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anlumo ,

IIRC the complaint was that he wasn’t harsh enough on his colleagues who said some things that could be interpreted as anti-semitic.

anlumo ,

The LGPL is inherently incompatible with anything on Apple's App Store, so if there’s a chance that I might want to publish it there I can’t touch anything-GPL.

anlumo ,

I can tell you that I wouldn’t invest my time in developing a game if there’s no chance of selling it in the first place due to the license requirements of a third party package.

anlumo ,

Depends on your point of view. Legally it definitely is, because the LGPL stipulates that nobody is allowed to attach any restrictions on to the code above the things the LGPL restricts itself. This makes it impossible to combine with the App Store, because that store adds additional restrictions.

anlumo ,

Yeah in theory people could buy your GPL/AGPL app from you, but they could also get it legally for free from anybody else who has bought it. Guess which way will dominate.

anlumo ,

Game design and gameplay is part of the source. All the balancing etc. to make it a fun experience. Most of the numbers don’t show up in the UI, so they'd either have reverse engineer it or reconstruct it somehow through months of game testing.

anlumo ,

Only if they have a 100% tax rate, which I doubt.

Campact[Petition] - Geldfluss der AfD stoppen! ( ) German

Schmiergeld aus Russland und Spionage für China: Die AfD steht im dringenden Verdacht, unsere Demokratie an Diktatoren verkauft zu haben. Trotzdem kassiert sie weiter ungestört Spenden via PayPal.[1] Über den Online-Bezahldienst können AfD-Fans einfach per Klick Geld an Höcke und Co. schicken. Das ist für die Partei...

anlumo ,

Ist das klug? Damit würde die AfD noch mehr von Russland abhängig werden.

anlumo ,

clap and bevy are big offenders there. It's really hard to learn how to use them due to this.

anlumo ,

I just checked again, and apparently they finally added some documentation since I last checked. The section about the macro stuff just used to say “look at the examples”.

anlumo ,

My experience has been that good documentation is mostly something done if somebody gets paid for the work. People working on stuff in their spare time just don't care enough to document their project.

anlumo ,

It’s the confidence with which he sprouts his nonsense. People flock to confident personalities, because they must know a lot of things (presumably).

anlumo ,

I’d rejoin for double the wage I previously had. Need to build up an emergency fund for this precarious position.

anlumo ,

That’s not how research & development works. Nobody asks for a specific person there. Stuff just doesn’t get done.

anlumo ,

There’s the saying that software development is one of the few crafts where the craftspeople also create the tools for themselves.

anlumo ,

Es ist der freie Markt! Angebot und Nachfrage.

anlumo ,

Bevy's ECS is tied up with Rust's trait system, therefore it's impossible to use a different language.

Bevy has added runtime-defined systems and components to enable scripting integration in recent updates.

anlumo ,

OP is talking about a different kind of skill issue than the article. The article is about skill issues in writing Rust code, while OP is about skill issues in choosing the right technology for the right task.

Not picking Rust for code that has to be prototyped quickly and iterated a lot is kinda obvious. The solution would be to use Rust for the core engine where the requirements are clear and something else (lua? Python?) for the gameplay code. Even the engine the author wants to switch to does the same with with the divide between C++ and C#.

anlumo ,
  • Improved autocomplete when programming
  • Recommendations for third party packages or protocols for programming or letting it list details for them, or comparing two competing implementations
  • Hints for my TTRPG stories (not so great for that, because it always uses very similar ideas)
  • Helping recalling a word I forgot by simply describing what I mean, same with phrases or proverbs
anlumo ,

Location tracking and recording of all activity (voice, text messages). The FBI has admitted doing so during big events like protests.

anlumo ,

Geld ist genug da, soziale Infrastruktur wird nur unter der neoliberalen Politik gezielt kaputtgespart.

anlumo ,

Im Gegensatz zur deutschen Regierung sehe ich mehr Staatsschulden als nicht so ein Problem an. Das ganze Konzept ist ja so gestaltet, dass es von alleine weniger wird (durch die Inflation).

anlumo ,

It's not related to the left/right divide, this is the authoritarian/liberal axis.

anlumo ,

A bartering LLM where the system prompt contains the worst deal it's allowed to accept.

anlumo ,

The traditional separation is between individualist vs. social. Individualists value personal freedom over the prosperity of the community, while socials strife for welfare for everyone over personal life improvements.

anlumo ,

Und ab Montag dann zwei Wochen auf Urlaub!

anlumo ,

Klar, Kohlekraftwerke sind viel günstiger.

anlumo ,

I’ve looked into this. For proper integration (e.g. not as a hack with platform views that require a ton of overhead and multiple separate rendering contexts) I’d need access to the native rendering API in Godot, and the engine doesn’t expose it in any way that I could find.

anlumo ,

Ich sehe immer wieder Stellenausschreibungen für indische Jobs, Bereich Frontend-Softwareentwicklung. Dort wäre der Betrag gar nicht so abwegig.

