@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar



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In This Police Youth Program, a Trail of Sexual Abuse Across the U.S. ( www.themarshallproject.org )

The youth program that introduced Birchmore to the officers is among hundreds of such chapters at police agencies around the country. Created by the Boy Scouts of America decades ago, law enforcement Explorer posts are designed to help teens and young adults learn about policing....

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Then Biden will backpedal because he's dumb enough to think Fox News viewers might vote for him and doesn't really give a shit about Palestinian lives

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, if you dig into the details it's just a bunch of giveaways to private for profit businesses, again. Nothing about public housing or even rent assistance.

If their asshole land developer buddies can't make a buck off of it liberal lawmakers have no interest in addressing homelessness. We need actual progressives for any kind of economic justice to happen.

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

That's definitely part of it, but I think this is also about locking in marijuana illegality as long as they possibly can. Schedule I was never going to last, but they're hoping this will kill the political momentum for just descheduling it altogether so cops can keep using it as an excuse to harass people they don't like.

gAlienLifeform , (edited )
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

eliminating criminal penalties linked to marijuana

If he wanted to do that he'd have pushed his AG to deschedule it entirely, so this really just documents another thing Biden lied about to get elected

e; added a link

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Probably not, all of the hardcore Biden supporters I've met on this website are just utter scum who will never admit to anything no matter how obvious it is, like how this obviously could have been done at any point but was saved for an election year, or how rescheduling it instead of just descheduling it entirely keeps it federally criminal and breaks campaign pledges he made in 2019 and 2020

Best thing you can do is just try to leave some truthful information where some people might see it and ignore the replies

Journalist’s lawsuit forces Allegheny County in Pennsylvania to revise jail policies ( www.rcfp.org )

A First Amendment lawsuit brought by journalist Brittany Hailer has forced Allegheny County to revise policies that previously barred its jail employees and contractors from speaking publicly and with members of the news media about matters of public concern without permission, changes that could result in more accountability...

gAlienLifeform OP , (edited )
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

I would strongly urge you to reconsider. After speaking to people on this website about politics, I completely understand wanting to punish smug moderate assholes for being completely shitty to vulnerable communities over and over and over and over and over again while handing out billions in tax credits for their corporate buddies,

But I have watched this dynamic play out of you a number of times now, and when Democratic candidates lose elections it only makes those dumbass moderates louder and more powerful within the party. A bad day for them is when we have super majorities in both houses and legislature and all the sudden they are out of excuses for why they can't do the things they ran on. After that primaries will start.

e; typo

Immigrant with disabilities repeatedly assaulted by deputies at Calhoun County jail in Michigan, civil rights groups allege ( www.metrotimes.com )

Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240430121340/https://www.metrotimes.com/news/immigrant-with-disabilities-repeatedly-assaulted-by-deputies-at-calhoun-county-jail-civil-rights-groups-allege-36107644

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Absolutely should have been, but the Biden administration has decided trying to appease racist douchebags is the way to go with all of their policies towards migrants and asylum seekers so don't hold your breath on that one

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Well, they'll probably get another shot at it anyway, because this rancher seems delusional and violent as hell so he's probably going to kill some more people before too long

In real life, Kelly also seemed to see himself as a grizzled hero in the Clint Eastwood mold, doing battle against a criminal enterprise. Three weeks before the shooting, he texted a friend, “OVERUN WITH DRUG CARTEL. AK GTN A LOT OF WORK.” A week after that, he exchanged messages with his son Matt:


Matt Kelly: Nope ✋. Be careful.


Kelly seemed baffled, at times even wounded, that law enforcement saw things differently. Investigators found no drugs or weapons on Cuen-Buitimea’s body. In his backpack, he’d carried cans of tuna, tissues, and extra clothing, including a hoodie that read “Treat People with Kindness.” He also had a radio on his belt—evidence that, according to the defense team, he’d possibly served as a scout or a guide. A photograph on his phone showed him standing on a ridge with binoculars around his neck. Larkin and Lowthorp spun this into lurid theories involving rip crews, cartel hits, and fentanyl trafficking. The prosecution offered a countervailing archetype: Cuen-Buitimea as a man seeking, as they repeatedly put it, “the American Dream.”


