@eivind@fribygda.no cover
@eivind@fribygda.no avatar



In the space between sherbet and mythology. The seagulls don't work for us.

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eivind , to Random stuff
@eivind@fribygda.no avatar

The language model perfectly parrots the Nuanced View™ of the North Atlantic states.

via @ErikUden


NRKno_bot Bot , to Random stuff Norwegian
@NRKno_bot@mastodon.social avatar

EBU skal undersøke "hendelser" rundt Eurovision

Den europeiske kringkasteren EBU sier i en uttalelse at de beklager at noen delagasjoner i Eurovision-finalen i Malmö ikke respekterte reglene og konkurransens ånd både på og utenfor sine sendinger. – Vi snakket med flere delegasjoner underveis i arrangementet om ulike saker som vi ble gjort oppmerksomme på, sier EBU i uttalelsen. EBUS styrende organer...


eivind ,
@eivind@fribygda.no avatar

Oh fuck oooooff, moralske konkursbo.

eivind , to Random stuff Norwegian
@eivind@fribygda.no avatar

Is that what the kids are calling it these days.

eivind OP ,
@eivind@fribygda.no avatar

@sotolf Må være en eller annen måte å gjøre sex på? Kanskje uten å vaske sexdelene først?

malwaretech , to Random stuff
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

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  • eivind ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Doing quite well in Norway. In addition to the Tesla sedan clone they have models looking like the generic SUV and compact cars.

    eivind ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    But there are local options: Felon fucking Tusk isn't the sum of the automative industry in the US. Other companies could absorbe the experience with the proper incentives.
    @MisterMoo @tsyum

    eivind , to Random stuff
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    According to Northern Finnish folklore, the northern lights are caused by the mythological firefox running around flinging sparks when its tail brushes against the vegetation. The Finnish name for northern lights, revontulet, literally translates to "fox fires".

    eivind , to histodons group
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    OTD, 7 May 1945, the Norwegian paper Aftenposten published literary Nobel laureate Knut Hamsun's Hitler obituray. @histodons

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  • eivind OP ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    It's one of the least nazi ones of his, so good choice as far as Hamsun goes. I personally think Orwell did it better in Down and Out in Paris and London, though.

    eivind OP ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Not a popular take in Norway :)

    eivind , to histodons group
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    OTD, in 1991, women in the canton Appenzell Innerrhoden in Switzerland were for the first time allowed to vote in the local elections, the Landsgemeinde, 20 years after having won the same right on a national level. The then all-male Landsgemeine had vote against giving that right to women the year before, but were overruled by the federal court. @histodons

    eivind , to histodons group
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    There's a graphic adaption of Cline's 1177 B.C. out! @histodons The author explains the process of adaption in this piece: https://www.asor.org/anetoday/2024/04/words-into-pictures

    eivind , to histodons group
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    OTD, 1 April, 1950, Aftenposten, the largest daily newspaper in Norway, announced on its front page that the government wine outlet had bought a large quantity of good, French wine, but had unfortunately run out of bottles so they were forced to sell it off at giveaway prices to whoever showed up with their own containers. @histodons

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  • eivind , to histodons group
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    OTD, 25 March, 1998, Mike Cameron served his one day suspension for having worn a Pepsi shirt to Coke Education Day the previous Friday at Greenbrier High School in Evans, Georgia.

    The principal, Gloria Hamilton, spent the day explaining to the local, national and international media that he wasn't suspended for wearing a Pepsi shirt to Coke day, but for trying to ruin the school picture, in which the entire student body were lined up to spell out the word "COKE". @histodons

    eivind OP ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    @amici An early example of brands throwing money around to get into schools and start their indoctrination early. (Coke HQ is not far away from Evans, in Atlanta, so was probably a local thing.) @histodons

    18+ figstick , to bookstodon group
    @figstick@mas.to avatar

    I have a 6th-grade (13 years old) student who is at grade level in his reading and does well in English class, but feels unmotivated to read on his own. The only two series he's really gotten into are and Percy Jackson.

