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kbal , to Technology in "X": Far-right conspiracy theorists have returned in droves after Elon Musk took over the former Twitter, new study says
kbal avatar

Calling Tiktok "the next target" does not strike me as the ringing endorsement of its noble pursuit of accurate news reporting you seem to be taking it for.

kbal , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in Youtube Rant from a paying customer
kbal avatar

Is it t-shirts for sale at a little table off to the side somewhere you'll probably never see unless you go looking? Or is there an advertising billboard behind the stage that lights up after every song?

kbal , to Linux in Just booted fresh Debian install with 7900 XTX: Getting errors at boot
kbal avatar

Oh yeah, I forgot about updating initramfs. Just like I usually do at home. Installing a new kernel would do it automatically though, and I imagine that's somewhat likely to be needed. It has been for both of the new-ish video cards I've had in recent years.

kbal , to Linux in Just booted fresh Debian install with 7900 XTX: Getting errors at boot
kbal avatar

Shouldn't that be "gc_11_0_0_mes_2.bin" — without the double 0? That you could download from git.kernel.org among other places.

That video card came out around the same time as the current version of Debian stable, so it's probably too new to be included in your version of firmware-amd-graphics. It would go in /usr/lib/firmware/amdgpu/ with a bunch of similar-looking files. The other thing you might need to go with that firmware is a newer linux kernel, which you could get from backports.

kbal , to xkcd in xkcd #2931: Chasing
kbal avatar

"The International Date Line" makes this one worthwhile.

kbal , to Reddit in r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months.
kbal avatar

Speaking of online extremism, imagine calling someone stupid for wanting to read a scientific paper before forming an opinion about it.

kbal , to Reddit in r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months.
kbal avatar

That's not really true. Anyway, the "supplementary material" provides a few examples at least. We can only assume that they should be representative and that care was taken in drawing the boundary between that sort of thing and less objectionable but culturally adjacent terms.


kbal , to Reddit in r/The_Donald helped radicalize users into far-right identities and discourse – Active users on r/The_Donald increasingly used white nationalist vocabularies in their comments within three months.
kbal avatar

I would've been curious to see what kinds of words got counted as "far-right vocabulary" but it appears that research has recently gone back to being effectively concealed behind paywalls for those of us not in academia.

kbal , to Fediverse in An Interview With Jack Dorsey
kbal avatar

Is there a c/lostlemmites somewhere?

kbal , to Fediverse in Jack Dorsey says he quit Bluesky because it was becoming another Twitter
kbal avatar

Jack Dorsey quits Bluesky board and urges users to stay on Elon Musk’s X

kbal , to TenForward: Where Every Vulcan Knows Your Name in Measure of a merit badge
kbal avatar

Oh. I get it. Um, sort of.

kbal , to Europe in US warns of Russian hackers targeting operational technology in water systems across North America and Europe
kbal avatar

I'm guessing the main reason they have ridiculously bad security is less "lack of resources" and more that nobody expected the Kremlin to be so interested in making a pump at your local sewage treatment plant exceed its normal operating parameters.

kbal , to Gaming in GamesIndustry.biz: Microsoft's mystifying mismanagement
kbal avatar

I hesitate to attribute it to accidental mismanagement. Surely Microsoft has enough experience by now to be pretty good at acquiring firms they think of as competition only to find some excuse to shut them down.

kbal , to Linux in Moving to a Linux distro for dev
kbal avatar

Even if you are going to do a little bleeding edge development Debian stable can be a good solid base to start from.

kbal , to Privacy in Smart meter data: the Government’s at it again
kbal avatar

It was always pretty obvious that "smart meters" would have severe repercussions for privacy, but until it started actually being a problem seemingly everyone dismissed such concerns as being in the same category of far-out conspiracy theory as worrying that they're a health risk due to radiation. Some still do. Humanity has so little common sense when it comes to things involving computers.

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