When Ramirez eventually testified, through a court interpreter, he painted a picture of migration that was more muddled, and less cinematic, than the attorneys’ narratives. In the course of several years, he had illegally crossed into the U.S. eight or ten times, paying around twenty-five hundred dollars on most occasions. Once, in lieu of the fee, he’d carried marijuana with him. Each time, he’d been caught and deported back to Mexico. Last year, he and Cuen-Buitimea decided to make another attempt, with the goal of settling in Phoenix and getting roofing and construction jobs. They joined a group led by a man Ramirez knew only as El Cholo. They crossed into the U.S. without incident, but after an hour and a half of walking through the desert they encountered the Border Patrol. As the group scattered, the two men stuck together. When Cuen-Buitimea and Ramirez paused to catch their breath, Ramirez heard shots, then saw his friend fall. He ran back across the border into Mexico. “I was throwing up because I was so nervous,” Ramirez testified. “I was vomiting and vomiting and vomiting.”


gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Pretty much, the generation of old fucks that have a vice grip on both parties absolutely hate millennials and Gen Z, that's why so many of them are demanding college administrators send police after campus protests and are threatening to withhold donations over them even though it should be totally obvious that doing so only makes the protests bigger, but there is a downright compulsive need to "put those damn kids in their place" among a lot of the 50+ year old crowd

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Someone federal should "callously" charge him for mass child endangerment and "choose not to wait for a ruling" before throwing his ass in a jail cell

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

I honestly could write a book about working for that guy with all the crazy stories I have.

Or make it a podcast and stylize it like an old radio drama

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Oof, gotcha. I would say call blocking and getting some kind of agent/publicist/distributor with very humorless attorneys on retainer could counter all that, but I can definitely understand not wanting to deal with all those headaches.

Just saying, if you do ever make something like this I would probably buy a copy. Good human level story telling is entertaining and captures facets of our real lived histories that get lost otherwise.

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Mike Duncan seems like a pretty cool dude, and the Revolutions podcast is incredibly good

US intelligence believes Putin probably didn't order Navalny to be killed, Wall Street Journal reports ( www.reuters.com )

Last month, Putin called Navalny's demise "sad" and said he had been ready to hand the jailed politician over to the West in a prisoner exchange provided Navalny never return to Russia. Navalny's allies said such talks had been under way [...] Washington had not absolved the Russian leader of overall responsibility for Navalny's...

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I'm skeptical of this story to begin with, but even if it is true it doesn't make any real difference

Do Columbia's pro-Palestinian protests resemble the ones against the Vietnam war? - "...actually, we were much more disruptive" ( www.npr.org )

Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240426164739/https://www.npr.org/2024/04/26/1247405879/do-columbias-pro-palestinian-protests-resemble-the-ones-against-the-vietnam-war

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

After this dude has been caught in like half a dozen lies on behalf of Israel in the last few months, who believes anything he has to say about anything?

That said, apparently independent researchers generally back up what he's saying here

Washington DC and Beijing can both fuck off, imo

Homeless Georgians Could Face Hurdles to Voting Under New Legislation ( www.nytimes.com )

There are thousands of voters like Mr. Dupree across Georgia and the country, those experiencing homelessness who are able to vote with the proper identification. They receive election related-mail at shelters, relatives’ addresses, temporary locations or P.O. boxes, and the vast majority vote in person....

What Being Trans in Prison Is Really Like - Amid a wave of anti-trans legislation, and the violence that often follows, four people share their experiences in the criminal justice system ( www.themarshallproject.org )

Archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20240426112926/https://www.themarshallproject.org/2024/04/26/trans-prison-voices-gender-essay

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

And he was a piece of shit since long before the Trump administration

gAlienLifeform , (edited )
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Transcribed accurately (thank you to spujb@lemmy.cafe for correcting my earlier attempt):


Liberals: oh you care about palestine? stop tweeting and do something

*people organize nation-wide protests and actions at great personal risk*

Liberals: you swine. i hope the police beat you into a fine red paste. i hope they come after your families. how dare you

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for this, updated my comment. I totally deserve a small bit of hate here because that was a disservice to people who need alt text and screen readers, but for whatever it's worth a) learning to format things properly for screen readers is just something I still need to learn (and if you could point me towards a good resource for that I would definitely be interested), b) I was reacting to a comment that had been in here earlier (seems to have since been removed) that was claiming to be a transcription but changed the actual text of the OP, so I really just wanted to get something more accurate in here, but I should have said that was my best attempt at a transcription instead of just saying it was one.

