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@remington@beehaw.org avatar



Volunteer amateur systems administrator for Beehaw. Stay-at-home dad. Outdoor enthusiast.

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remington Mod , to Politics in Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

...I have no idea how you would even begin to resolve the issue.

For now, we must encourage all of the younger people to vote. The younger people are, understandably, frustrated by the current American political system. It can be changed with more participation over time. Doing nothing (not voting, etc.) just worsens the problem.

The far right GOP knows all of this and makes it difficult for anyone to vote. They use tactics such as gaslighting in order to cheat their way into office.

remington Mod , to Politics in Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

Is it the average American news sources messing with people’s minds that much?

I'd estimate that 98% of American news sources are either very biased or straight up propaganda machines. I can only rely on National Public Radio and The Associated Press.

remington , to AskBeehaw in Do you want to tell us something about your religion?
@remington@beehaw.org avatar
remington Mod , to Technology in The level of engagement on Reddit these days
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

We can still find engagement in small niche subs on Reddit. We've known, for many years, that people were going to move away from large corporate-controlled sites such as Reddit, Twitter etc..

The Fediverse is addressing this. It isn't a panacea. However, it is a re-imagining of what we want the Internet to be.

There are many others, that will come along after us, to address this further.

remington OP Mod , to Jokes and Humor in Mammals
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

you’re an idiot

Name-calling isn't nice. Remember to be(e) nice at Beehaw. Consider this a warning.

remington Mod , to Gaming in Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 26th
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

Still having lots of fun with Diablo 4 season 4.

remington OP Mod , to Environment in We might be closer to changing course on climate change than we realized
@remington@beehaw.org avatar


remington Mod , to Gaming in Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 19th
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

Season 4 has been the best so far. They made a lot of improvements to the game. It's the most fun I've had with Diablo 4.

remington Mod , to Gaming in Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 19th
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

Diablo 4 season 4

remington Mod , to Science in Here's the horrifying Real sound of Apollo 1 Disaster in 1967.
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

This belongs in c/space. You can move it there if you want. Your choice.

remington Mod , to Chat in Why does beehaw and Lemmy in general feel so dead?
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

What do you want? Do you want to see more posts/comments?

Beehaw is, specifically, curated for those who want high quality rather than a dumpster fire of trolls and assholes.

So, quality vs quantity.

remington Mod , to Chat in The children who remember their past lives
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah, critical thinking is an important skill to have. Sadly, there is a very low percentage of people (specifically, in the USA) that have it.

I'm approximating that around 98% of the news media, here in the USA, are biased and/or propaganda. The first year of my university education taught me how to separate fact from opinion. What if you don't go to university? How do you learn critical thinking? I have a college friend that I've known for almost thirty years. He has a masters degree in finance and he is a certified public accountant. However, when it comes to USA politics, he has been completely brainwashed by the media. He is one of those MAGA nut-jobs.

Having second hand accounts of anything is, certainly, unreliable. I wish more people could have, at least, one experience that fell outside of what we know from science. Unbelievably, I've had several of these. I'd say about five that I cannot explain using the best of our scientific knowledge.

remington Mod , to Politics in Biden says 'order must prevail' during campus protests over the war in Gaza
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

I'm sorry you feel that way. I did not intend for anyone to be uncomfortable.

remington Mod , to Politics in Biden says 'order must prevail' during campus protests over the war in Gaza
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

...does this mean that saying “Joe Biden is acting like a fascist autocrat”, is ok, but applying it as a title, as in “Joe Biden the Fascist Autocrat” is not?

In my opinion, yes. However, this is something that I would want to discuss with the other administrators/moderators in order to reach a conclusion.

remington Mod , to Politics in Biden says 'order must prevail' during campus protests over the war in Gaza
@remington@beehaw.org avatar

Name-calling is a form of argument in which insulting or demeaning labels are directed at an individual or group.

Labeling Joe Biden as a 'fascist' is name-calling. Whether or not he is, truly, a fascist is not what is being addressed here.

Beehaw is a space that strives to be(e) nice apart from the thousands of Internet spaces that could care less.

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