kbal avatar


kbal , to Firefox in Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox
kbal avatar

Auto-generated alt-text for all images on the web where it's missing, and an AI that can reliably detect when it's probably worth doing, or do it on request through some kind of api designed for accessibility tools, as an optional extension for people who need it: Now that would be more interesting.

kbal , to Firefox in Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox
kbal avatar
  • new tab wallpapers, streamlined menus: Eh, whatever.

  • vertical tabs, better settings UI: I guess it's probably useful for someone if they do a good job.

  • AI-generated alt-text for images in PDFs: Oh fuck right off.

  • Customizable hotkeys: I can't believe you're still not doing it. Wasn't it the number one requested thing on Mozilla Connect? Do it, Mozilla. It's so easy, and so obviously needed. It would serve as a meaningful sign that you've become less user-hostile.

kbal , to Linux in (Newbie question) Did i handle my system crashing correctly?
kbal avatar

Ah, Fedora 40 is on kernel version 6.8.9 it seems, the bad one for amdgpu, and it doesn't look like their current build is patched to fix it, so it could be this bug. It's fixed in 6.8.10 and 6.9 if you have the ability to upgrade to those. Otherwise you might want to try reverting to the previous kernel version if that's easy in fedora.

(Edit to add that I didn't see the "im a complete newbie" bit... I'm just very aware of this recent bug because it gave me some trouble. Sorry if you did happen to start with a version that has this problem. It's really bad luck if so. But I don't really know.)

kbal , to Asklemmy in Was banning human slavery an authoritarian decision?
kbal avatar
kbal , to Taskmaster in Series 17, Episode 8 - 'The umbrella wink.'
kbal avatar

Wolfie wuz robbed, umbrella.

kbal , to Toronto in Toronto Shoppers Drug Mart ad for unpaid volunteer position has people baffled
kbal avatar

You're too late to get that job but here is another opportunity!

This is a part-time on-site volunteer role at my house. As a volunteer, you will be responsible for cooking, cleaning, chopping firewood, and providing other support to the residents. This may include serving drinks to visitors, restocking shelves, organizing inventory, and light house painting. Your role as a volunteer is crucial in ensuring that our household has a positive and seamless home experience.


  • Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work well in a team environment
  • Strong attention to detail and organizational skills
  • Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks effectively
  • Good communication skills
  • Previous experience with R and python programming is an asset
  • Availability to work weekends, nights, and holidays
  • Total subservience and ability to follow orders without question

We invite you to apply today.

kbal , to Linux Gaming in [Solved] Tumbleweed update killed my gaming
kbal avatar

There was a bug in a few recent linux kernel versions which might account for it if the one you've got is 6.8.9 for example. It was only recently patched and Suse might have had the bad luck to just miss the fix for it before sending you the update. If so I imagine they'll apply that patch soon.

kbal , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in What drew you to the high seas?
kbal avatar

Pitstop 2. I copied that floppy.

kbal , to Europe in [ OPINION] ‘Israelis go back to Europe?’ Some on the left need to rethink their slogans | Jo-Ann Mort
kbal avatar

Though not a prevalent catchphrase ...

Thanks, The Guardian, for explaining why it would be bad if anyone was saying the thing you're not accusing anyone in particular of saying.

kbal , to White People Twitter in "Thought-Terminating Cliches"
kbal avatar

Okay, it is what it is. But is it really what it is?

It's in God's hands, but is it really in God's hands?

YOLO, but do you really LO?

kbal , to Unpopular Opinion in Reddit Blackout was just mods choosing to be a personal army for app developer
kbal avatar

Taking a look at r/all one day, after many years of only seeing carefully-chosen subs that were actually good, was definitely one of the things that got me to finally quit.

kbal , to Unpopular Opinion in Reddit Blackout was just mods choosing to be a personal army for app developer
kbal avatar

If it was an app developer who precipitated it, so what? It had to be someone. That does not invalidate the choice of everyone else who participated in it. If you're going to hold an unpopular opinion, it should be a better one.

kbal , to Linux in AMD GPU driver with opencl support?
kbal avatar

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  • kbal , to Firefox in See what’s changing in Firefox: Better insights, same privacy
    kbal avatar

    Speaking of large numbers of user comments, I was just reading the hacker news discussion. Whatever you think of that site, it's full of the sort of people who used to be the core of the Firefox user base. People who would help their friends and family get it installed. Web developers who made sure their site works with more than one browser engine. People who know enough to be offended by changes like this one. People who Mozilla needs to reach if it wants to have a future in the web browser market.

    Comments elsewhere are similarly negative. I encourage everyone who cares about Firefox to turn off all the telemetry, or perhaps even consider moving to one of the forks such as Librewolf. If they notice enough of a drop in incoming data collection after this latest move, perhaps there's still a chance that Mozilla will get the message that they need to change course before it's too late.

    kbal , to LibreWolf in Firefox to collect your (anonymized) search data
    kbal avatar

    I find Firefox ESR much more relaxing to use than the version that springs new features and bugs on you randomly throughout the year.

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