    Since reading is clearly not a problem for him, I think it's just a matter of finding something new along the fantasy-mythology lines that would appeal to him. Any leads? @bookstodon

    eivind ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Wad going through the replies to see of anyone had mention @nnedi. Sounds like it might be a good fit.
    @figstick @bookstodon @charliejane

    malwaretech , to Random stuff
    @malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

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  • eivind ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    @malwaretech I made myself a guaranteed unprofitable, even if I stay with them to the end of a long life, customer for my insurance company by spending a day in US hospitals and a couple of ambulance trips to and between them.

    eivind , to bookstodon group
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Reading in the foreword to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea that Verne originally envisioned Captain Nemo as a Polish noble on an underwater campaign of vengeance against the Russian Empire that'd killed his entire family, but that this version was pronounced unprintable by his publisher for political reasons. @bookstodon

    camilla_hoel , to bookstodon group
    @camilla_hoel@hcommons.social avatar

    Books read in January:
    Strong Poison -- Dorothy L. Sayers
    Have His Carcase -- Dorothy L. Sayers
    Et liv i redningsvest: Dagboksopptegnelser om norsk rasisme -- Sumaya Jirde Ali
    Frames of War: When Is Life Grievable -- Judith Butler
    Strengt fortrolig: Norges hemmelige forsøk på å stanse krigen i Libya -- Henrik Thune
    Gaudy Night -- Dorothy L. Sayers
    An Unkindness of Ghosts -- Rivers Solomon
    Busman's Honeymoon -- Dorothy L. Sayers
    Driftglass -- Samuel R. Delany
    Roboten er løs! -- Philip Newth
    I, Robot -- Isaac Asimov
    Palestine -- Joe Sacco
    All Systems Red -- Martha Wells

    eivind ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Reminded me to get The World We Make before I forget what happened in the first one.

    eivind , to History Norwegian
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Today is “laugardagr” (Washing Day) in Scandinavia, “lørdag/lördag” in modern Scandinavian, the day for the weekly bath. A custom that, according to 13th century English chronicler John of Wallingford, together with their luxurious hair and extravagant clothing, set the Dane boys apart from their Anglo-Saxon neighbors and “laid siege to the virtue of the married women and persuaded the daughters, even of the nobles, to be their concubines.” @histodons

    eivind OP ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    John certainly seems to think the "excessive bathing" plays a part, but I'm sure the fancy hair and dress helped too :)

    eivind , to Random stuff
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Is a photo thing on here? I hope so, because I met this 10 m. (33 ft.) tall and v. handsome saguaro yesterday and want to show him off.

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  • eivind OP ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Feel like we're in a deep alt. history novel where the cacti won the space race and dominate their leafy brethren.

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  • eivind OP ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Are there any (good and convincing) deep alt. history novels, i.e. novels built on a premise of diverging from our evolutionary development path in some aspect, flora or fauna, in deep time? @bookstodon

    eivind OP ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar
    tishkova , to bookstodon group
    @tishkova@mastodon.scot avatar

    i blame the booker prize for my hit-or-miss ratings lately 😁 i did like some of the books on short/long lists, Pearl and The Bee Sting, though i didn't finish the latter yet. Pearl should have won, but it didn't even make the short list.
    i wonder if my local library will stock up on the next year's contestants, i may again feel the need to read all of them (and be disappointed again)

    eivind ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Oh no, one star for two of the books I've got lined up!

    FairytalesFood , to folklore group
    @FairytalesFood@mstdn.social avatar

    Festive Food Folklore - Day 11

    In some European Christmas traditions the spirits of ancestors are remembered during the Christmas Eve meal, vacant places are set, a candle/light is kept burning all night, and the leftover food remains on the table overnight for visiting spirits. In the 8thC St Bede also wrote that the early Medieval English left food on tables overnight during the Christmas season so that visiting spirits could partake of the feast.


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  • eivind ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    @FairytalesFood @folklore A Norwegian tradition I grew up with, riffing off Day 9, was that on the farms you had to leave part of the risgrøt (rice porrige) out for creatures known as nisser to keep them happy. They were mythic beings believed to either help with or sabotage farmwork depending on their mood, and what I heard from farm relatives was that they would turn the milk still in the cows sour if they didn't get their julegrøt (xmas porridge).

    eivind ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    @FairytalesFood @folklore The folk tradition of nisser have increasingly been merged with the global Xmas traditions in later years, and the nisser themselves with Santa Claus, so I think in a hybrid tradition the Xmas porridge that used to be left out for the nisse creatures are now left out for this single being known as the Xmas Nisse (Julenisse, Norwegian name for Santa).

