@bornach@fosstodon.org cover
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar



I like hackspace stuff, STEM education, discrete electronics, microcontrollers, Raspberry Pi, kinetic art, electronic music synthesis

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Maker_of_Things , to makershour group
@Maker_of_Things@strangeobject.space avatar

Q5 How do you tackle waste in your making or crafting? Both in terms of the waste you produce in order to make, and creating things out of other people’s waste.

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Maker_of_Things @makershour
Well I once made a desk toy from spice bottle lids, 2 liter bottles, paper and refrigerator magnets.
Saved me having to buy anything new

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Maker_of_Things @makershour
A5 part 2
And when it comes to making use of other people's discarded items, there is my collection of street lithium that I will be powering many an electronic/electromechanical project

AtariSTMusic , to Chiptunes
@AtariSTMusic@botsin.space avatar

Title: Star-Spangled Banner / F.S.Key
Author: Unknown
RIPP Grazey / PHF


!# 1
TA 960
TIME 1 0
Track: 1

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

That brings back memories. It must have been one of the demo files distributed with the software. Or was included with the pirated copy my Dad brought back from America.

Maker_of_Things , to makershour group
@Maker_of_Things@strangeobject.space avatar

Q4 Have you created anything recently outside your usual skill set?

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Maker_of_Things @makershour
Nope. Ventured into mains voltage electronics but that stuff scares me so I gave up at the first sign of trouble

Maker_of_Things , to makershour group
@Maker_of_Things@strangeobject.space avatar

Q3 What are the most useful skills you have learned as maker, crafter, or artist? Not only practical, but mental skills like how to handle stress and pressure or find inspiration of to overcome challenges.

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Maker_of_Things @makershour
Paraphrasing Lesson 5 in this video by KamuiCosplay (at 6:23)

Make, craft, create in your own way. It isn't fun if you're only doing it because it is what others expected from you.

Maker_of_Things , to makershour group
@Maker_of_Things@strangeobject.space avatar

Q2 What strategies do you use to stay focused and productive rather than just having a big pile of unfinished stuff oppressing you.

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar
Maker_of_Things , to makershour group
@Maker_of_Things@strangeobject.space avatar

Q1 Hello! Do introduce yourself, and tell us what you’ve been making or doing this week.

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Maker_of_Things @makershour

Adrian here.
I've been coming to terms with the fact that a fair proportion of electronics stuff I ordered on EBay over the last decade is counterfeit, fake, or doesn't work.


Maker_of_Things , to makershour group
@Maker_of_Things@strangeobject.space avatar

Q5 What's your best advice for a starting “maker”?

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Maker_of_Things @makershour

Place no expectations on yourself

Being a maker is a journey and not a destination

Maker_of_Things , to makershour group
@Maker_of_Things@strangeobject.space avatar

Q4 Many of us identify as “Makers” what makes being a “Maker” part of your identity instead of just a hobby? How do you feel about that?

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Maker_of_Things @makershour
Tough one.
I guess it becomes your identity when you have to go on away on a trip and you agonise over what maker kit or tools to bring with you.

Maker_of_Things , to makershour group
@Maker_of_Things@strangeobject.space avatar

Q3 Lots of Makers are involved in educational outreach if you are how so, if not, is it something you would like to do?

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Maker_of_Things @makershour
I hope the handful of Instructables I've authored have inspired teachers, if not also the children, to go make something educational.

I know of one project that inspired an educator to make this wonderfully explained science video

Maker_of_Things , to makershour group
@Maker_of_Things@strangeobject.space avatar

Q2 What fills you with the most joy as a Maker and the most frustration?

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Maker_of_Things @makershour

Joy - People appreciating something I've made. People making it themselves based on my instructions, even better if they did a remix

Frustration - wasted tech that heads straight to landfill and could have been put to better use in a project

Maker_of_Things , to makershour group
@Maker_of_Things@strangeobject.space avatar

Q1 Who are you, and what have you made this week?

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Maker_of_Things @makershour
Adrian here.
I have just completed my final few generative artworks for Genuary 2024


Maker_of_Things , to makershour group
@Maker_of_Things@strangeobject.space avatar

Q2: Modern tools and methods can make making simpler and more accessible. But are there parts and tasks you find older tools or methods to be preferable when you make?

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Workshopshed @Maker_of_Things @makershour

Probably can already do fitted sheets. You’d need to ask the employee who was remotely controlling the robot

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Workshopshed @Maker_of_Things @makershour

Still very impressive technology to have that level of dexterity under remote control. I wouldn't expect this early prototype Disney Research puppet to be able to fold a shirt even with the human puppeteer standing right next to it.

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@Workshopshed @Maker_of_Things @makershour
This robot puts a fitted sheet on a bed among the many examples of domestic chores shown. But again this is a telepresence demo and not autonomous AI.

nixCraft , to Random stuff
@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

who made this? 😂

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

Don't laugh. Someone literally did lose their shirt...

brion , to Random stuff
@brion@bikeshed.vibber.net avatar

this place is not a place of honor
no great deeds are commemorated here
what was here was dangerous and repulsive to us
the danger still exists in your time

bornach ,
@bornach@fosstodon.org avatar

@dko @chuck @brion
[Computer Clan] on the history of that photo and then he goes and photographs the wrong hill

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