Team Trump Is Ready to Lose the Supreme Court Immunity Case. They're Celebrating ( www.rollingstone.com )

Donald Trump‘s inner circle doesn’t expect the Supreme Court to go along with his extreme arguments about executive power in the immunity case before the justices. But what the high court does now is almost beside the point: Trump already won....

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

If they even think for a second about trying to organize any kind of violent crime they'll have FBI informants and surveillance all over their lives faster than they can say January 6th

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar
gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

It's a waste of time criticizing organizations that are beyond being reformed like the Republican party is. The Democratic party can and must do better and should hear about their screwups, the Republican party just needs to be rendered irrelevant entirely and doesn't need to see it coming.

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

New York prosecutors in Trump's hush money trial say former president continues to violate gag order ( apnews.com )

Prosecutors said Thursday that Donald Trump again violated a gag order in his hush money trial, as the criminal case resumed on the same day that the U.S. Supreme Court weighed whether he should be immune from prosecution for actions taken during his time as president....

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Dear [address on mailing list],

This is unbelievable. Donald Trump just stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shot someone. We need you to donate right now so etc.

gAlienLifeform ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, the way the Biden administration drug their feet on prosecuting him and his supporters because they didn't want to appear "partisan" really was an inexcusable dereliction of duty that needs to be discussed more if we manage to survive this year with a semi-functional democracy intact. Certain factions of the Democratic party have been excusing and normalizing criminal and traitorous actions by Republicans going back to the Vietnam war era because that's a lot easier than ripping this corruption out root and branch, and that is directly responsible for the degradation we've seen from Nixon interfering in Vietnam peace talks, to Reagan interfering in Iranian hostage negotiations, to W stealing an election, and now most recently Trump trying to steal an election.

gAlienLifeform OP ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, it really sucks that we have people like crime bill Joe Biden and registered republican Merrick Garland running things at the federal level right now because they made their careers out of emulating these Republican shitbags and still are (e.g. all the funding Biden has thrown at police departments that have kept on brutalizing people, Garland dragging his feet on charging Trump for as long as possible), but at least there are some people in state governments attempting to treat this traitorous conspiracy like it should be

Alameda County prosecutors allegedly excluded Black people and Jews from death penalty juries ( oaklandside.org )

In an order issued today, U.S. District Court Judge Vince Chhabria said that the hand-written notes of prosecutors from a 31-year-old murder case “constitute strong evidence that, in prior decades, prosecutors from the [Alameda County District Attorney’s] office were engaged in a pattern of serious misconduct, automatically...

gAlienLifeform OP ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

When an individual prosecutor shits all over the Constitution's guarantees of equality before the law, and they take efforts to conceal those actions, that is a knowingly bad act and an individual who deserves some accountability

When those actions stay covered up for over three decades because nobody in the system bothered to get a second plants at any of this, that's a system that deserves some accountability

e; like, I personally am a big proponent of needing more empathy and compassion within our system, thought for the type of person who that argument doesn't connect with, I think there's a very strong "We fought a civil war and certified a constitutional amendment to deal with crap like this, don't reopen this Pandora's box" argument to be made

gAlienLifeform OP ,
@gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world avatar

have been active participants of the injustices of the court system for centuries

This much is true and it is important to talk about to keep is from repeating history's mistakes

They benefit just as much as white men if not more

There are countless instances of sexual assault and domestic violence that cops and prosecutors have swept under rugs for decades that argue against that really strongly imo. Being victims of oppression doesn't excuse participating and upholding oppressive systems, but if we're going to tell the whole story let's tell the whole story.

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