Green_Footballs , to Random stuff avatar

The entire Republican Party is pretty much openly fascist now.

Would someone please reassure me that these creepy fuckers will not get control of the government again? Anyone? Clippy?

JorgeStolfi , avatar

Mastodon poll among my readers: "Does the US Republican Party fit the concept of a criminal organization (like the Mafia in the 1930s, the Mexican drug cartels, etc)? "

Results over the last year:


bloodravenlib , to bookstodon group avatar
susurros , to palestine group avatar

"For nearly a decade, Israel has been surveilling senior International Criminal Court officials and Palestinian human rights workers as part of a secret operation to thwart the ICC’s probe into alleged war crimes, a joint investigation by +972 Magazine, Local Call, and the Guardian can reveal."


cafetelaviv , avatar

@susurros @palestine

After the murder of Yitzhak in 1995 I felt that something did break in

Peres, Barak or Olmert at least offered a glimpse of hope.

But Sharon, murderous Sharon, and then, again and again:

And now: total destruction of and like behaviour towards ICJ

GeriatricGardener , to israel group avatar

“‘The Genocide Has to be Stopped Now’ – South African Anti-Apartheid Fighter Ronnie Kasrils”

by Nurah Tape in The Palestine Chronicle @palestinechron

@palestine @israel

“The on Israel’s Settler-Colonialism, Apartheid and Genocide was issued at the conclusion of the conference.

‘We, inspired by, and many of us having been part of, the global Movement that helped end apartheid in and , now rise, as the continuation of that movement, to confront the settler-colonialism and apartheid of Israel and its backers,’ the Declaration stated.

The Conference Declaration vowed ‘to ensure Israel and those complicit in its genocide are held accountable (and) to support the struggle for the of the Palestinian people.’”

Justis4u , avatar

@GeriatricGardener @palestine @israel It will take us a couple of years to dismantle the the apparatchik in the West which is used to control and enslave most of the population

grumpygamer , to Random stuff avatar

After 6 months, I've had to resubscribe to Adobe PS. I work with too many people who send me PS files and there is no alternative that can open and save them reliability. It sad how many "helper" apps Adobe installs and how often they try to connect to the internet. I block them all, but it's scary. I have to unblock them every 30 days. Please do not suggest alternatives unless you know for a fact they load and save .psd files seamlessly. Do not suggest GIMP or I block you.

paoloredaelli , avatar

Adobe is quite like and or

tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Erfolg im Kampf gegen die nigerianische Mafia

Sie machen Geld mit vorgegaukelter Liebe und Geldwäsche: Bei einer Razzia gestern wurden erstmals in Deutschland mutmaßliche Mitglieder der nigerianischen Mafia festgenommen. Doch die Ermittlung zu "Black Axe" stehen am Anfang.


tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Mehrere Festnahmen bei Razzia gegen nigerianische Mafia

Hunderte Ermittler haben Objekte in Bayern, Hessen, Baden-Württemberg und Hamburg durchsucht. Im Visier: mutmaßliche Mitglieder der nigerianischen Mafia. Die Beamten nahmen mehrere Männer fest.


tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

OpenAI stellt Programm zum Klonen von Stimmen vor

15 Sekunden Sprachaufnahme reichen - dann soll das KI-Programm "Voice Engine" eine Stimme klonen können. ChatGPT-Entwickler OpenAI stellte die Technik nun vor. Auch wegen des Wahljahres will er sie vorerst aber nicht freigeben.


rhold , avatar

Es ist echt eine :

nette haben sie da. Wäre doch Schade wenn jemand die durch aufmischen würde.

Aber keine Sorge, wie sorgen für Sicherheit und Sie sind dann sicher auch für uns da, wenn wir in Zukunft auch einen kleinen Gefallen von benötigen.

joaocosta , to Lawyers avatar

“Putin is the leader of an organised criminal . The most important thing is the people close to – his friends, associates and keepers of mafia money... the political here is to apply the methods of fighting , not political competition. Not statements of concern but the search for associates in your countries, for discreet and financiers who are helping Putin and his friends to hide .”

tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Hohe Haftstrafen für niederländische Drogenbande

In den Niederlanden sind Mitglieder einer Drogenbande zu teils lebenslangen Haftstrafen verurteilt worden. Den Angeklagten waren unter anderem Auftragsmorde zur Last gelegt worden. Auch der mutmaßliche Chef erhielt die Höchststrafe.


bloodravenlib , to bookstodon group avatar
tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Innenministerium: Mehr als Tausend Mafia-Mitglieder in Deutschland

