raktheundead avatar


raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

Lithuania is considered, along with Latvia and Estonia, to be a developed country now. It really took a step forward after being freed from the chains of Russian subjugation.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

certainly the man is due respect

How about no?

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

As somebody who fell into the deep end of a pool when I was younger of my own accord and took a decade or so to learn how to swim after that, I can say that's the sort of thing that's gonna fuck that kid up badly. Even today, I'm not entirely comfortable in the water.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

I think the PRC lacks something in the soft power stakes; they've created some degree of good will outside the West, but they suck at projecting cultural output that doesn't stem from the imperial Chinese era.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

You hang it out the side of the plane when you want to get out and taunt your enemy face-to-face. Well, face-to-face with a separation of a few miles, that is.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

being as thorough and then some as I could ever hope to be

That's not the flex you think it is.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

Given the propensity for LLMs to make profound mistakes by design due to their inability to discern context - something which the chucklefucks at OpenAI, Facebook, Google, etc. are not going to solve any time soon - it'd be pretty humiliating to only be as thorough as they are. Might I suggest paying more attention to what you're doing?

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

I'm guessing there is also some schadenfreude, at least among some people, at seeing a European country getting colonised by a semi-Asian one.

All this tells me is that Indians' objection to colonisation is that they weren't the ones doing it.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

I wonder if they're counting on nobody in the mainstream press paying attention or even understanding how that stuff is embarrassing and just going for the zinger.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

I'm of the opinion that the gold standard was obsolete around the time when the railroad and the telegraph were being rolled out on a wide scale and that shiny metal fetishism was heavily responsible for the longer and deeper economic crises of the 1800s and early 1900s.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

Edward Snowden has struck me for a very long time as one of the most prominent cases of stopped-clock theory. It doesn't surprise me at all that he's a coiner.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

The term includes those devs who carry water for the Silicon Valley vulture capitalist crowd as well.

raktheundead , (edited )
raktheundead avatar

Meanwhile, I'm treating this as some of the most cathartic news I've heard in a long time. Good on whoever lit the fire.

Not saying it's causation, but there seems to be a strong correlation between "[insert West Coast US city here] is bad now" and the techbros setting up shop around there.

EDIT: Also, those comments on the Verge article are disproportionately licking the boot themselves.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

You know, one of the things I resent the most about shits like Thiel and Andreessen and Altman going around with ideas like supervillains from a Saturday morning cartoon is that whenever I try to talk to other people that aren't familiar with them about their ideas, those ideas are so excessive and ridiculous that I end up looking like a crank and conspiracy theorist just talking about them.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

Imagine trying to call yourself a superpower while you're being blackmailed for power by a bunch of energy-wasting Bitcoin-mining thieves.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

Shouldn't have stuck that stupid fucking Bitcoin shit inside.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

That and the gentry that made a lot of the officer class also had brothers who, going into the clergy, parliament or administrative roles, would be university-educated.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

It absolutely is our war; do you think Russia will stop with Ukraine? Do you think it sets a good precedent to once again allow states to annex territories that aren't legally theirs with impunity?

It is a moral imperative to ensure that Russia can no longer engage an offensive war within our lifetimes.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

Yeah, whataboutism is essentially telling on one's self; an implicit recognition that one has no better arguments than to try to distract.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

That'd be the same Lightning Network with NP-hard issues with routing and a whole host of problems right down to the fundamentals, right? (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

And even beyond that, having to stack another layer on there is a technical non-starter to begin with. For one thing, adoption of the Lightning Network is fundamentally bottlenecked by Bitcoin itself - if the entire Bitcoin network was dedicated entirely to onboarding people onto the Lightning Network, it'd take 28 months to onboard all of the people in the US alone, let alone the rest of the world's population.

There's a saying by Antoine de Saint-Éxupery that's rather relevant here: « Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n'y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n'y a plus rien à retrancher. » Roughly paraphrased, it means, "It appears that perfection is attained not when there is nothing left to add, but nothing left to take away." Trying to stack extra layers on top of a precarious base goes against any sound engineering principles. In this circumstance, Bitcoin would be the thing to take away - it offers nothing and is in fact detrimental to an efficient system of exchange.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

Bitcoin is the ur-cryptocurrency, the Original Sin from which all of the other flaws from cryptocurrency arise.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

The Lightning Network can only do the much-vaunted transactions-per-second number that it claims in theory; in practice, the number is a lot lower and even once you get past the onboarding stage takes something in the order of a couple of magnitudes of times the energy cost of a Visa transaction. Even the Lightning Network developers admit that for the LN to work as advertised even in theory, with a given case of two channels a year (naïve, when considering the only way to actually consolidate a LN transaction is to close a channel) for 7 billion people, block sizes on the Bitcoin network would have to be increased to 133 MB.

So this is basically a bunch of chancers selling a Heath Robinson machine built onto another, much worse Heath Robinson machine with no practical way to scale to the numbers they want.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

You're disingenuously ignoring the opportunity cost of having to build additional power plants - resources required not being usable elsewhere; environmental impact of those resources or, especially in the case of hydroelectric power, of building the power plants themselves, since cement has significant carbon dioxide emissions, along with the fact that proof-of-work algorithms have a tendency to expand in a grey-goo style and suck up as many resources as possible.

The former is a reason why energy conservation efforts and regulations have been put in place. The fewer power plants you require to run everything, even if they're renewable energy, the better. Proof-of-work mining threatens that, because when your incentive to mine is more money, that encourages people taking more than their fair share of energy. It also encourages power theft.

Proof-of-work mining doesn't do a thing to solve the issue of green energy, since there's no sort of quality-of-service system in place which bumps cryptocurrency miners down to the bottom of the pile when it comes to prioritising power usage and even if there was, it'd create an arms race between power plant operators and people trying to subvert those controls so that they can use more power for mining, cf. Nvidia's graphics card limiters versus Ethereum miners. You're either naïve or disingenuous if you're expecting cryptocurrency miners to just cede power when there's money on the line if they keep their operations going at top priority.

Furthermore, even if every single watt that Bitcoin requires to mine was generated by 100% clean energy, the network would still be creating nation-state levels of e-waste.

This is just another one of those techno-libertarian pipe dreams about an efficient free market which don't bear fruit in the real world, just like the "why do we need emissions regulations anyway? Surely, the free market will sort that out, brah" bullshit. It's the fallacy of the broken window writ large.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

To wit: https://indieweb.social/@web3isgreat/111529277780126306

Nostr Assets has announced that the "inbound capacity of lightning channels" was depleted.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

Its original purpose was always Gold Standard 2: The Digitalisation for Austrian School-influenced ancap wankers.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

The ultimate STEMlord misunderstanding of culture; something absolutely rife in the Silicon Valley tech-sphere.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

Apparently not; some soldiers appear to have bodged their own safeties by doing things like jamming an expended case underneath the trigger.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

I agree, the article is way too credulous about the people working with and associated with OpenAI and doesn't delve enough early enough into the dangerous weirdness of the organisation or the EA/rationalist crowd that have been leading it.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

F-35 was more the high-profile failure. The F-22 was just produced in lower numbers than planned because there was no perceived need for a specialised air superiority fighter in the expected numbers after the Soviet collapse.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

I thought it was the name of a new rapper myself.

raktheundead ,
raktheundead avatar

I kind of feel like dating apps are sneer-worthy in another context anyway, but this comment does a decent job of summing everything up:

Wow, a new way to rip whatever joy was left in dating through the pursuit of profit!

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