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S13Ni ,

Some fork of youtube-dl would probably do.
Personally I use JDownloader 2 (open source) to download not just from youtube but from any other sites as well.
It runs locally.

ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study ( gizmodo.com )

The research from Purdue University, first spotted by news outlet Futurism, was presented earlier this month at the Computer-Human Interaction Conference in Hawaii and looked at 517 programming questions on Stack Overflow that were then fed to ChatGPT....

S13Ni ,

It does but when you input error logs it does pretty good job at finding issues.
I tried it out first by making game of snake that plays itself. Took some prompting to get all features I wanted but in the end it worked great in no time.
After that I decided to try to make distortion VST3 plugin similar to ZVEX Fuzz Factory guitar pedal.
It took lot's of prompting to get out something that actually builds without error I was quickly able to fix those when I copied the error log to the prompt.
After that I kept prompting it further eg. "great, now it works but Gate knob doesn't seem to do anything and knobs are not centered".

In the end I got perfectly functional distortion plugin. Haven't compared it to an actual pedal version yet.
Not that AI will just replace us all but it can be truly powerful once you go beyond initial answer.

S13Ni ,

Kun kuolen, haluan että jäännökseni ripotellaan eduskuntatalon portaille.
Ja en halua tulla tuhkatuksi.

S13Ni ,

I'm a bit disappointed to the practical uses, but I still get some value out of AI.
I sometimes use chatgpt to tweak existing SQL scripts at work, and as a trouble shooting assistant. Also I use this tool ultimate vocal remover to extract stems from songs, mainly to make myself instrumentals to practice singing over.
Those are really only things I do regularly, despite trying different self hosted AI tools.
Most are cool but not very useful.

Have you ever encountered a joke edit of a movie while sailing the high seas?

I have been thinking about the Cerveza Crista edit of Star Wars: A New Hope that sporadically splices in beer ads and the Toy Story 3 edit alternate ending where they fall into the incinerator and it made me wonder if people have come across these kind of joke versions, in full, in the wild....

S13Ni ,

Not the movie itself, but once I downloaded 28 days later, and found Finnish subtitle for it cause at the time I still needed those.
In the subtitles word "fuck" was translated to "hole bread" in Finnish.
Also at the end it said "Subtitles by your Dad"

Other time I downloaded Children Of Bodom's Blooddrunk before release and got Bullet For My Valentine's Scream Aim Fire instead with file names renamed as Bodom's track names. IDK why but now I like both bands.

S13Ni ,

Oh damn, 28 weeks is far better movie IMO though.
Scarier, and the concept of rebuilding after zombie outbreak and having another outbreak despite safety measures is much more interesting than traditional zombie story.

S13Ni ,

Hell yeah.
Saw Bodom live like 5 times before Alexi died.

S13Ni ,

They won't.
Maybe they get rudimentary tasks done faster but their lack of understanding of what they are doing is gonna cause problems in anything else.

S13Ni ,

Honesty as an aspiring indie dev myself, I wouldn't mind you pirate my game BUT I just buy cheap indie games on sale without not being sure if I'm going to play them any time soon.
Best case scenario I found new favorite game, worst case scenario, I just payed 8€ (-the expenses from the store) to some developer chasing their dream.

My wallet can take it and I like to support indie scene.

S13Ni ,

Teen helpdesk päivystystä töissä ja sen myötä ensireaktioni aina kun joku soittaa, oli se sitten työpuhelin tai oma on "kuka helvetin vitun perkeleen saatanan perse kehtaa häiritä... "
Perään sitten "No moikka mummi, mitäs kuuluu".

The activist who’s taking on artificial intelligence in the courts: ‘This is the fight of our lives’ ( english.elpais.com )

The American Matthew Butterick has started a legal crusade against generative artificial intelligence (AI). In 2022, he filed the first lawsuit in the history of this field against Microsoft, one of the companies that develop these types of tools (GitHub Copilot). Today, he’s coordinating four class action lawsuits that bring...

S13Ni ,

You could use LLM like AI to go through vast amounts of combat data to make sense of it on the field and analyze data from mass surveillance.
I doubt they need much more excuses.

Case could be made tech bros have overhyped the importance of AI to military industrial complex but it nevertheless has plenty of nasty uses.

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