offering up to one-third of in-county tuition at a community college or one-third of in-state tuition in an in-state undergraduate program. To qualify, residents must have completed at least 45 credit hours toward their associate degree or 90 credit hours toward their bachelor’s degree.


djembro , to Maryland, USA
@djembro@universeodon.com avatar

made a stop in pretty , , where some urban planners did a brilliant thing with the flood-control canal that runs through downtown. I’ve never before seen such a lovely assemblage of aquatic plants. Worth a visit if you’re near Frederick. I’m taking notes on all the little urban renovation things I see. Maybe they’ll come in handy in .

A little waterfall feeding into the canal in downtown Frederick, Maryland.
Part of the stone footbridge going over the water lily festooned canal.
Decorations on the side of the footbridge. A gold sun with a face sitting atop the moon which sits atop a blue clock. All surrounded by Zodiac signs.

jcrabapple , to Maryland, USA
@jcrabapple@dmv.community avatar

21 users on https://dmv.pub! Let's get more! Anyone can join, but if you're in the area, I'd really love for you to join, contribute, and discuss local news and events! The more content, the better!

stoutwardporterman , to Maryland, USA
@stoutwardporterman@mastodon.beer avatar

Our second stop on Sunday was at in , . I grabbed a Miner's Daughter Oatmeal Stout.

w7voa , to Maryland, USA
@w7voa@journa.host avatar

Gal Luft, a dual US- citizen and co-head of a think tank, allegedly “engaged in multiple, serious criminal schemes. He subverted foreign agent registration laws in the United States to seek to promote Chinese policies by acting through a former high-ranking U.S. Government official…”

w7voa , to Maryland, USA
@w7voa@journa.host avatar
earnedarrogance , to Maryland, USA
@earnedarrogance@outdoors.lgbt avatar

This is so happy with the progress of his this year. After 3 years the entire bed is planted almost entirely with . Now I just have to wait for the to show up for the summer again!


rvaweather , to Maryland, USA
@rvaweather@dmv.community avatar

Severe thunderstorm watch in effect now for northern and most of

vsnmaryland , to Maryland, USA
@vsnmaryland@dmv.community avatar
w7voa , to Maryland, USA
@w7voa@journa.host avatar

mansion catches fire. Authorities say the blaze caused ~$3 million in damage and the now homeless family is being assisted by the Red Cross. https://wtop.com/montgomery-county/2023/06/family-displaced-after-montgomery-co-mansion-goes-up-in-flames/

w7voa , to Random stuff
@w7voa@journa.host avatar

Investigators say a mass shooting outside an Annapolis home began with a parking dispute between neighbors. https://wtop.com/anne-arundel-county/2023/06/neighbor-charged-with-killing-3-men-at-annapolis-home/

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