mho , to News from fediverse avatar

Now that the grows and grows, I'm more and more convinced, that the best way to access it, doesn't yet exist. There is no way of really experiencing the diversity right now.

But what would such an need?

  • different tabs for different media types (microblog, longform etc.)
  • show content more like how it looks, where it's from (, etc.)
  • when posting content support all the features of the platform, you're posting on

What else?

Codeberg , to Random stuff avatar

Anyone considering how to break the already? Any alternative work in progress?

BaumiCoder , avatar

@Codeberg Maybe could be one, although it is more famous as a Reddit alternative. I am not very familiar with it.

6543 , avatar


Well with a dedicated decentraliced indexer like but pirpose build and integrated could fill the gap.

So no there is project on it.

Well smal forges have a similar discovery disadvantage if compared to e.g

So a P2P indexer that could be integrated per network and would get content by that network injected instead of stupid web crawl could solve that.

Similar as to how you can use milisearch and integrate it purpose build into projects.

socialnetwork , (edited ) to Che succede nel Fediverso? avatar

Le istanze mastodon e lemmy si parlano e si può pubblicare automaticamente il proprio messaggio nel gruppo dedicato

Su l'istanza lemmy italiana, basta inserire l'indirizzo del gruppo, ad esempio in questo caso mettiamo l'inidirizzo del gruppo fediverso:


in questo modo tutti gli iscritti al gruppo fediverso riceveranno una notifica del messaggio e potranno rispondere e rilanciare il messaggio!

image by @liaizon

rodhilton , to Random stuff avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • SmartmanApps , avatar

    Use Communities on instead

    tuneintodetuned , to Detun3d Spanish avatar

    Pruebo de nuevo a etiquetar a @detun3d y @detun3d por si hubiera cambiado algo.
    No le prestéis mucha atención a esto a menos que queráis ver también qué interacciones federan y cuales no.
    Y de paso, una imagen de un gatito.

    tuneintodetuned OP , avatar

    Y respondo de nuevo al hilo, pero esta vez me ahorro la mención a ambos grupos. No adjunto nada, ya que esta publicación es para comprobar si las respuestas al hilo de un grupo de y/o dependen también de estas menciones desde o no. Probaré en otro momento desde , aunque en mis anteriores pruebas fue la que peor federaba con estos grupos.

    detun3d Mod ,

    Parece que ha llegado a callarme la boca. Antes contaba con peor federación que y ahora pasa al contrario. parece llevar ventaja.

    chnynf , to News from fediverse avatar

    Question for the people! -- What platforms on the Fediverse offer the best content discovery capabilities? Services like Flipboard and Threads are integrated into the Fediverse now, we should be getting a lot of contents, but when I search for specific topics, the results are still really sparse.

    maegul , to News from fediverse avatar

    Lemmy is experimenting with plugins.

    Still in experimental prototyping stages it seems, but cool to see. Hope it gets worked on and works out well.

    Could be an interesting experiment for the Fedi in general?

    It’s using rust’s extism, so webaasembly for plugins.

    BeAware , to News from fediverse avatar

    It's such an exciting time for social media.

    Fediverse is going near-mainstream due to wide adoption.

    Bluesky now "unofficially" federates with the fantastic work of Ryan Barrett's BridgyFed!

    Threads has one-way federation and claims to plan to fully federate soon enough.

    Flipboard is actively working on Federation, some parts already working!

    Nostr is federated using the Momostr Pink bridge which also bridges Threads.

    The future of interconnected social media is now. Exciting times, we are in!😁

    BeAware , to News from fediverse avatar

    FediTip of the day:

    If your profile and posts are set to "public" and you can read this very post, you should have no sense of "privacy" here on Fedi. That means ANYONE can reply.

    There's 20,000+ instances and new ones every day, there's NO WAY to tell who is accessing your posts or what they're doing with them.

    Fediverse is not some kinda "bastion for privacy" nor is there any sort of "consent" required to see your posts if they are public.

    The only way you can be 100% sure that your followers are the only ones that directly see your posts is to make your profile and posts private. Even then, screenshots exist.

    Remember, you're on the internet. Once you post it, it's probably not going away. This is true everywhere.

    BeAware , to News from fediverse avatar

    If there were ever a single post that truly shows how running a Fedi instance is, that I could boost to the moon, it's this one.

    People still somehow think that Fedi is "opt-in" or "privacy focused" or even "community focused". None of these things are true and I wish more people understood.

    It's not a BAD thing, per se. I like it, personally. I choose who I want to interact with by blocking those instances I DON'T want to interact with, but it's OPEN BY DEFAULT is something some people can't grasp.😬

    From: @neatchee

    voyagerapp , to Random stuff avatar

    Introducing A lemmy instance for Voyager supporters 💙

    oblomov , to News from fediverse avatar

    So I wanted to post a question about a problem, and I wanted to reach the widest possible math community on the . Aside from using the correct tag, my first thought was to find a or community/magazine to cc in the post. And … there isn't one. There's many. Just from a quick search I found
    so now the question becomes … should I cross post to all of them? Or is that poor form?

    owen , to News from fediverse avatar

    To make clear at the start: I do not intend to denigrate anyone with this post, or anyone's efforts. I have a genuine question which has puzzled me since I first went off to explore Lemmy and Pixelfed.