Wobei, das Job Posting von gestern in der Richtung wurde vom Jobboard wieder entfernt, anscheinend hat da jemand interveniert weil das so lächerlich ist.

EU's new tech laws are working as small browsers gain market share ( )

Independent browser companies in the European Union are seeing a spike in users in the first month after EU legislation forced Alphabet's Google, Microsoft, and Apple to make it easier for users to switch to rivals, according to data provided to Reuters by six companies....

anlumo ,

The web standard is so broken that it’s absolutely infeasible to write a new engine, and Chromium is much easier to embed into an application than Mozilla’s engine.

anlumo ,

Would be interesting what would happen when the EU regulates that browsers aren’t allowed to render non-standards compliant pages at all in order to allow new engine development just based on the spec, rather than having to implement all error fallbacks as well.

The EU is just bureaucratic enough that they could do that without realizing what a tornado of poo that would cause.

anlumo ,

Austria tried that by forcing citizens to pay for the state media directly instead of tax money, but it pretty much failed because politicians just can’t get their hands off that and so always place their own henchmen into management positions there. Obviously they’re also unwilling to create laws to get rid of that power.

anlumo ,

Austria has that (with the catchy name Verein zur Selbstkontrolle der österreichischen Presse – Österreichischer Presserat), doesn’t help one bit, except in extreme cases. (no English version available, unfortunately)

An espionage scandal rocks Austria, laying bare alleged Russian spying operations across Europe ( )

The case is special given its international dimension and the fact that it is not only about espionage but also about the infiltration of the Austrian political system and the weakening of the country’s internal security,” he ¹ said....

anlumo ,

It’s one of the economic pillars of the city.

anlumo ,

Der Traffic meiner Firma ist ca. 80% USA. Wie wir noch auf netcup gehostet waren, sind ab einer gewissen Grenze sehr viele Verbindungen von Leuten aus der USA einfach gedroppt, innerhalb Europas lief es gut. Der Support hat felsenfest behauptet, dass sie internationalen Traffic nicht throttlen, aber es war eindeutig nachzuvollziehen, dass so etwas passiert.

Wir haben jetzt fast alles von dort weg verschoben (nur mehr die Landing Page ist dort, und das wird auch nicht mehr lange so sein), und jetzt haben wir keine solchen Probleme mehr.

anlumo ,

Meine Theorie ist ja, dass sie technisch nicht throttlen, sondern einfach ein extrem schlechtes internationales Peering haben. Das müsste ihnen aber in ihrem Monitoring auffallen, dass die Leitung komplett ausgelastet ist…

anlumo ,

Endlich mal über 100km/h fahren dürfen mit dem Fahrrad!

anlumo ,

I think you can always reject an incoming letter.

anlumo ,

What’s the error bar on that statement of yours?

Österreichische Zeitung oe24 übernimmt Postillon-Artikel ( ) German

In einer Welt, in der Fakten und Fiktion oft ununterscheidbar verschmelzen, sorgt eine kuriose Geschichte für Aufsehen und Heiterkeit. Jörg Thomann, ein fiktiver Charakter aus Frankfurt, hat es angeblich geschafft, seinen Traum zu verwirklichen: Nach sechs Jahren akribischer Suche und Sammlung von hinabgefallenen Boeing-Teilen...

anlumo ,

Wie Bild, aber weniger Substanz und mehr rechtslastig.

Pekings Dumpingpreise: Nach den USA dürfte jetzt auch die EU ihre Gangart gegenüber chinesischen Rekordsubventionen verschärfen ( ) German

Je nach Schätzung fördert China seine Konzerne zwischen drei- und neunmal so viel wie Europa und andere Industriestaaten. Besonders viel Geld fließt in Greentech-Branchen. Bei Solarpanelen oder Autoakkus sind Chinas Firmen längst Weltmarktführer, bei E-Autos oder Windturbinen drängen sie gerade verstärkt in die EU. Gerade...

anlumo ,

D.h. Strafzölle auf grüne Technologie und viel Förderung für die Benzinindustrie! Großartig!

anlumo ,

Der Fehler entsteht schon dadurch, dass die Europäische Industrie vor allem auf Erdölprodukte setzt. Da müsste es einen massiven Ruck Richtung erneuerbarer Energien geben.

anlumo ,

It’s probably something personal, but I never questioned that. For me it was an abstract challenge, and that was rewarding enough.

I also intentionally moved into a field that heavily relies on math afterwards (computer graphics), so maybe I’m just weird like that.

anlumo ,

Was glaubst du, wie laut der Aufschrei in Österreich wäre, wenn die Steuern aufs Schnitzel erhöht werden würden?

anlumo ,

I’d instantly reject such an approach. Find a better way to do things.

anlumo ,

Bei Instagram geht’s darum, dass sie gut gegenüber den Peers auf dieser Plattform aussieht. Social credit und so.

anlumo ,

Die Leute, die dieses Post sehen, wissen das aber doch eh schon?

anlumo ,

The EU's privacy laws don’t require a cookie dialog. It'd be legal and a way better user experience to make tracking opt-in and move the setting to some configuration menu somewhere else.

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