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alphanerd4 OP Mod ,

oh fucks sake i hate it when I do that.

alphanerd4 ,

That was the fucking point of all this, right ? Like ‘how dare the poors slip through some material change in conditions through gov power’. ‘We’ll show them’ and then they did all of this

alphanerd4 Mod ,

OK so this is like the central issue. So I think it’s really important that we discuss it and do our best to try and work out some definitions. From my research so far every indication seems to be that the reason why we don’t have solid definitions to go on yet is because you know history isn’t done yet, we’re still working out what exactly words mean and how to use them . And you know consensus is the only arbiter we have there so it needs to be discussed.

alphanerd4 OP Mod ,

“But but. The brown people were dirty and out”

alphanerd4 OP Mod , (edited )

That is the definition of individual authoritarianism not institutional authoritarianism. Basically just the first half of the definition. Whereas the aspect I focus on is exactly what you were getting to at the end there. That general definition is from The Authoritarian Personality and is not accepted as definitive in any academic studies of authoritarianism in governance. So I suppose what I am doing here is operating off of an academic definition that is not nearly as commonly used as I was assuming. Tho -side note- it is quite interesting to think about how this public?definition has been used to make the argument that the entire moral and psychological basis of conservatism as a whole, is individual authoritarianism.

alphanerd4 OP Mod ,

thats completely fair. its future historians who get to have settled terms and that only comes from us in the present doing our best to hash it out. By my assessments, the etymology and definition of authoritarian does support the idea that the US heavily involves autocratic elements in its governance, and can be described as authoritarian. I specifically avoid calling the US fascist because that's an argument that mostly makes sense to people outside the US, and my core audience is within the imperial core. At the end of the day, I did just need to pick a term that seemed to fit best and be effective at communicating my argument, and authoritarianism is what ive settled on for the foreseeable future. Though, i would say there's a lot of overlap in our thoughts on the subject. The core argument this meme is trying to reference is the idea that because segregation and chattel slavery were race based apartheid style systems, and that is a subsection of authoritarianism, then for most of US history the republic has operated as part of an authoritarian system. ==> so why does saying it out loud massively violate american taboos about its own history and relationship as a state to white supremacy? chiefly, that it was founded on it, and operated on it. until like .... within living memory. thats the official version of events. bizarre. but its not bizarre. its exactly how language and societies react when states do this.

How Columbia Protest Ends ( )

With the greenlight of Columbia President Minouche Shafik and her administration, NYPD has entered Hind Hall through the windows and begun to mass arrest students inside. Let this be remembered as Columbia and Shafik’s legacy: one of mobilizing the violence and terror of the state against their own students and faculty, solely...

You’re not crazy. The rhetorical goal post for why the US is a democracy, and what exactly constitutes ‘Not a democracy’, Has been getting shifted the entire time, as the US blows past it. ( )

Like. Half the time they’re not even making an actual argument. people on here do this just every single day. I don’t need to know the hoity-toity 7 to 15 word quip that makes absolutely no sense but fills the place where a logical argument should be....

Black People Can’t Swim [Here] ( )

‘Black people can’t swim’ Because until very recent memory, the US was an explicitly white supremacist authoritarian state, And access to public pools specifically Was one of the crowning achievements of The evil at the heart of this country. They destroyed every public pool that they couldn’t privatize. To keep...

alphanerd4 OP Mod ,

I looked into its validity (nothing personal, OP. Standard practice to check)

thats fine. My shtick here is radical reinterpretation of existing evidence. The historical events I draw on should be solid as a rock so i welcome a second pair of eyes.

alphanerd4 OP Mod , (edited )

i like your enthusiasm. ive been putting up pretty benign pro palestinian posters at my local campus. maybe. maybe go for something like that.

probably don't go around trying to get the fbi's attention

alphanerd4 OP Mod , (edited )

i mean absolutely no personal disrespect to any of you, but I find myself genuinely coming away with the opinion that this might be the laziest community I have ever been responsible for helping build.

and this is an offshoot of a subreddit

The source. of the screenshot. was in . the post. i linked. as source. WHy does this comment have 7 upvotes and no downvOTEs?

I am not implying dick. edit-They say it right there


hem to paraphrase:

'this document is about terrorism' - 'specifically anarchists'

they 'hate authority' and 'do crimes'

'we dont generally care about any of this, but reserve the right to'

'and courts say thats the end of it'


I know I dont have the final say on anything. that would be weird.


This is just an identification guide for symbols.

alphanerd4 OP Mod ,

a completely understandable assumption. That ones on me. the paragraph right above where this screenshot cuts off actually super pinky swears that they won't keep track of people just for using them.

alphanerd4 OP Mod ,

no they didnt its two pages down the document i am going to cry and throw a fit

alphanerd4 OP Mod ,

I have included the link to the source document directly in the post. It was accessible through the source link at the bottom at any time. -moving past that- my favorite part of the source document is how Anarchists are the only ones to get an actual "tactics" section. Whereas, the militas get a list of crimes


alphanerd4 OP Mod ,

OK. I don’t agree about what reality is with you enough to have a conversation.

alphanerd4 OP Mod , (edited )

Let me explain... ...I don't know how to explain that when a law enforcement agency says that it is only interested in investigating your organization for crimes. that is. not something that you should take as reassuring. It outlines a level of trust in the establishments of imperial power that ,. supporters of this line of thought here would be okay with showing cops around the clubhouse, because you're confident they won't decide that what you are doing here is a crime. It is an avenue for the state to label its own political opponents as [legal to oppress with state power]s. All of the nonsense in this thread of is providing cover for that and that's the end of it for me.



normal average americans that fly the confederate flag are white supremists. They are supporting domestic terrorism. like that even gets at all what i mean. this whole thing exists to make the 'inherent racial hierarchy' that this country was founded on and operated under for its entire dam history up until .. .. . . . . wHen?EXACtly?? just palatable enough that I get looked at like Im the crazy one for bringing up how the pattern of suppressing communist and anarchist political factions in the united states is the f*CkInG God**MN **kING POInT of thE FBI fUK

alphanerd4 OP Mod ,

Heh. Yeah, OK that’s medium funny.

alphanerd4 OP Mod , (edited )

its a cash grab ive been doing at a loss for like 3 years yeah gj u cracked the case

frustrated edit: literally no one has donated through that link. its up because one guy 8 weeks ago asked if I had one and I didn't.

alphanerd4 OP ,

What is the point of the private property system?

alphanerd4 OP ,

you are right and I invite you to say it louder.

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