    xgebi , to bookstodon group
    @xgebi@hachyderm.io avatar

    I’m not done reading on the topic of home, two books arrived last week, three arrived today and two are on the way


    eivind ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Reminded me of this one which really stayed with me (and made me appreciate the city pigeons in a whole new way)

    tishkova , to bookstodon group
    @tishkova@mastodon.scot avatar

    City of Illusions by Ursula K. Le Guin

    this book is literally mind blowing 🥁🤭


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  • eivind ,
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Just reread (listened, really) to the Hainish Cycle this fall. It's so good.

    eivind , to bookstodon group Norwegian
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Anyone know of any reason for the relative unavailability of The Word for World Is Forest compared to the other five of the 60s and 70s Hainish Cycle novels? Only place I can find an audio version is Audible, and I really don't want to go back there. @bookstodon

    eivind , to bookstodon group Norwegian
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    I'm sure it's not an original observation, but rereading Le Guin's City of Illusions, it's striking me as a very apt allegory of our times. With the global Shing lords in Western North America dazzling us with their advanced but useless technology, claiming to be our friends and saviors. Their "do no evil" slogan. They even have "money" that aren't really functioning as currency, but is mostly just another vanity project. @bookstodon

    eivind , to bookstodon group Norwegian
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    The Norwegian daily paper The Class Struggle writes that nothing's more rock 'n' roll than reading books, citing an anecdote that Jim Morrison once excused himself from class, claiming he had to have surgery on a non-existent brain tumor and spent the rest of the day reading. @bookstodon

    eivind , to bookstodon group Norwegian
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    (en voz baja) The Murderbot Diaries wasn't for me @bookstodon

    eivind , to Random stuff Norwegian
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    The local geese still need some more formation training before the winter holidays. Won't make it to Syden with this pathetic indecision tree.

    eivind , to Random stuff Norwegian
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar
    eivind , to Random stuff Norwegian
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    I toppen av verdenstreet Yggdrasil sitter ørnen Vidofnir pal. I panna til Vidofnir sitter hauken Vêrfolne. Ved røttene til verdenstreet driver slangen Nidhogg ugagn. Opp og ned Yggdrasil, mellom slangen og fuglene, løper ekornet Ratatosk med sladder for å så splid mellom dem.

    eivind , to Random stuff
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Hammerhai time.

    eivind , to Random stuff
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Reporter Tina Brock om å stå på et lite stykke land omgitt av vann.

    eivind , to Random stuff Norwegian
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    On this Týr's day we remember his selfless bravery the time he agreed to put his hand in the mouth of Fenrir, the big bad wolf of Norse Mythology, to distract him while the other gods put him on a magic leash (made of, among other things, fish breath and the sound of cat paws). Ragnarok is/was still bound to happen, but still. He lost his hand for us. Kinda. I guess.

    eivind , to Random stuff Norwegian
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Missionaries were religious zealots traveling around the world in the 19th and 20th century trying to convince others to adopt their superstitions. Today they are most known for having invented the eponymous sexual position.

    eivind , to Random stuff Norwegian
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Guy next to me at the bar, in English:
    You have to agree immigrants have ruined this country

    My conflict-shy ass, in Bulgarian:

    eivind , to Random stuff
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Whirlwind tour of Oslo with US fam today. Did the Opera, the Munch museum, the Folk museum, the Vigleland's park and a reindeer dinner at Helt Vilt. But I think the Fjord Fart was what they loved best.

    eivind , to Random stuff Norwegian Bokmål
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Drittlei Bukkene Bruse-argumentet mot å redusere egne klimautslipp, det være seg fra personer, bedrifter eller geografiske områder. Det finnes alltid en større Bukken Bruse å skyve ansvaret over på.

    eivind , to Random stuff
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Norske jordbær og iskrem rager nok høyere i det patriotiske sommerdessertlandskapet i dag, men det er i rips og vaniljesaus, med sin ideelle kombinasjon av nytelse og straff, den norske folkesjela ligger.

    eivind , to Random stuff
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    Jogga forbi en lyktestolpe med noe på hjertet.

    eivind , to bookstodon group
    @eivind@fribygda.no avatar

    @MaryPot I'm all for it :) @bookstodon

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