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A nurse honored for compassion is fired after referring to Gaza ‘genocide’ in speech ( )

Labor and delivery nurse Hesen Jabr, who is Palestinian American, was being honored by NYU Langone Health for her compassion in caring for mothers who had lost babies when she drew a link between her work and the suffering of mothers in Gaza....

Nurse_Robot ,

What is the name of the hospital and the name of the president and vice president?

Nurse_Robot ,

Pretty sure I found it.

Robert Grossman serves as the CEO / President of NYU Langone Health

Steven B. Abramson, MD
Executive Vice President and Vice Dean for Education, Faculty, and Academic Affairs

Nurse_Robot ,

Yeahhhh I had the same thought, but it feels racist / antisemitic to point that out. I'd like to take people by their character and actions, and not judge them off a name or a skin color. Besides, I'm a pretty firm believer that Israeli government =/= Jewish Americans

All that being said, fuck this hospital system, and fuck the president and vice president.

Nurse_Robot ,

Keely’s attorney, Marc Curtis, said in a release, “It is unfortunate that in this time of political correctness, Michigan’s Attorney General has chosen to ignore the facts of this incident and rely on political pressure.”

Marc Curtis is a fucking scum bag.

New Louisiana law will criminalize approaching police under certain circumstances ( )

Critics of a new Louisiana law, which makes it a crime to approach within 25 feet (7.6 meters) of a police officer under certain circumstances, fear that the measure could hinder the public’s ability to film officers — a tool that has increasingly been used to hold police accountable....

Nurse_Robot ,

Closer than 51%? How much closer can you get?

Nurse_Robot ,

There are a bunch, sadly none of them stand a chance, despite being better candidates. In the upcoming election, voting for Biden results in a better outlook in every aspect. I've always voted 3rd party, but I pivoted last election cycle because anything is better than Trump, and I recognize that. Once he's out of the picture I'll go back to third party.

Nurse_Robot ,

God I love these edits. They turn a boomer energy comic (which is fine, I'm not hating on the OG) into something philosophical that really makes me think

Nurse_Robot ,

I miss when we were all backing Hong Kong:( 2020 feels so far away

Nurse_Robot ,

Not sure who downvoted you without adding anything to the discussion (coward). I think legalization is the best path forward, for both humanitarian and financial reasons. Legalize and tax the shit out of it. Use the taxes to fund education and rehabilitation.

Nurse_Robot ,

I don't even check anymore. I get a credit / "your info was found on the dark web!" Email literally every week, what's the point. I've been fucked by giga corps and I have nothing to show for it besides weekly notifications of my compromised info

Nurse_Robot ,

Odd, it wasn't for me.

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The Alligator Has a Permanently Erect, Bungee Penis
ByEd Yong
February 12, 2013

7 min read
In the video above, Brandon Moore from Louisiana Tech University is dissecting a freshly dead male alligator. You’re looking at the creature’s underside, near its hip area. As the sequence begins, Moore’s scalpel touches the alligator’s pelvic nerve. The metal makes the nerve fire and… well… just watch the video.

That’s the alligator’s penis—ten centimetres long, ghostly white, and surprisingly quick-moving. It flips out in an instant and just hangs there for a few seconds to greet a startled Moore, before twanging back inside just as quickly. I love that Moore back-steps and freezes. There’s no audio. I wish there was audio.

The video was a revelation to Diane Kelly from the University of Massachusetts, and the key to interpreting the utterly bizarre penis of the American alligator. Here are the highlights: it’s permanently erect; it shoots out like toothpaste from a tube; and it bounces back because it basically has a rubber band attached to it. “It is really weird,” says Kelly. “Really weird.”

an American alligator

American alligator
That’s not something she’d say lightly. Animal penises are her speciality. She has studied and dissected the male organs of mammals and turtles to better understand their anatomy and their evolutionary history. Meanwhile, her close colleague Patricia Brennan—“the other penis lady”—had done a lot of work on birds, snakes and lizards (remember the infamous duck penis video?). The crocodilians—crocodiles, alligators and their kin—seemed like the obvious group to target next.

Here’s what we knew about their penises before Kelly started. The males have a single large phallus stashed within the cloaca. That’s the joint opening you can see in the video above, which also gives way to the urinary and digestive tracts. Sperm travels along a deep groove running the length of the penis, which is surrounded by dense tissue. Okay, but how does a crocodilian inflate its penis or eject it from the cloaca?

To find out, Kelly needed to get her hands on some crocodilians. Fortunately, she didn’t have to work with living ones. In September, she headed down to the Rockerfeller Wildlife Refuge in Louisiana, which has an annual cull to control the local population of American alligators. They let her work with four of the animals that had been shot, including a huge four-metre-long bull. “It was really scary, even though it was dead!” says Kelly.

Through dissection, she discovered that the alligator’s penis doesn’t inflate at all. It’s permanently erect. The whole structure is filled with dense layers of a stiff protein called collagen. Even the central bit, where blood would normally flow down, is just collagen, collagen and more collagen.

That’s bizarre. Whenever a reptile, bird or mammal has a penis (and some don’t), it always inflates in some way. Maybe blood pumps into it, as in humans, other mammals, and turtles. Maybe it explosively turns inside-out like in ducks and some lizards or snakes. Either way, some shape-changing occurs. But not in alligators—when Kelly tried to artificially inflate the penis by pumping saline, it didn’t change in either length or diameter.

So, if the penis doesn’t inflate, how does the male alligator extrude it from the cloaca? Muscles would be the obvious answer, but continuing the theme of “really weird”, the penis has no muscles attached to it. It’s almost free-floating. One pair of muscles—the levator cloacae—cradle the penis like a sling, but doesn’t actually connect.

