bibliolater , to History avatar

Benito Mussolini: This Was the Life of Il Duce

Mussolini’s propaganda was full of references to Latin and ancient Roman imagery. In 1936, after the end of the Italo-Ethiopian colonial war, the Duce boastfully announced from the balcony of Palazzo Venezia “the reappearance of the empire on the fatal hills of Rome.” A racial legislation carefully regulated the interactions between Italians and Ethiopians.

Ronchini, Maria-Anita. “Benito Mussolini: This Was the Life of Il Duce”, (accessed May 24, 2024).

@histodon @histodons

attribution: Bain News Service, publisher, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

bibliolater , to History avatar

Colonial Business in Postcolonial Germany: The Imperial Afterlives of C. Woermann, 1919–1945

This connection between colonialism and National Socialism is particularly significant when considering the war and occupation in Eastern Europe. It underscores that the ideology and practices of German colonialism did not simply vanish but rather persisted and were reconfigured within the Nazi regime.

Todzi, K.S. (2024) ‘Colonial Business in Postcolonial Germany: The Imperial Afterlives of C. Woermann, 1919–1945’, Contemporary European History, pp. 1–14. doi:

@histodon @histodons

bibliolater , to History avatar

Colonial Business in Postcolonial Germany: The Imperial Afterlives of C. Woermann, 1919–1945

This connection between colonialism and National Socialism is particularly significant when considering the war and occupation in Eastern Europe. It underscores that the ideology and practices of German colonialism did not simply vanish but rather persisted and were reconfigured within the Nazi regime.

Todzi, K.S. (2024) ‘Colonial Business in Postcolonial Germany: The Imperial Afterlives of C. Woermann, 1919–1945’, Contemporary European History, pp. 1–14. doi:

Africa @histodon @histodons

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    TheConversationUS , to History avatar

    How do you get cargo and supplies to a shoreline where there are no ports or piers?

    That’s the problem the relief effort faced in Gaza, and one that military forces and humanitarian groups have faced countless times in .
    During World War 2, a navy engineer figured out a solution, using this model of cigar boxes as the prototype to show how a steel pontoon causeway could be made.

    bibliolater , to History avatar

    Cavalier South vs Puritan North? Hypocrisy and Identity in the American Civil War

    This article highlights the ways Southern ministers claimed the puritan identity for the South and accused the North of hypocrisy, for having fallen far from the theological ideals of their puritan forebears. Furthermore, Southern ministers noted the hypocrisy of Northern puritans for having escaped religious tyranny only to impose it upon those who did not conform to their form of Christianity; they had thus fallen into the very sin which they had decried.

    Manger, E.G. (2024) ‘Cavalier South vs Puritan North? Hypocrisy and Identity in the American Civil War’, Studies in Church History, 60, pp. 431–452. doi:

    @histodon @histodons

    bibliolater , to History avatar

    Cavalier South vs Puritan North? Hypocrisy and Identity in the American Civil War

    “This article highlights the ways Southern ministers claimed the puritan identity for the South and accused the North of hypocrisy, for having fallen far from the theological ideals of their puritan forebears. Furthermore, Southern ministers noted the hypocrisy of Northern puritans for having escaped religious tyranny only to impose it upon those who did not conform to their form of Christianity; they had thus fallen into the very sin which they had decried._”

    Manger, E.G. (2024) ‘Cavalier South vs Puritan North? Hypocrisy and Identity in the American Civil War’, Studies in Church History, 60, pp. 431–452. doi:

    @histodon @histodons

    bibliolater , to History avatar

    Inventing Cyrillic

    In the 890s, having recently converted to Orthodox Christianity, Boris ensured his church would be independent from the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Although interested in their religion, he was clearly concerned with curtailing Byzantine influence in his newly Christianised state. The alphabet offered an opportunity: by adopting it, Boris could ensure that Byzantine culture could not arrive in Bulgaria unmediated.

    @histodon @histodons @medievodons

    bibliolater , to History avatar

    Inventing Cyrillic

    In the 890s, having recently converted to Orthodox Christianity, Boris ensured his church would be independent from the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Although interested in their religion, he was clearly concerned with curtailing Byzantine influence in his newly Christianised state. The alphabet offered an opportunity: by adopting it, Boris could ensure that Byzantine culture could not arrive in Bulgaria unmediated.

    @histodon @histodons @medievodons

    AHAHistorians , to Random stuff avatar

    “The grand and gothic ruins of asylums still haunt the American landscape and our psyches,” Whitney E. Barringer writes in the latest article for .

    Arawak_Spike , (edited ) to Random stuff avatar

    PALESTINE DOCUMENTARIES / News clips Threadlist.

    01: Chris Hedges "The Genocide in Gaza":

    RememberUsAlways , avatar

    A history.
    As expansion increased the European dimensions of the so-called Jewish problem, and as the realization grew that the millions of living in Germany's new Lebensraum in the East might never fit into tiny , the idea of dumping millions of Jews on the island of gained popularity among certain circles of German policy makers.

    bibliolater , to Podcast avatar

    Episode 295 - The Forgotten Siege

    While Epirus was rising and falling, Nicaea was consolidating. John Vatatzes, the new Emperor, was competent at home and abroad. After years of consolidation he decided to besiege Constantinople. But he didn’t act alone he invited an unlikely ally to join him.

