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The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates ( www.theguardian.com )

Despite its name, the infrastructure used by the “cloud” accounts for more global greenhouse emissions than commercial flights. In 2018, for instance, the 5bn YouTube hits for the viral song Despacito used the same amount of energy it would take to heat 40,000 US homes annually....

Jarix ,

Rainforests. Like the Amazon that is being deforested obscenely in some areas

Why doesn't youtube shut down their public web api?

so we already know that youtube doesn't like people freeloading their bandwidth using something like invidious, piped, newpipe etc. why don't they just close the public web api and require a login or something. by requiring login they can keep track of what users are watching and if a user is watching thousands of videos daily...

Jarix ,

You don't think Apple could? (Not that they want to)

Jarix ,


Quicktime was awesome. They could revisit what worked well about it.

They have deep deep pockets and could throw money at it if they wanted to be come after the market.

They already have a zealous fanbase that will ignore flaws.

I think they could do it, if they wanted to. Would take time and they would have to bleed money for a while, anyone who tries to take on youtube would have to though

Jarix ,

I think its more useful to say you can get addicted using marijuana. As its not the substance that is addictive, like nicotine or opiods, but the behavior is the addiction

Jarix ,

Now compare that narrative experience the Super Mario Bros.

Im sure it's been done, but i would love to see interpretations of a First Time User Experience of OG mario if it came out today.

I cant tell you how many games ive just noped out of because i just want to actually play the game and not read or listen to either dialogue or forced tutorial railroading for 20+minutes (even 5 minutes of NOT being in control of what im doing is annoying) when you start a new game.

Even character creation can impede just wanting to get started. Let me come back later, or engage with that as i PLAY the game. Injecting extensive dialogue or forced interactive tutorial should be a reward or a much appreciated rest from the action, not a burden i must bare.

Not every game needs to be story rich to be fun, thank you vampire survivors

Jarix ,

Most economies are rooted in growth based policies. As if there is an unlimited amount of everything for everyone.

And we see this because it is a system that brutally punishes you if you aren't able to have things

Jarix ,

I can not

Jarix ,

Hugs. Hope you find a place where you can be you sooner rather than later

Jarix ,

With no stipulations on how or why you're using it.

Will not happen because of things like CSAM

Jarix , (edited )

You miss the point. I'm just saying there will be SOME stipulations on how its used


Ideally the internet would be provided with the same indifference as water and electricity. With no stipulations on how or why you're using it.

Should have just been according to everyone:

Ideally the internet would be provided with the same indifference as water and electricity.

Yall telling me some stipulations dont need to be mentioned, using utilites as an example, and yet im also pointing that out and you are trying to say the same thing i am but using my own argument to convince me im wrong.

What a wild place

Jarix ,

Should have said what they meant then instead of being lazy. There will be so many obvious stipulations it was stupid to say no stipulations. Dont understand why so many people insist on avoiding saying what they mean and just then say, you know what i meant.

I say this because if you have ever planned or ran a dnd(or any ttrpg)game you are quickly made aware that whats obvious to most, and even what should be obvious to most will often be the hardest thing to get people to include in how they hear what they are being told.

Its wild how much we expect people to assume, when we have so much evidence, if you care to ask for it/look for it and how often we get caught up with dumb derailments(Case in point... I think we are having a discussion, but wont be surprised if you think we are arguing over pedantry. )

Jarix ,

Okay but there's much less obvious examples. My point still stands

Also see my reply to gh0stcassette

Jarix ,

Okay fair enough and thank you for responding. Im not arguing the pedantry of it, but i do believe its useful and not needless. Meaning i think its worth discussing and debating.

Because if im wrong, then theres no difference between;

Ideally the internet would be provided with the same indifference as water and electricity. With no stipulations on how or why you're using it.


Ideally the internet would be provided with the same indifference as water and electricity.

So if im wrong as i understand thats what you mean, i would genuinely like to understand what/why ”with no stupulations on how or why you're using it" it is worth including.

Again if im wrong i literally cant see the difference and will go a long way to help me not respond to these kinds of things in the future and you would have done a service by helping me not derail other conversations. Which i will be very grateful for your help

Jarix ,

No snark. I dont understand the point of adding that second line if its not accurate or indicative of the previous statement. If it isnt clarifying conditions of the previous statement, it just adding confusion. So how does it "reinforce". Like literally how is that a statement that supports the previous one?

Edit. Im starting to think maybe i am on the spectrum...

Jarix ,

Better, stronger, smarter, faster?

