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GreyCat ,

This was definitely the most boring episode so far. The guy even gains skils by having sex.. And even all the human girls like him for some reason. Even after his tribe killed all their allies.

GreyCat ,

That's his loopback address, his local IP can be

GreyCat OP , (edited )

The pacing of the episode was a bit weird, maybe, but good episode, went by fast.
Had we already seen that Ichikawa had Rem as his profile picture? I forget. Still made me smile. I also love his sister's character haha

I'm not sure why Anna faked her sleep, was it to see what Ichikawa would do? Did she feel him hesitating? But all this tension has to culminate to something at some point right ??

Lastly, really like Ichikawa's new hairstyle, noticed throughout the whole episode.

EDIT: Woah! Almost missed the post-ending scene, check it out people it's very important.

GreyCat OP ,

I was really scared that Ichikawa wasn't going to get her anything after being interrupted during his shopping with Hara, but thankfully he already had already made and gotten her gifts. I didn't connect the dots when he was so negative when Hara proposed something he already had prepared haha
And I knew it wasn't the case but I am still disappointed that there was no chuu in last episode and the lack of development thereof. At least there was some at the end of this episode \o/

GreyCat ,

Though the confrontation set up with the assassin girl from the previous episode was resolved quickly, but well by this show’s standards.

Honeslty kinda disappointed by that confrontation, I was expecting more. At least there was the consequence of her disappearing afterwards. Still, I think that she should have had some killing intent that MC would have able to notice.

GreyCat ,

wtf didn't know this was a thing in the works.
As for the animation I presonally found to it to be good, a bit too good even for action scenes, I would be very surprised if the action and movements were this fluid in trhoughout the show. That basically does not happen unless it's a big budget anime. Which to be fair, this might be.
Not sure about the character designs though, they are somewhat in the uncanny valley for me.

GreyCat OP ,

Did they really just not show a kiss ??

GreyCat OP , (edited )

Yeah, I'm not certain but there were super embarassed in the last scene and Anna's friend said "Did they do it those few seconds they had" :o
EDIT: actually the other girl said it

GreyCat OP ,

At first I thought they were just embarassed as well, but I couldn't get the two girls'comments.
Ugh I was so excited for next episode, I knew it was impossible with how fast Ichikawa got out, but I still believed for a while 😭

GreyCat OP ,

Yeah true, is seems as though you are correct. Even discounting Ichikawa's personality it is almost impossible for him clothe himself fully, kiss her, and get out that fast after the other guy. I just deluded myself into thinking it was possible. Also I don't understand the girls' comments in that case.

GreyCat ,

I think I tried watching that anime 2 times, I couldn't. It's been a while so I can't exactly remember why but I really disliked it even ignoring all the ecchi stuff.

GreyCat ,

duuude I was thinking the same, I couldn't put names on faces at all during the episode.
It made me think that it would have been nice if they had showed faces when naming characters, since they can in the anime compared to the LN.

Winter Episode Discussion Thread Guide ( )

While we all wistfully remember shinobu, the community here has been making discussion threads for the shows we have been watching. To try to make things a bit easier, I have tried to collect all the threads for the winter seasonal shows in one place. I will try to keep this updated as things go forward. Please let me know if I...

GreyCat ,

Shinobu is coming back right? right ??

GreyCat ,

It's kind of hard for to recommend wholesome anime without too much anime tropes, maybe Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun ? But it's very much slice-of-lifey.
If you don't mind non-wholesome ones, my recommendations be: Attack on Titan, Death Note, Erased/Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Hunter X Hunter, Gangsta, Death Parade, Ookami to Koushinryou, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Initial D, AnoHana.
Also, those tropes are very much what comprises most anime, maybe anime is just not for your partner ¯\(ツ)

GreyCat ,

Dangers in My Heart

I really recommend it, I don't understand why the author thought it was a good idead to make the MC so much more edgy in the the beginning (first one or two episodes). I had even dropped the manga because of that. The MC is really not anything like in the first episode or two, so push through them if you can. It's really an enjoyable anime after that.

GreyCat , (edited )

Seasonal anime:

  • Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu 2nd Season: I have missed this anime so much, still love this, the sound design is still great, the anime is wholesome, can't ask for much more.
  • Hime-sama, "Goumon" no Jikan desu: Watched the first episode, probably not my thing, I didn't enjoy the premise, dropped.
  • Yubisaki to Renren: Thanks /u/ for recommending this, I liked the first two episodes, I had liked koe no katachi a lot, so a romance with a deaf character looks pretty good to me !
  • Classroom of the Elite 3rd Season: Still pretty good if not somewhat confusing.

First time I am seeing adaptations for manga I had read such a long time ago and a bunch of them at the same time:

  • Solo Leveling: One of the big ones of the season, only two episodes yet and not much has happened so we'll se how it develops but so far so good. I can't help but wonder if it should have had korean VAs but eh, I guess japanese it is.
  • Dosanko Gal wa Namaramenkoi: I think I am more okay with this show than most, it's a romcom in which the FMC is a gyaru that's not a bully for once, in a winter setting at Hokkaido. The MC is pretty bland so what decides wether you'll watch this is the FMC and the visuals.
  • Nozomanu Fushi No Boukensha: I read this when it didn't even have 10 chapters, I don't remember much but so far the anime is pretty generic. Not worth it if you aren't into the genre. Will keep watching for now but I am not expecting much.
  • My Instant Death Ability Is Overpowered: I think the manga was of better quality, I don't like the animation much, but will keep watching 'cause it has some interesting ideas so I want to see how it pans out.

EDIT Oh yeah there's also:

  • The wrong way to use healing magic: This one has also been in the back of my mind for a long time, a tad bit less original than I remembered but it's still one of the first mangas I've ever read.


  • Shin no Nakama ja Nai...: I have rewatched and completed the first after seeing that it just got a 2nd season. And I do not recommend it, it's ok at the start and it has a few nice aspects to it but the characters and their motivations are a bit too dumb/forced, the action animation and fights kind of hurt to look at. The last few episodes are especially bad. It's not completely terrible but I would avoid this.
GreyCat ,

Will definitely check that out, thanks for the recommendation o/

GreyCat ,

You didn’t because it’s bull.
Video link

GreyCat ,

Nice troll

GreyCat ,

Nah the beta is specifically for developers, it’s not meant for players. There are two ways to access the dev beta, either you show that you are a modder / developer on the facepunch forums. Or you try to get access in a random and fair raffle.

StarUI, a must-have mod to replace the bad inventory UI ( )

For anyone who hasn’t yet checked out the Nexus since the game’s release, an inventory UI replacement mod has already been out for some days. It gives you a way more compact and useful inventory interface with clickable columns that you can sort by, and most importantly the value per mass column. The most important item stat...

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