    @histodon @histodons

    attribution: Orion 8, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

    bibliolater , to History avatar

    Times Old Roman

    The first true Roman typeface was designed by the Venetian printer Nicolas Jenson in 1470 and is the early modern ancestor of our font developed by Victor Lardent, a lettering artist at The Times, in London, in 1929.

    @histodon @histodons

    LHaasis , to History avatar

    New Directions in the Materiality of Letter-Writing

    Looking forward to this conference in Dublin next week (29-30 May) and to our roundtable on "The Unique Materiality of Letters in the Prize Papers".

    Joining me on stage: Marina Casagrande (Conservator) and Maria Cardamone (Photographer).

    Join the conference online (Zoom):

    Organisers: Dr Helen Newsome-Chandler and Professor Danielle Clarke.

    @histodons @UniOldenburg

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  • IHChistory , to histodons group avatar

    🆕 Daniel Alves is the scientific curator of the exhibition “Lisbon in revolution, 1383-1974“, which will open next Saturday, 25 May, at the Museum of Lisbon – Pimenta Palace, as part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of 25 April 1974.



    bibliolater , to History avatar

    A new way to discover history

    Explore the past on an interactive map with a timeline. Search for detailed high-resolution scanned maps and see what happened in your chosen place in the past.

    @histodon @histodons

    bibliolater , to Non Political Twitter avatar

    F. A. Hayek, Libertarianism, and the Denationalization of Money

    Hayek found support within the American libertarian movement. Libertarians realized that Hayek’s radical proposal would limit state control over the monetary system and allow for the free exchange of gold.

    McIntosh, W. (2024) ‘F. A. Hayek, Libertarianism, and the Denationalization of Money’, Modern American History, pp. 1–20. doi:

    @histodon @histodons

    attribution: Stevebidmead, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons. Page URL:

    IHChistory , to Archaeodons group avatar

    📖 Pode a de Espanha ser vista como uma guerra colonial interna cujos contornos vão além da data de fim da guerra?

    A partir do ponto de vista da materialidade (e de fontes históricas), Xurxo Ayán e Josu Santamarina defendem que sim, revelando dados arqueológicos do prolongamento do conflito face à resistência ao .

    🔓 O artigo foi publicado na Historia Contemporánea em :


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  • emdiplomacy , to History avatar

    13 Stefanie Freyer/David Gehring: Evolution and Revolution in British Diplomacy (1/6)

    emdiplomacy OP , avatar

    But she is not alone! With David Gehring at University of Notthingham, who is an expert on , she found the perfect partner in writing. Gehring’s special interest on 's relations with the Protestant territories of the and is also reflected in his publications:


    @histodons @historikerinnen @earlymodern

    emdiplomacy OP , avatar

    In their article, Freyer and Gehring provide us with an overview over how and developed from the 16th to the 18th century. Traditionally, research stressed ’s diplomatic relations with and . With a broader understanding of English interests coming to the fore, the research focus widened accordingly.

    and England followed their own diplomatic agendas in the 16th century, exercising in different ways and with different partners. However, this included also each other with intensive diplomatic contacts in the 1530s and 1540s as well as the 1560s and 1570s. The in 1603 changed the preconditions for English and Scottish diplomacy according to Freyer and Gehring, as England became dominant for foreign relations, although in theory Scottish diplomacy could have run alongside the English. (4/6)

    @histodons @historikerinnen @earlymodern

    emdiplomacy OP , avatar

    18th century faced self-made hurdles. The personnel for example were British upper classes who could meet the requirements for ceremonial knowledge, but were not trained in international relations or the duties of in particular. Thus, while European became increasingly professionalised, British diplomacy remained stuck in an increasingly outmoded understanding of ceremonial and social capital. (6/6)

    @histodons @historikerinnen @earlymodern

    IHChistory , to anthropology group avatar

    Photos are coming in from the Boot Camp, 's first doctoral school, which began on Saturday in Évora.

    Experimentation, immersion, collaboration, sharing, reflection — that's what we are offering PhD students from the seven research centres that make up the Associated Lab.


    One of the lectures of the doctoral school
    Students visiting the Frei Manuel do Cenáculo National Museum
    The students' kit: a tote bag, a pen, and a notebook

    daieuxetdailleurs , to GeneaFr group French avatar

    [] Index nominatif des ecclésiastiques du diocèse de (3e Rep.) (1223 individus)

    Au menu : pas mal de tensions entre clergé et institutions républicaines, qlq suppressions de traitement pour ceux qui font le catéchisme en en 1902, une forte tête.. (

    Y a plus qu'à faire les autres diocèses de 😲 (aussi gros)


    daieuxetdailleurs OP , avatar

    [] (ou pas)

    Le curé traite en chaire les enfants de l'école laïque de "mal peignés", de "bestiaux" de "diables" et leurs parents de "réprouvés". 1898, Lézardrieux (Côtes-d'Armor)

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