More than ever Hour after hour

Jarix ,

In another universe, Relg phased Silk through stone and found the cure for the common cold as the illness couldnt pass through with them...for some reason

Jarix ,

The Belgariad books by David Eddings

Jarix ,

Thanks ill look it up!

Jarix ,
Jarix ,

I miss the days when preview/thumbnails hasn't ruined a great thing

Jarix ,

No worries. Nice to have a question answered without being told you should just go find it yourself. Sure you could have found it yourself but spelling i also clicked the link didn't take much to help out.

So as i dont think it's needed, no sorry accepted lol

Edit: spelling. Is autocorrect/predictive suggestions getting worse?

Jarix ,

Thank you for helping me feel better

Jarix ,

First time in a long time I've seen FTFY used literally. Have an upvote

Jarix ,

They aren't an alternative.

From the website you linked's own FAQ

While a sleeve is non-porous and should not allow fluids to escape they have not been tested nor are they recommended to be a form of contraception.

Yes a condom can be worn under a sleeve. Wearing one over a sleeve will not help if you are wearing it as a form of contraception.


Jarix ,

I honestly appreciate that someone else cares enough about that word to upvote me for it. Thank you for being you

Jarix , (edited )

Especially if it's true.

Which if they haven't tested them, which is an easy thing to prove for them, then this should not be recommended by you, or anyone, as a contraceptive.

It's like my ex trying to tell her birthcontrol is working just fine because she took 3 pills at once after forgetting to take it twice in a row even though the manufacturer says if you dont follow the directions you have to start the initial waiting period over again, because "i think they have to say that" (she also used those exact words)

Bad advice is bad advice. Why should anyone ever trust their future and also their health by listening to your advice that directly opposes the manufacturers warning. They are legally liable for their product, you are just some random person potentially ruining peoples lives with your opinions.

I hope they sue you for damages before anyone fucks up their life by being convinced by your bad attitude

Jarix ,

And any audiologist or ENT will back them up and also tell you not to do that and then give you examples of known reasons why they also say dont use them

Jarix ,

How is that in anyway relevant to this discussion about them as a contraceptive device???!?

You might as well be talking about the pull put method of contraceptive with a line like that, which is not helpful

Jarix ,

Jesus fucking christ you are just trolling, and im walking right into it. What waste of time

Jarix ,

This statement brought to you by Greed® and Capitalism™

Jarix ,

That's a great read if you are only trying to film a commercial or promotion and no one is going to eat it. But then it doesnt matter if its non toxic i suppose.

At least i remember a video a long time ago, perhaps on an episode of how its made, that white glue is used to help get the stretchy cheese pull

Jarix ,

If you used white glue, they have other colours though

Jarix ,

Listen sugartits, some of us don't have much money. So if it's not much money we still don't have it

(Mostly i just wanted to point out your username by using it in a comment)

Jarix ,

Neutral is boring? Flaws add as much character to a thing as beauty

Jarix ,

Alternate theory, they heard what they came up with, tried to liscence the use of her voice to avoid a legal fight, hoped she might come around after the fact and now here we are.

Seems possible anyway.

Do we know Sam had any specific and previous interest in Scarlet?

‘FUCK the LAPD' Shirt Maker's Entire Shop Sold Out After Cops Threaten Him ( www.404media.co )

The creator of a “FUCK the LAPD” shirt sold out not only his entire stock of that shirt but also sold out many of his other designs after the Los Angeles Police Department Foundation made an intellectual property threat against them that claimed they owned the letters ‘LAPD.’

Jarix , (edited )


Edit: only -9? You all can do better than that!

Jarix ,

More for me! Not a fan of the flaming hot flavour in general, but i really like the Jalepeno cheddar

Jarix ,

Sucks to be you then. I've had many of these with no problems

Jarix ,

Water?! I've never made mac and cheese without milk, occasionally cream if it's all i got.

Then again i can't stand tomatoe soup made with water and not milk either.

Guess its just what you learned to expect from being a kid

Jarix ,

I'm also just spit balling but many skills are needing an account if muscle memory.

So with that I'm mine i wonder if you spent 10-20 minutes a day just tracing styles or things you want to be able to draw to develop that muscle memory would be helpful

Jarix ,

I'm also just spit balling but many skills are needing an account if muscle memory.

So with that I'm mine i wonder if you spent 10-20 minutes a day just tracing styles or things you want to be able to draw to develop that muscle memory would be helpful

Jarix ,

You are av ducking idiot if you are moving fridges on your bicycle

Jarix ,

When you said he did you refer to Randall or Trabic?

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