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sjmarf OP , (edited )
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

Fortunately this is fake, it was made by Alan Wagner on Instagram who goes around sticking up posters like this. If it was real that last sentence would be seriously concerning, obviously.

sjmarf OP ,
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

Can a panther be born from two black panthers and not be black?

Based on my rudimentary high-school knowledge of alleles, the answer would be “yes” for some jaguar pairings, with a 25% chance of getting a regular jaguar in those pairings. It wouldn’t be possible for leopards.

I’m not an expert though so if I’m wrong feel free to correct me

sjmarf OP ,
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

US sues Apple for illegal monopoly over smartphones ( www.theverge.com )

The US Department of Justice and 16 state and district attorneys general accused Apple of operating an illegal monopoly in the smartphone market in a new antitrust lawsuit. The DOJ and states are accusing Apple of driving up prices for consumers and developers at the expense of making users more reliant on its iPhones.

sjmarf , (edited )
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

OC isn't claiming that the shift in the industry is solely Apple's fault:

I don’t hate Apple but I do hate their influence

The reality is that what OC said is exactly what happened. Apple removed the headphone jack to coerce people into buying AirPods. Everyone else released their own wireless earbuds to compete, and also removes their headphone jacks for the same reason.

sjmarf ,
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

Lemmy can do this natively on instances running 0.19.0 or above, too.

sjmarf OP ,
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

This is an old photograph from 2006, taken as the ship arrives at Pearl Harbour. The Radar was being moved from Corpus Christi, Texas.

sjmarf OP , (edited )
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

Blue Marlin is a semi-submersible ship, which means that it can lower itself partly underwater to allow its cargo to move on/off. The ship is designed primarily to move oil rigs around, with this being a special case. The radar itself is actually a converted oil rig.

Blue Marlin preparing to offload an oil rig:


sjmarf OP , (edited )
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, they have a load of these radars at a military base near where I live in the UK. They’re called Radomes, but are commonly referred to as “The Golf Balls” around here lol

sjmarf ,
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

Also, Memmy is shown as having a recent commit 23 days ago - this commit was created by a bot here, and isn't actually indicative of active development. It may be worth ignoring commits from depandabot when checking for the most recent commit, if that's possible.

sjmarf , (edited )
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

If you end up only considering a single branch, it would be a good idea to let app owners change which branch is considered “main”. Many apps have a main branch that stores the live code state, and a second development branch where all of the work is done. When an update is released, code is pushed from the development branch to the main branch. In this setup, it would make the most sense to show the most recent commit on the development branch rather than the main branch.

sjmarf OP ,
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

Swift’s extensions system has spoiled me, and I feel the pain of this whenever I have to write Java

sjmarf OP ,
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar


sjmarf , (edited )
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

Are upgrades to the newest and still supported macOS version free?

All of Apple's macOS updates are free, and have been since 2013. They have exactly one major macOS update per year, with smaller bugfix releases interspersed. However, Apple drops official support for their computers after about 5 or 6 years. This is exactly the same as their update system for iOS and their other platforms. Apple is able to provide updates for free due to income from hardware sales, which Windows obviously isn't in the same position to do.

macOS 14 Sonoma (the latest version) is officially supported for all Macs made since 2018. You can still install modern versions of macOS on unsupported devices, but you have to use third-party tools such as Open Core Legacy Patcher.

What other applications do macOS users get for free?

Apple has quite a few free apps, many of which come pre-installed with macOS. These include Safari (web browser), Messages, FaceTime (video-calling app), Maps, Pages (Apple's version of MS Word) and more. Here's a full list. You may recognise many of these from iOS. Controversially, most of these pre-installed apps receive updates with the OS, and can't be updated without also updating the OS. Therefore, all of these apps receive free updates for as long as Apple updates the OS.

Apple also sells a handful of paid apps for a one-time charge, the most well-known of which is Final Cut Pro. They also have subscription services for some of their other apps, such as Apple Music.

Do macOS users get more free apps if they create an account with apple?

Some features require an "Apple ID" (Apple account). Some examples:

  • Purchasing apps from the App Store or buying one of Apple's subscriptions. Free apps can be downloaded without an Apple ID.
  • Access to iMessage, which is Apple's messaging protocol. It's somewhat similar to the RTS protocol feature-wise, but it's a closed system (in true Apple fashion). If you don't sign in, you can still text others via SMS/MMS.
  • Access to AirDrop, which allows you to send files to nearby Apple devices via BlueTooth.
  • The ability to send and receive texts and calls from your Mac, if you have an iPhone.