    What purpose do people think that they serve in the Fediverse?

    When I first asked, people told me that Lemmy served as an alternative to Reddit and indeed describes itself as "the World's Internet Frontpage". But Reddit exists solely because of the sheer amount of users it houses. Reddit stands as the poster child for user-generated content whereas has less than 8K users a day.

    Pixelfed has a similar very-poor-cousin relationship to Instagram. If you have a keen desire for the world to see your images then Instagram will scratch that itch much better than Pixelfed. Posting your images here might also attract more attention, since the pool of possible viewers seems much, much larger.

    The biggest group I found on Lemmy? ! I found several posts there like this: "[mastodon] is like making an entire post out of a throwaway comment. That's what I saw on mastodon, didn't choose to participate." At the very least this serves to demonstrate that different people have wildly different experiences on Mastodon because that bears no relationship to my experiences.

    In the world of Big Tech people start new social media because they think they see a gap in a market, or a way of splitting off some users of a current platform into their all-new shiny silo. Here, though, everything can live alongside everything else, hence my question: what functions do Lemmy, Pixelfed, and others serve that Mastodon doesn't?

    I think I do understand the function of some projects like Bookwyrm or Funkwhale. They have very specific goals: much more specific than "sharing media" or "discussing in threads", for example, both of which can happen in Mastodon. Their design highlights these differences.

    I understand that I could well have missed the point completely here, and hence my question. I joined Lemmy and Pixelfed wanting to participate but the level of traffic seemed too low to generate the interaction I had hoped for. Did I look in the wrong places, or did I fail to notice the action, or did I look too early? (When I first joined Mastodon it seemed empty. Now it certainly doesn't.)

    Let me give a concrete example. I have a fifteen year project for which I take a single photo every day. Should I post it here or on Pixelfed? What difference would it make? Does it matter?

    And finally, as part of looking into Lemmy I explored a lot of apps. If you like Ice Cubes for Mastodon and want to explore Lemmy then I recommend Artic.

    BeAware , to News from fediverse avatar

    I said it elsewhere, but I say it here too, I HATE how corporate social media sites have taken SOCIAL out of social media.

    Thankfully the Fediverse is mostly taking that back. But if we don't expand to get those that are still on corporate social media to move here, then we'll just become the echo chambers we hate. That's why the Threads integration is a good thing. We need to expand.

    #Fediverse #Fedi #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Threads #Meta #Pleroma #Akkoma #Sharkey #Misskey #IceShrimp #FireFish #Lemmy #Kbin #GoToSocial

    DJxSpeedy , (edited ) to News from fediverse avatar

    info about (if you dont know already)

    why do i share posts like in the pic ?

    its an LEMMY instance..a version of
    you can answer to it from any mastodon instance you are on and participate in the discussion !😉 👍

    also maybe you wanna follow


    to make the most use of it

    haui_lemmy OP , to Autism in Do any of you meditate? avatar

    Either go to !autism and put in search for „matrix“ or you use this:

    rimu , to Random stuff

    I'm pretty happy with how tools for are coming along!

    Moderators can:

    • delete & edit anything in community
    • ban people from community, and unban them.
    • review reports about content in that community
    • mark a report as resolved / ignored.

    When a report is resolved or ignored, all reports regarding that content are also resolved. So if something receives 150 reports then mods won't need to click 150 times to resolve all reports. Ignored reports stop all future reports from being accepted.

    The person who created the community can appoint other moderators.

    Reports federate to and from so if a PieFed user reports some content that came from a Lemmy instance the moderators on the Lemmy instance will be notified about the content being reported.

    There's still more to be done with federation of bans, a moderation log, etc. But it's shaping up nicely!


    doomsdayrs , to Random stuff avatar

    I just found out that the community has made a and an frontend

    rgegriff , to Random stuff avatar

    The year is 2028. All major open source projects are fully staffed and funded by multiple competing spy agencies who are constantly auditing other agencies work, implementing features as requested by their respected governments, as well as trying to slip malware past each other.

    Paradoxically, opensource has never been more secure, maintainer burnout is at an all time low; and everyone does all work at a healthy pace during working hours.

    Wayland even suddenly got good accessibility features implemented when it was realized that it made keylogging tools easier to write

    natsume_shokogami , avatar

    @clacke @rgegriff @khinsen
    Given that had had critical vulnerabilities until Mozilla started to investigate (other popular platforms such as , , aren't even being investigated of security and audited by independent trustworthy third-party), and the fact that Mastodon and its fork have far more Fediverse-enabled users than other non-Threads (not sure about this), non-Flipboard platforms, they are still a valuable targets for government agencies.

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