ShadowRam ,

Batteries. It's holding back a LOT of things. A lot of technologies are solved, but just require power.

Room Temperature Super-Conductor.

If that can be solved, the power density and efficiencies would just be astronomical....
It would absolutely destroy multi-billion industries overnight.

If they ever prove out an actual functional EmDrive-like thruster, that would absolutely open up space travel to our species.

tetris11 , avatar

Batteries are the big one. Can you imagine how many people (homeowners/renters) will go out and buy a tiny 100W panel knowing that even though it will fill a battery with energy very slowly, they can still bank on it for a week?

Right now we have batteries that can survive about a day, using a modern solar panel system with inverter (~1000€). Imagine when we have batteries that can store weeks of power.

ShadowRam ,

Not only on the large scale of things,

But even robots would be in wide spread use if it had a useable runtime.

Something like this, you're good for 20min before it needs to charge.

But if you could pull that off where it runs for 8 to 12 hours before needing to charge? They would be used everywhere.

jimmy90 ,



Tolstoshev ,

Fusion. I think it’s our only hope of making it through climate change without massive losses.

taladar ,

I don't think fusion has any chance of being widely deployed by the time that becomes an issue.

Hazzia , (edited )

I agree with this. The extreme weather keeps getting significantly worse YOY, and a recent extreme temperature spike in the antarctic has scientists worried that our timeline is a lot shorter than previously estimated, which means significant action needs to be soon.

We are making excellent progress with fusion, especially the recent development to use AI to keep the magnetic fields containing the reaction stable, but how long will it be before we have a material that is strong enough to withstand the heat of a literal miniature sun for the years at a time required to run a plant? Just the energy from the magnetic field is strong enough that they've developed a super efficient was to use those microwaves to bore holes through the earth's crust hundreds of times deeper than ever before. So we have to at least come up with something significantly stronger than the pressurized material 2km deep into the earth's surface.

I am and will remain on the fusion bandwagon, but putting all of our eggs in that basket is a baaaad idea with the current state of things. On that note, that crust-boring technique i mentioned should make geothermal much more viable.

taladar ,

Honestly, I would consider it too late if it ready to build the first commercial plant right now. Building one of those takes a decade or two and building them all over the world takes significantly longer as expertise doesn't pop up out of nowhere in as many people as you want and neither does funding happen for plants all over the world as the first one isn't even finished yet.

AgentRocket ,

There's a massive fusion reactor in the sky that we could easily use by turning the radiation from it into electricity or harnessing the winds that are caused by the temperature differences it creates.

Nuclear fusion still has a long way to go, but to slow climate change (already too late to stop it) we need to act now.

darkfiremp3 ,

Fusion? That would be big. The continual role out of green energy which can push the price down. The McRib coming back. Normal things.

paddirn ,

Regrowing teeth

Aurenkin ,

Growing extra teeth

Aussiemandeus , avatar

Cause why not right haha

bobburger ,

Good news, there's a trial starting soon.

Although they can't guarantee the number and location of teeth regrown.

tetris11 , avatar

I'll take two scoops please

Ayat ,

It's very far thou, like 2040 type of boom technology

Inucune ,

Nuclear power reactors built after the 1970's. New generation (5?, 6?) for baseload. Mox, msr, lead moderated... Renewables can bicker over the transient loads while reactors provide the 'always on, always needed' bulk of power load.

Fuel reprocessing to close the loop would be the grail at this point.

MidnightBanjo OP ,

It would be nice to not need to worry about having a safe power source. Working remote, power blackout kills my ability to do my job

kandoh ,

That one day they will harvest my brain and let it live a vat of dopamine

MidnightBanjo OP ,

Just a happy brain in a happy jar

dog_ ,

Who's excited for ai???

Omega_Haxors ,

Perverted executives looking for an excuse to lay off their entire workforce.

MidnightBanjo OP ,

Yep. And really just the media and general. Not to mention every company seems to market ai for something.

It’s cool tech, but it’s covered everywhere, that is why I wanted to hear what other tech people are excited for

Dippy , avatar

Regenerative agriculture

Pantherina , (edited )

Efficient apps, everywhere. For example the COSMIC desktop is modern AND fast.

flashgnash ,

Not going to happen I don't think not while hardware is cheaper than development costs

Pantherina ,

I disagree. But these improvements are often low level, so that Meta can save costs doing the shit they do

flashgnash ,

All well and good but at the higher end they're writing applications in JavaScript and electron and using many times more system resources than C or rust, and it will always be cheaper for them to develop in higher level languages (especially when the performance problem can be offloaded on the user's machine instead of their own servers)

Pantherina ,

This. I think laziness is a huge problem.

flashgnash ,

It's not laziness it's economics.

It's cheaper for companies to have their developers spend less time developing in higher level languages and just throw more hardware at the problem than spend more money developing in a more difficult language

They aren't concerned with energy or material efficiency, only financial

Pantherina ,

Only their own specifically. Our economy wants people to only care about themselves. Even though this doesnt make sense as polluting the earth will directly impact you.

Jarix ,

E and S band fibre data transmission. 300+ terabit speeds using fibre already in use

theFibonacciEffect ,

Differentiable programming. Differentiable ray tracers for example can be used to reconstruct the geometry of something you took a picture off.

xilliah , avatar


JWST and what's coming next

miracleorange ,

Turbomuffins sound like muffins with stimulants in them.

ani , (edited )

Interaction net parallel computing (see HVM by HigherOrderCo)

JVT038 , avatar

Regrowing / regenerating certain body parts.

This could theoretically be done with stemcell stuff, but it's not there yet. However, when we finally reach the point where we can infinitely regenerate our body cells, we'll become effectively "ammortal"; unable to die due to natural causes (such as illness), but we will still die from other people (for example, a bullet to the head)

Besides that, I think nuclear fusion would be an incredible development if we can finally harness it to power our homes.

Xavienth ,

Fusion won't be the silver bullet people tout it as for much of the same reasons as fission isn't (mostly politics). No politician wants to spend billions of dollars on something that is going to take a decade to even be functional and another decade to break even. It would get cheaper with scale, but so would fission, we just never let it get there. It also still produces radioactive waste, despite what proponents claim, and it even produces more radioactive waste than a fission reactor by volume. But it isn't as long-lived.

These are the same tired arguments we hear about fission. If your country isn't actively building fission, it's probably not going to build fusion, aside from demonstrations.

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