Deutschland ist bei der italienischen Mafia beliebt: Mehr als Tausend aktive Mitglieder sollen sich hier aufhalten und zum Beispiel Geld aus Drogengeschäften in Restaurants waschen. Dagegen müsse härter vorgegangen werden, fordern die Grünen.


tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Geplatzte Pkw-Maut: Bund verzichtet auf Klage gegen Ex-Minister Scheuer

Die geplatzte Pkw-Maut kostete den Bund 243 Millionen Euro - es wurden deshalb Regressforderungen gegen Ex-Verkehrsminister Scheuer geprüft. Doch das Ministerium entschied nun, nicht gegen Scheuer zu klagen.


CabThanks , avatar
firefly , to Random stuff avatar

The Grand Garter General of the Imperial Baggy Jeans Mafia says this:

If your jeans don't have room for tools, they're not really jeans; they are denim leotards.

appassionato , to bookstodon group avatar

The Vory
Russia's Super Mafia

The first English-language book to document the men who emerged from the gulags to become Russia's much-feared crime class: the vory v zakone.


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  • pluralistic , to Random stuff avatar

    The most consistent bright spot in the dark swirl of US politics is the competence of the Biden Administration's progressive enforcers: people like , and , who keep demonstrating just how far a good administrator can go. Anyone can have a vision, but knowing how to execute is the difference between hot air and real change:


    18+ pluralistic OP , avatar

    As @coreyrobin writes in , the unifying factor that binds together conservative factions from monarchists to racists to Christian Dominionists is the belief that a few of us are born to rule, and the rest to be ruled over:


    tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

    Viele Hundert Jahre Haft in Mammutprozess gegen 'Ndrangheta-Mafia

    Es war einer der größten Mafia-Prozesse aller Zeiten in Italien: Mehr als 300 Mitglieder der 'Ndrangheta und Helfer waren angeklagt. Nun verhängte das Gericht zusammengerechnet Haftstrafen von vielen hundert Jahren.


    tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

    Urteile im Mammutprozess gegen die Ndrangheta-Mafia erwartet

    In Italien werden heute die Urteile in einem Mammutprozess gegen die Ndrangheta-Mafia gesprochen. Sie gilt als die gefährlichste und wirtschaftlich mächtigste Mafiaorganisation. Mehr als 300 Menschen sind angeklagt. Von E. Pongratz.


    MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

    Today in Labor History August 10, 1923: Italian-American anarchist and IWW organizer Carlo Tresca was arrested in the United States on the charge of publishing anti-fascist literature. Tresca opposed fascism, Stalinism and mafia-infiltration of unions. He was assassinated in 1943. Some believe the Soviets killed him in retaliation for his criticism of Stalin. The most recent research suggests it was the Bonanno crime family, in response to his criticism of the mafia and Mussolini. Tresca wrote two books. His autobiography was published posthumously in 2003. He also wrote a book in Italian, “L'attentato a Mussolini ovvero il segreto di Pulcinella.”


    thevglibrary , to Gaming avatar

    From to ; to ...

    In SIGNIFICANT ZERO, author Walt D. Williams pulls back the curtains, offering an insider's look at the industry, and a path forward that imagines how games might inspire the best in all of us.



    skykiss , to Random stuff avatar

    Fascist Russia's actions are best understood if you view it as a gangster state. It uses blackmail, coercion, manipulation, lies, threats, and violence as it attempts to achieve its aims.

    The Russian state doesn't care if it's not loved, or even respected. It only wants to be feared, because that's what allows it to achieve its aims. Indeed, one of the reasons Russia's doing so badly in its war against Ukraine is that Ukrainians don't fear the Kremlin.

    A cartel masquerading as a legitimate government, with franchises in Hungary, Belarus... ect

    putin threats to attack ships and ports.



    tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

    Fast 70 mutmaßliche 'Ndrangheta-Mafiosi in Italien festgenommen

    Die Polizei in Italien ist erneut gegen die kalabrische Mafia vorgegangen - 68 Personen wurden verhaftet. Alle werden verdächtig, für die 'Ndrangheta zu arbeiten. Sie sollen Drogengeschäfte und Erpressung betrieben haben.


    tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

    Razzia in Münster: Das geheime Mafia-Gremium um Francesco A.

    Ein mutmaßliches Mitglied der 'Ndrangheta ist nach Informationen von MDR und FAZ in Münster festgenommen worden. In den vergangenen Wochen gab es bereits zahlreiche Razzien gegen die italienische Mafia-Organisation.


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