I’ve understood adobe and MS-Office are active at the mac app store. How does apple’s business model work?

Some apps are available on the App Store, and others are downloaded from the developer's website. Most developers make their apps available from the web rather than the App Store, because Apple charges money to offer apps on the App Store. It costs $99 per year, plus 15-30% of the money made from people buying the app or from in-app purchases.

Microsoft Office apps are available from the App Store, but you have to download most Adobe apps from Adobe's website. As mentioned above, this is to avoid the 15% cut that Apple would probably take from Adobe's subscription revenue if it was available on the App Store.

Do I buy the app, pay once and get free updates and upgrades indefinitely? or do I have to pay them a monthly fee?

Apps are either free, have a one-time charge, or are subscription-based. Apps downloaded from the App Store are updated automatically, and most will give you free updates forever. The developer gets to choose which OS versions they support, and can publish updates for your device even after that device stops receiving OS updates from Apple.

Can LibreOffice be used on a macOS?

I don't use LibreOffice personally, but their website says it's supported. Another alternative is Apple's equivalent of MS Office, which is free and supports MS file types.

Is there an emulator to use ubuntu or windows based apps on a mac? Are they free of charge?

There are emulators, yes. Wine is a free popular emulator for Windows apps. You may have used Wine on Linux before. Linux and macOS share some similarities on the technical side, because they are both based on UNIX (unlike Windows).

I personally use Whisky, which is Wine-based and has a nice GUI. It should be noted that not all windows apps will work through Wine, but I've had success with many apps and even some games (most recently Lethal Company, which I was able to run at a stable 120fps using Whisky).

Intead of emulating a single app using Wine, you can also emulate Windows entirely if you want to. I've used Virtual Box to do this in the past. Parallels Desktop is a sleeker alternative that many people use, but it's subscription based. I personally haven't tried it.

On older Macs (that have Intel chips) you can install Windows directly alongside macOS. Modern Macs (ones with Apple Silicon chips) can't run Windows natively, but there is a version of Linux (Asahi Linux) that you can install.

I hope this answers your questions :)

sjmarf ,
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

Right click on a MacBook depends on how the user configured it, which always trips me up whenever I use someone else’s. The default behaviour is a two-finger click, but it can be changed to single-finger clicking in the bottom-right corner instead. You can control+click too with both configurations, but that sucks

sjmarf , (edited )
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’m a developer of a Lemmy client. When you upload an image to a Lemmy instance, the instance returns a “delete token”. Later, you can ask the instance to delete the image attached to the delete token. So as long as you keep hold of the delete token for a specific image, you’re able to delete it later.

Lemmy-ui (the official frontend) will give you the option to delete an image again shortly after uploading it. However, it’s not possible to remove the image after actually creating the post, as the delete token associated with that post isn’t remembered anywhere on the Lemmy backend.

As for other Lemmy clients, YMMV. The client I work on (Mlem) deletes images if you remove them from a post before posting it, but has the same pitfall as Lemmy-ui in that it won’t delete the image if you’ve already created the post.

It would be possible to locally save the delete tokens of every image you upload, so that you can request that they be removed later. I don’t know of any clients that can do this yet, though (if someone knows of one, feel free to mention it).

Edit: clarity

sjmarf , (edited )
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

Backend of the app or the lemmy server? if it is not stored on the lemmy server then there will be no way to delete it even if the app stores the token.

Apologies, I worded that badly. Lemmy uses an image hosting service called pictrs to manage the images you upload, which is largely separated from the rest of the Lemmy backend. Pictrs of course stores the delete tokens matching each image, but Lemmy doesn't associate those tokens with the posts or comments they originated from as far as I know.

sjmarf OP ,
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

Lemmy instances are able to censor words; it can’t be set per community. When viewing a comment from an instance that censors some word, that word will be replaced with “removed”. This applies to both comments sent by users of that instance, and comments sent by external users.

Blahaj doesn’t censor any slurs

sjmarf ,
@sjmarf@sh.itjust.works avatar

If you block the bot, you won’t see its comments. I personally find the bot to be useful in most cases.

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