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First English settlers in North America ate dogs to survive

“Archaeologists excavated about 181 canine bones in Jamestown – representing at least 16 dogs that lived between 1607 and 1617 AD.

The dog remains showed evidence of bone modifications “consistent with human skinning, skeletal disarticulation, and meat removal” – meaning they were consumed by the colonists.”

@archaeodons @histodon @histodons @earlymodern

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Thomas Willis (1621-1675) : Neurologist, Chemist, Physician

“Willis is not only credited to be the founder of neurology, but he is also seen as the father of comparative neuroanatomy, as his work, in particular Cerebri anatome and De anima brutorum, compare the human brain with that of other species in ‘search for specific human abilities in cognitive functions’ (Molnár, p. 334).”

@science @earlymodern @histodon @histodons

attribution: Rijksmuseum, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:,_RP-P-1910-415.jpg

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Thomas Willis (1621-1675) : Neurologist, Chemist, Physician

“Willis is not only credited to be the founder of neurology, but he is also seen as the father of comparative neuroanatomy, as his work, in particular Cerebri anatome and De anima brutorum, compare the human brain with that of other species in ‘search for specific human abilities in cognitive functions’ (Molnár, p. 334).”

@science @earlymodern

attribution: Rijksmuseum, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:,_RP-P-1910-415.jpg

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"Cornelis Claesz van Wieringen: The Spanish Armada off the English coast". @earlymodern

attribution: Cornelis Claesz van Wieringen, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:,_Amsterdam_(SK-A-1629).jpg

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Hendrick Cornelisz Vroom: Dutch ships ramming Spanish galleys off the English coast, 3 October 1602. @earlymodern

attribution: Rijksmuseum, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:,_3_ok

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Evropa recens descripta : Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673 ~via @internetarchive @earlymodern

credit: David Rumsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries.

CordeliaBeattie , to BookHistodons group avatar

We're down to our top two most read blog posts as we count down to 2024! Last year, my piece about finding two missing Alice Thornton manuscripts was in the very top spot. This year it's at number 2. Find out where the Alice Thornton's Books project all began.
@bookhistodons @histodons @histodon @litstudies

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"Finally, basing our discussion in part on an examination of the reading marks that Newton left in the surviving copies of Hebrew grammars and lexicons that he owned, we will argue that his interest in Hebrew was not intended to achieve linguistic proficiency but remained limited to particular theological queries of singular concern."

Joalland, M. and Mandelbrote, S. (2016) ‘Isaac Newton learns Hebrew: Samuel Johnson's Nova cubi Hebræi tabella’, Notes and Records: the Royal Society Journal of the History of Science. Royal Society, 70(1), p. 9-21. doi: @earlymodern @science @histodon @histodons

attribution: Rijksmuseum, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Page URL:,_RP-P-OB-32.808.jpg

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"Our understanding of early modern empire construction can thus be reshaped through an analysis that looks beyond intellectual, political and administrative origins towards the people who actually undertook the project of colonization. On the colonial frontier, we see European empires adopting military recruitment strategies from Europe — including forced conscription, convict transportation and a reliance on vagabonds and other ‘undesirables’ — yet the unique environment of the frontier changed the nature of this military service."

Stephanie J. Mawson, Convicts or Conquistadores ? Spanish Soldiers in the Seventeenth-Century Pacific , Past & Present, Volume 232, Issue 1, August 2016, Pages 87–125, @histodon @histodons @earlymodern

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"Our understanding of early modern empire construction can thus be reshaped through an analysis that looks beyond intellectual, political and administrative origins towards the people who actually undertook the project of colonization. On the colonial frontier, we see European empires adopting military recruitment strategies from Europe — including forced conscription, convict transportation and a reliance on vagabonds and other ‘undesirables’ — yet the unique environment of the frontier changed the nature of this military service."

