Techaltar , avatar

People who use Apple's memojis or similar as profile pictures: I totally get that it's mostly anonymous while still somewhat personal, but ... do you find there is recognizability in it? My brain just subconsciously recognizes it as a memoji but then doesn't bother to look for any features. I never actually remember or recognize them. Is that just me?

xadrav , avatar

@Techaltar I get comments ALL the time that mine looks strikingly like me and they really like it

Techaltar OP , avatar

@xadrav that's nice!

LoneLocust , avatar

@Techaltar people waste time giving two seconds thought to avatars?

Techaltar OP , avatar

@LoneLocust seems like they do! Welcome to social media, where people come to express and argue about their opinions :)

LoneLocust , avatar

@Techaltar It wasn’t meant as snarky, if it came off that way. Your question caught me off guard, I’d just never actually gave anyone else’s facial avatars any thought. Especially not recognizability.

Techaltar OP , avatar

@LoneLocust ah OK then, sorry for assuming it. I just saw a memoji in the wild and had this realization that I could have seen it a hundred times and wouldn't have recognized it, which I found odd

LoneLocust , avatar

@Techaltar Well, I do have “resting snark voice.” ;-)

Rekkert , avatar

@Techaltar I have that problem with all standardized avatars like that, my brain fixates on recognizing the style instead of the individual features.

Techaltar OP , avatar

@Rekkert yes, I think it's the same for the others too, I just see the memoji ones way more often in the wild

CIMB4 , avatar

@Techaltar people who use those memojies seem duspicious too me.. I mean if u bought an iphone and sre doing that stuff i'm sure it's really cool the first time (like how building a lego set is cool) but i dunno.. I will get hate for saying this but people who buy iphones to me are people who can't make an informed purchase descision and using a memojie means being proud that you made a purchase that effectively rips you off..

TheTechNerd , avatar

@Techaltar same

Geniusak , avatar

@Techaltar I'll recognize if you're male/female and black/white and that's probably it.

They all just look smug and pretentious to me, idk why. Probably the same reason I dislike most emoji styles

beno , avatar

@Techaltar they are so generic you basically have to rely on someone adding things like glasses or piercings to get any idea who it might be. I only know who they are if they message me directly with it.

mehdi_benadel , avatar

@Techaltar They're Chucky style creepy, and just fits too much in Apple normalization. Now you will also all look the same. And creepy.

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