grumpygamer , avatar

After 6 months, I've had to resubscribe to Adobe PS. I work with too many people who send me PS files and there is no alternative that can open and save them reliability. It sad how many "helper" apps Adobe installs and how often they try to connect to the internet. I block them all, but it's scary. I have to unblock them every 30 days. Please do not suggest alternatives unless you know for a fact they load and save .psd files seamlessly. Do not suggest GIMP or I block you.

DominikDammer , avatar

@grumpygamer have you tried this ?

Jeltron , avatar

@grumpygamer I use clip studio which is paid but I haven't had much trouble using psds with it.

timo , avatar

@grumpygamer I learned on Photoshop and none of the other tools seems to be able to mimic the workflow well enough. I’m just too efficient in Photoshop compared to the alternatives. Also Canva bought Serif so that’s up in the air.

ggn , avatar

@grumpygamer So basically this comment holds some merit? Shocking!

serebit , avatar

@grumpygamer I would suggest Krita, but that does have some issues with loading complex PSDs. Sorry to hear that you needed to go back to Photoshop.

vcorlaix , avatar

@grumpygamer Hello There!
Sorry if a lot of peoples mentioned it aleardy, but Affinity Photo cannot do the trick?

gvlx , avatar


Can I suggest ...? Actually, nothing.

I'm so sorry you're locked into a closed vendor, like so many of my friends in the art world.

I just hope that one day, at least one Open Source app will be able to read and save those formats with high fidelity (and has enough features to allow to do your job).


qio ,

@grumpygamer just downgrade to ps cs5

bamboombibbitybop , avatar

@grumpygamer Have you tried getting your hands on an old version of photoshop that was less shit? I'm not sure what the "best one" was, but I know you can get pre-cloud versions

BreoganHackett , avatar

@grumpygamer I mean you could also maybe ask the people you work with to send you a different non proprietary format, surely that wouldn't be an unreasonable ask right? Totally makes sense this would happen but I genuinely hope you don't have to stick with that subscription for too long.

mjibrower , avatar

@grumpygamer Thank you for that last sentence. 😄

jschwart , avatar

@grumpygamer am I the only one reading Adobe PostScript when seeing Adobe PS?

saint11 , avatar

@grumpygamer I literally cancelled my subscription today (they increased the price again?!) Currently I'm winging it with Affinity + Clip studio, but I then don't have anyone sending me .psd files, which is much easier. But yeah, currently, I don't think there's any real alternative.

Tahma , avatar

@grumpygamer Affinity Photo (2) by Serif. Buy once and use all you want.
With Affinity Designer also a very good vector based program.

joethephish , avatar

@grumpygamer yeah :-( I have decades of muscle memory for PS yet I’d be willing put in the time to learn other tools to avoid Adobe. But the lock-in from exchanging files with others is the thing that would make the attempt pointless. I wish there was a way out!

seaside , avatar
tstehle , avatar

@grumpygamer Since you're a Mac user, you probably know Pixelmator Pro, right? As an Ex-Photoshop user it's a fantastic replacement for me (even uses many of the same shortcuts), it can import and export .psd files, and it's a onetime pay:

SonnyBonds , avatar

@grumpygamer I uninstalled it the other because even though I have a subscription from work I don't really use it.

I wasn't logged in, and had to log in to be able to uninstall. 🤯 Had to download a separate uninstall program to get rid of it without logging in.

moz , avatar

@grumpygamer ImageMagick can save PSDs to other formats, including exporting separate layers. I've only used it as a command line tool though, not sure about the GUI experience.

FreiGuy86 , avatar

@grumpygamer this is why I'm still sitting on a copy of CS6 lol. The subscription model is just gross.

paoloredaelli , avatar

Adobe is quite like and or

crakmaks , avatar

@grumpygamer I have yet to encounter a .psd file which does not work perfectly well with

And I’m talking about extremely complicated texture files with dozens, if not hundreds of layers and lots of masks and adjustment layers.

Maybe give it a try, if you haven’t checked it out before.

Sh41 , avatar

@grumpygamer proprietary closed formats should be banned

JensRestemeier ,

@grumpygamer I had a bunch of psd files that broke GIMP and Pillow - IIRC they used extra alpha channels. I think the psd-tools python package was able to extract the data I wanted, but it was still a pain.

TylerHendrix , avatar

@grumpygamer Not a suggestion so much as a question. Is there a reason the people working in Photoshop can't save their files as TIFF instead of PSD?

grumpygamer OP , avatar

@TylerHendrix They looks too much info. Text, shapes, etc. It's way to much friction to ask an artist.

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