Stephanie J. Mawson, Convicts or Conquistadores ? Spanish Soldiers in the Seventeenth-Century Pacific , Past & Present, Volume 232, Issue 1, August 2016, Pages 87–125, @histodon @histodons

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🇬🇧 "This article recovers some of the classical, constitutional, and religious languages of empire in early-modern Britain by a consideration of the period between the end of the first Anglo-Dutch war in 1654 and the calling of the second Protectoral Parliament in 1656."

Armitage, David. 1992. The Cromwellian Protectorate and the languages of empire. Historical Journal 35(3): 531-555. @histodon @histodons

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🇬🇧 "This article recovers some of the classical, constitutional, and religious languages of empire in early-modern Britain by a consideration of the period between the end of the first Anglo-Dutch war in 1654 and the calling of the second Protectoral Parliament in 1656."

Armitage, David. 1992. The Cromwellian Protectorate and the languages of empire. Historical Journal 35(3): 531-555. @histodon @histodons

bibliolater , to History avatar

"This paper explores the rhetorical strategies Newton deployed to convince his audience that his conclusions were certain and unchallengeable."

Fara Patricia. 2015 Newton shows the light: a commentary on Newton (1672) ‘A letter … containing his new theory about light and colours…’ Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. 373: 20140213. 20140213 @science @physics @earlymodern

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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🇬🇧 Philip Schwyzer (2018) The age of the Cambro-Britons: hyphenated British identities in the seventeenth century, The Seventeenth Century, 33:4, 427-439, DOI: @earlymodern

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🇳🇱 Hanneke van Asperen (2021) Disaster and Discord: Romeyn de Hooghe and the Dutch State of Ruination in 1675, Dutch Crossing, 45:3, 241-262, DOI: @histodon @histodons @earlymodern

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bibliolater , to History avatar

🇳🇱 Daniel R. Curtis & Jessica Dijkman (2019) The escape from famine in the Northern Netherlands: a reconsideration using the 1690s harvest failures and a broader Northwest European perspective, The Seventeenth Century, 34:2, 229-258, DOI: @histodon @histodons

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Michael D. Bennett (2022) Caribbean plantation economies as colonial models: The case of the English East India Company and St. Helena in the late seventeenth century, Atlantic Studies, DOI: @histodon @histodons @earlymodern

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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Redding, B. (2023). The Western Design Revised: Death, Dissent, and Discontent on the Gloucester, 1654–1656. The Historical Journal, 1-26. doi: @histodon @histodons

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🇳🇱 "His work ranged over a wide array of topics, though he is best known to philosophers today for his contributions to the natural law theories of normativity which emerged in the later medieval and early modern periods."

Miller, Jon, "Hugo Grotius", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), @philosophy @histodon @histodons @earlymodern

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🇳🇱 Miller, Jon, "Hugo Grotius", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), @philosophy @histodon @histodons @earlymodern

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Plamena Panayotova (2023) Inventing the language of Things: the emergence of scientific reporting in seventeenth-century England, Annals of Science, DOI: @histodon @histodons @science

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🧵 : this the first in a series of that will eventually be stitched together into a related to 📚 and 📘. (1)

bibliolater OP , avatar

Cohen, F. (2012). How Modern Science Came into the World: Four Civilizations, One 17th-Century Breakthrough. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. @bookstodon @histodon @histodons @science (14)

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Burnett, D. G. (2005). Descartes and the Hyperbolic Quest: Lens Making Machines and Their Significance in the Seventeenth Century. United States: American Philosophical Society. @science @histodon @histodons @bookstodon (49)

bibliolater OP , avatar

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Donne, J. (1624). Devotions Vpon Emergent Occasions, and Seuerall Steps in My Sicknes: Digested Into I. Meditations Upon Our Humane Condition. 2. Expostuvlations, and Debatements with God. 3. Prayers, Upon the Seuerall Occasions, to Him. United Kingdom: A.M.. @bookstodon (50)

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