This stumped Kelly until she saw Moore’s video. She now thinks that when the levator cloacae contract, they force the penis out by squeezing the cloacal chamber. “This squishes the whole penis and pops it out of the vent,” she says. Indeed, when Kelly yanked on the levator cloacae by hand, the penis of her dead alligator leapt into the outside world.

I said the penis is almost free-floating. It’s got a tendon that connects to its middle, which helps to swivel it forwards when it pops out. Its base is also attached to the hip bone by a pair of large ligaments, that are “the consistency of the big rubber bands the post office uses,” says Kelly. When the penis comes out, these rubber bands are stretched. As soon as the levator cloacae relax, the elastic ligaments yank the penis back in.

an alligator penis

Alligator penis.
This is just a hypothesis. Kelly now wants to do some tests of the muscles, tendons and ligaments to check that the “ones I think are everting the penis are actually the ones that are doing this”. Then, it’s time to look at living crocodilians to see how they actually use their penises, and how they might benefit from a permanently erect organ.

I leave you with this—an autographed cocktail napkin on which Kelly sketched out the alligators’ genital tract for me at a bar in Raleigh, North Carolina. She would like me to note that is it not to scale.

Nurse_Robot ,

Isn't it also that sourcing the raw materials for the batteries results in a lot of pollution, and the charging is often provided by coal burning plants?

Nurse_Robot ,

That's awesome information! Thanks for putting it all together in a comment

Nurse_Robot ,

I don't even understand that particular grouping of words

Nurse_Robot ,


Nurse_Robot ,

I could be wrong, but maybe 40% of the cookie by mass is chocolate chips? Like a 1 gram cookie containing 400 mg of chocolate chips?

Google Search’s “udm=14” trick lets you kill AI search for good | Ars Technica ( )

Tack "&udm=14" on to the end of a normal search, and you'll be booted into the clean 10 blue links interface. While Google might not let you set this as a default, if you have a way to automatically edit the Google search URL, you can create your own defaults.

Nurse_Robot ,

It's a shame that they'll certainly prioritize nerfing this over fixing actual problems

Nurse_Robot ,

Wow, the film makers Heineman and McNally are total pieces of shit. They were warned several times that people would be killed if they didn't blur their faces. Heineman and McNally said it would be fine, then said no one ever warned them, then said it's normal to show faces, then said it's really the governments fault, not theirs.

Heineman and McNally are responsible for this person's death, and are too cowardly to admit it.

Nurse_Robot ,

Damn, haven't used mine in about 2 decades, definitely can't remember anything about my profile to possibly access it

Nurse_Robot ,

Fucking why

Nurse_Robot ,

Imagine equating hate groups associated with lynching to groups seeking equal rights and protections. You're a clown

Nurse_Robot ,

Okay, I do have big respect for putting a strikethru instead of deleting your comments. That's cool, I'm going to do that in the future

Nurse_Robot ,

I'm an omnivore who respects and has some desire to be a vegetarian. You're making vegetarianism look bad.

Nurse_Robot ,

Fuck, you're insufferable. I'm assuming you're just a troll.

Nurse_Robot ,

Downvoting the guy who said "you don't get people to agree with you by insulting them". Also, insulting me when I said I supported vegetarianism. Also calling the majority of humanity "slow", while willfully ignoring that not everyone has the blessing to be able to afford everything they think is most ethical, nor the blessing to have the education to desire alternatives to meat.

You're just an asshole, and you justify it by preaching about how long you've been a vegan. I gave you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you were a troll, but you're worse. You're an arrogant narcissist who can't handle criticism.

Nurse_Robot ,

I'm not mad, but I am confident that you're a narcissist. It's a bad look.

Nurse_Robot ,

I think Mayuary is my favorite, it's not often I find an arrangement of letters that look that wrong

Nurse_Robot ,

Probably not too long, considering how many of his comics feature backwards letters. He's probably a pro

Nurse_Robot ,

You're really tempting the mods on this one. Not that I don't agree with you.

Nurse_Robot ,

That came across as if you were being facetious, but maybe I'm wrong. Tone is difficult to assess over text

Nurse_Robot ,

Silky Boogaloo

Nurse_Robot ,

Wild? He's the only 20-something who earned enough to purchase a house

Helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi involved in hard landing, local media reports ( )

A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was involved in a hard landing while visiting a northern region and his condition is currently unknown, Iran’s semi-official Tasnim news agency reported on X on Sunday....

Nurse_Robot ,

From the conflicting reports and hours without updates, I think they died

Nurse_Robot ,

The YouTube accounts fake description says he's been harassing her for days over every little thing, always brings his lawyer to the door, and she's finally fed up enough to shoot him with a "powder gun". Not sure if it's in this videos description, but that's what I remember reading a few days ago when this got stuffed in my recommended videos

Nurse_Robot ,

Up up, down down, left right left right B A START

At least I'm pretty sure that's it from memory

Nurse_Robot ,

There's something beautiful about your typo. I'd love to know more about ladysitters

Nurse_Robot ,

I'm assuming he's not in custody because he's in the hospital. There's no way they're letting this guy get away; in an increasingly polarized society, few things bring everyone together more than being anti-shooting-a-fucking-baby

Nurse_Robot ,

Not sure why you're being down voted, with the stress and stakes of the presidency I assume every single modern president has had their performance enhanced a number of times.

Nurse_Robot ,

Lmao I was at ~5 upvotes, now I'm in the negative, and no one has written a comment explaining their disapproval for either of us. Amazing

Nurse_Robot ,

With the astounding amount of work I have to go through with every job I've had, when it comes to personal information, previous addresses, social security numbers, driver's license, previous employers, etc, how is this a thing? Do I spend hours filling out these forms for nothing?

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