venia_sil avatar


I'm a worldbuilding consultant and fanfiction writer for the Pokémon fandom, also work with computers 'n' stuff. Linux user (but not Arch, btw).

I have a Mastodon btw as @VeniaSilente .

venia_sil ,
venia_sil avatar

This. Sometimes a software is just finished. IRC itself has not seen change in like... about all the time I remember.

venia_sil ,
venia_sil avatar

See? CEOs get criminal liabilities! Capitalism works!

(/s alas)

venia_sil ,
venia_sil avatar

As a comment in Youtube about the Aang vs Ozai video said, more or less: "There's Avatar, and there's the military movie about blue cosplayers".

venia_sil ,
venia_sil avatar

sudo format /q c: && apt install debian


venia_sil ,
venia_sil avatar

"Your cat has been delivered" – USPSPSPSPSPSPSPSPSPS

venia_sil ,
venia_sil avatar

"The shareholders will now decide your fate"

venia_sil ,
venia_sil avatar

Oh that sounds dangerous! Any YouTube client that doesn’t play ads that you can specifically warn us against sideloading?

venia_sil ,
venia_sil avatar

Sounds (heh) good in theory, but so far it hasn't been able to pick any radio in my country (Ar) or nearby. Inspector says any attempt to load a radio ends in a HTTP 403 error.

venia_sil ,
venia_sil avatar

Starting up wikis is so easy nowadays that there's no excuse. I maintain a few Dokuwiki-based ones, it's my preferred engine for simple wiki stuff, but Mediawiki (the same one that powers Wikipedia) is not bad either and not really too difficult, just a bit more demanding storage-wise. Heck, you can currently fire-and-forget DW-based wikis on SDF's "one payment" access tier, even! Probably on Neocities too, haven't checked.

venia_sil ,
venia_sil avatar

Thanks for your work! I honestly don't say this enough.

venia_sil , to Patient Gamers
venia_sil avatar

Finally, I've found my people.

Been thinking of finally making the jump from Sim City 3000 to Sim City 4. It's not that I don't like 3K but the design options for roads and trains start to show their age.

Pokedics - LibreOffice dictionary files for writing about Pokémon ( )

For an olf but first contribution here I'm presenting pokedics. It is a compilation of in-progress LibreOffice-compatible spellcheck files, covering stuff like the names of Pokémon, items and locations in a number of languages....

Semi-random HTTP 500 errors everywhere around the site: some reproducible examples.

Just about that. I know there's been important updates lately but I'm wondering if they are being pre-checked and how. I notice that there's various features around the site that throw HTTP 500 error pages randomly, or on certain generic inputs. To name a few examples:...

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